cleansing rod and venenium

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Apoc, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Apoc Augur

    The recast on these are horrible makes them pretty useless. Venenium should be 5 seconds like shield of immaculate light and the Cleansing Rod should be around 10 seconds.
  2. Silv Augur

    Cleansing Rod is pretty trivial to get so I'd imagine 10 seconds would be too short. It *should* be better than potions though (e.g. Tropical Cure All which is also at a 1 min recast).

    I'd definitely agree that Venenium should be on par or better than Shield of Immaculate Light. Although, it seems like many of the "rares" from TDS raids are junk relative to COTF. On a potentially positive note, at least we'll have someone new on itemization now; maybe we'll get some fresh ideas that actually make sense.