Cleric 'max' raid healing

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Nylrem, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Nylrem Augur

    After doing a bit of quick calculations, after reading the AA thread, I thought I'd share a thought...

    If we get a new Graceful Remedy in next expansion, if it does not share a timer with current one, we will gain about 20% increase to raid healing (number of heals able to be cast in a timeframe) with just that single spell addition.

    I know everyone hates nerfs after a certain ability/spell has been given, and I don't want that at all. So, I am stating now, with an addition of a new Graceful Remedy, even if it was as 'low' as our our current one, we would be able to cast almost 18% more heals per timeframe. Add to that that it will probably heal for at least a little bit more, and it's easily 20% or more increase to raid healing potential per cleric.

    If get a hastened intervention AA and it reduces recast on interventions to 23s or less, you will be able to multibind: new graceful > current graceful > intervention > intervention > intervention and cast 38-39 heals per 100s, with interventions being able to be recast by the time they come up again, each rotation. Worst case, can go to the 4th intervention, and it will be 31.6s total weave, and intervention recast will be up before even current recast on them.

    Compared to our current 31-32 heals per 100s we can do now, that's a pretty big increase.