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Not A Bug Close the Gate raid - missing tattle emote

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Raccoo, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    In the raid there is an emote
    08/19/22 08:43:12 PM    A dark aura starts to form around Whitestripe, Shurburt, and Ihunger.
    Light begins to shine from Qestrel, Marsmage, Roccky, Drathoss, Cinilya, and Bubbulz.
    The dark aura people must stay away from Light aura people. If light/dark aura people get close, the dark aura spawns an add 'a stolen shadow'. The raid is missing an emote tattle telling who has caused the occurrence of this add (who failed the emote). This makes it difficult for raid forces to identify who fails in order to help correct the problem. Possible solutions: adding the name of the dark aura who spawns the adds underneath the name 'a stolen shadow" in parenthesis, or an emote saying what dark aura person spawned the adds.
    Deillusional, Duder, Barton and 13 others like this.
  2. Jumvapace The Most hated

    A simple "The darkness from Soandso merges with the light of Thisandthat forming a fluffy pet to play with. The pet will be very angry if his master dies!" would be ''the bee's knees" or 'The cat's pajamas'...

    Ya know.. since originally, when these adds spawned, they were supposed to be a 'pet' until the light player died. This is how Absor explained it on the beta forums, but was never the case. And it'd be funny to call a shadow mob...fluffy ;p
    Syylke_EMarr, Rexa and Raiena like this.
  3. Ratalthor Developer

    This is not a bug, so I will be closing this thread.
  4. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    Can you explain why emote failures are not mentioned in the raid event?
    Duder and Veteran_BetaTester like this.
  5. Burnie New Member

    If its not a bug, then its an error? right? Going to fix it?
    Duder and Fenthen like this.
  6. Iribabh Augur

    Ratalthor can you help explain how this isn't a bug? Are you saying that it is with intent that a failure emote was excluded from the event, preventing people from determining who it is that is literally wiping the raid? Because when that emote gets failed it's almost always a wipe. Like 98/100 times.

    The emote in question targets a lot of people, and without that MISSING notice, it's exceptionally hard to tell who's making mistakes. Not many people jump up and down with their arms in the air going "IT WAS ME I SCREWED UP AND KILLED US ALL!". In fact often times the person who causes it has no idea they caused it so it can't be addressed.
    Duder, Fenthen and Syylke_EMarr like this.
  7. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    I agree that it would be nice for all "one person commits error, rocks fall raid wipe" to give messages, but given we know who gets called, we can do something like requiring people to hit a macro that tells the raid they've run after they make their move away or w/e, that will at least tell us who's sleepy or watching tv.
  8. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    It also makes it impossible to be sure the script is working correctly, because many times when you ask if anyone has come back you get 3 people "Nope, I'm still away from raid."
    Kaenneth, Duder, zleski and 2 others like this.
  9. Knifen Augur

    Hence why they say its not a bug. If you cant prove its broke, is it really broke?
  10. MarttinPH Augur

    Are you still considering to close the thread?
    Fenthen likes this.