Choosing a box crew

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Crowd Controller, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. IblisTheMage Augur

    Curious: can your druids Alliance be triggered by the merc healer?

    Also: an interresting box, if you ever post some videos, I would love to see how it works.
  2. UgeneCarefulAxe New Member

    My regular box crew is Ranger / Mage / Enchanter, with Shammie sometimes swapped in for Enchanter. After a long break, I am just finishing up EOK Tier 2.

    I think the answer for the best option amongst your choices depends a lot on whether you are 3 boxing with supporting mercs, or just 3 boxing. If you use mercs, then you don't want healing so much in your crew. You need something to tank, something to reliably pull singles, crowd control, and something to deal damage. The merc cleric(s) can keep you alive. I can handle most named by having 2 cleric mercs up. (You may want to drop the second cleric for normal grinding. I don't, because I'm lazy. . .)

    Tank: Mage Earth pet tanks EOK stuff well, particularly if you spring for ROS expansion and get to 109 level pet. Focus makes a big difference, as does blocking slow casting merc healing spells.

    Pull: Ranger has a lot of pulling tools. So does Enchanter. Mage adds CoTH to the mix, so you can split most stuff up. I generally pull with Ranger and a little Mage magic. Could use Ench more, but no need.

    Crowd Control: Enchanter shines here, and Ranger can help.

    Damage: Mage and Ranger are pretty steady damage. Enchanter adds a decent amount, so you kill stuff fairly quickly.

    I'm sure other mixes work great, but this one lends itself to boxing. You can macro the basic pull scripts around the Ranger puller. Mage assists, sends in pet, malo. Enchanter assists, tash and slow. Ranger autofire archery and snares somewhere along the line. All toons have blast macros that cycle through whatever casting lineup they have. None of your toons have to maintain melee positioning for the most part.

    Enjoy whatever choice you make.