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Classes in high demand on Mischief

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Gigg, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Gigg New Member

    I will be returning to Everquest shortly and was just curious of the classes that are in a high demand or that there aren't a ton of on the Mischief server. I checked through the forums and didn't see anything recent mentioning this.
  2. Kywen Augur

    IDK, it seems pretty balanced to me. Play whichever class you like!
  3. Mrjon3s Augur

    Play whatever class you want to play. As long as you know how to play the class you will be fine.
  4. uk6999 Augur

    Bards, Clerics are usually the top two for any guild. Seems server is very top heavy on melee dps and tanks. Seems to be a need for caster dps but not nearly as much as Bards and Clerics and maybe a druid.
  5. Numiko Augur

    no matter what class, well played ones are always in demand.
    Loki4567 likes this.
  6. Thewiz Augur

    The server is very low on Berserkers.
  7. Gnothappening Augur

    And gnomes. Definitely needs more gnomes.
  8. Duckforceone Lord of the Ducks

    clerics are always needed.... if not cleric i'd say go for a great puller class like bard... it's going to be the main puller in planes of power... which is about a week away..

    but over the last week running groups, it's been easy getting tanks, healers and dps.... good pullers are rarer....
  9. Appren Gnomercy

    Clerics (bleh...), bards will be in demand. Probably don't pick an SK (not that they are bad in any way, but most servers have a metric fuckton of them). Otherwise, pick what you like.
  10. Kumiko_Lockjaw Elder

    best in slot cleric ftw :)
  11. Mattling Elder

    Don't play a cleric.

    Yes, you will always have a raid spot but grouping becomes a pain in later expansions. Unlike Druid and Shaman which can slot in as a DPS, you're pretty much always just exclusively a healer. Everyone and their mother has a healer box and contrary to popular belief, people don't actually kick their boxes to make room for you.
    TLP Addict likes this.
  12. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Having played a druid on multiple servers, and quite well, I can say definitively that druids are never in high demand.
  13. TLP Addict Augur

    Raids: Clerics, Bards, Wizards, Druids, Paladins

    Groups: Tanks, Enchanters, Pullers, and Slowers for PoP and beyond.
  14. Captain Video Augur

    Classes in high demand on Mischief? ECON 101.
  15. Risiko Augur

    Cleric, Bard, Shaman
  16. FranktheBank Augur

    If your cleric is the one in magelo, then you have the wrong legs for BIS.
  17. Pikallo Augur

    Missing out on 30% spell haste but at least hes got FT 43
  18. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Having plenty of options should not be understated!