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Fixed Internally chat channels, friends list still missing

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Scila, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Itaru Journeyman

    Friends list and chat channels stopped working today on Erollisi Marr and Beta servers
  2. Fuelforfire Lorekeeper

    Logged in for the first time today and same issue with a blank friends list. If I try to add someone to it, I get the alert that I have modified the friend's list. But, none of the addition(s) show. This is on Tunare/7th Hammer.
  3. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    On Luclin tonight, No friends list or channels for anyone on server.. regular chats worked, group guild.. and fellowship.. but nothing you would type /1- /9 for..
  4. Rondor Augur

  5. Drakang Augur

    Fail if you log out. If you never logged out you have them.
  6. Scila Augur

    This is getting cwazy - knock knock anybody home?
  7. Stormweaver New Member

    As of 15 minutes ago, when I left POK, my quests disappeared that were assigned by Fisk? I forget the name, the daily hotzone quest giver. Go back, say level 20, it pops up, click accept and nothing

    Ive been back 2 weeks, after being gone since 2003...this seems a bit off . An issue a new game would have :L)
  8. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Honey this is about chat channels, not quests..

    and, Luclin everything still down for everyone..
    Celephane likes this.
  9. nemotech Lorekeeper

    Still no U-Chat, friends or Iggy on Test, FV and E Marr. This thread dates to Sept. 16 2020?! Posted in Discord yesterday, but did not expect any response. figured I would post here as well. I realize Beta is up and that req's attention however, this is kinda important. To have means to communicate, other than say /ooc /shout given the nature of a MMO. JS, irony - no communication about no communication.
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Down on Bristlebane today as well. Tweedledum and Tweedledoo strike again.
  11. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    I did just realize one nice bonus to the no chat channels.. no selling PL services spam, or ice encrusted spam, or Xserver recruitment spam..


    Nennius likes this.
  12. Drexyll Lorekeeper

    It seems like some people that this has happened to have also lost the ability to use there mercs. I petitioned yesterday morning and got a response a few hours later telling me it was on my end, that my EQ files were corrupt. Deleted the ones he told me to and nothing changed. I'm sure this mess will get fixed, but more than likely it will be about a week and they'll break 10 more things in the process :(.
  13. Solanli Journeyman

    This is quite ridiculous. Roll back your patch... spin it up in a sandbox and figure out what is wrong. There is absolutely no reason to leave the game in this state while you attempt to QA and patch the issue.
  14. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Just for fun. Honest. No editorial comment intended. Really. Truly. NM, who am I trying to kid.

    Narye and Celephane like this.
  15. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    not on our end they have said the platform people are trying to figure it out.. and it's been in progress for 6+ weeks,,
  16. Xanadas Augur

    How are chat channels so bad? They've been around for like over a decade now. It interferes with the ability to play the game. With no auction channel, I'm just sitting on crap that I'll never sell. Please fix this thing once and for all.
  17. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    I had this suddenly start happening on Live, when nothing had changed on my system or with the game itself. Not sure why.
  18. Malbro Augur

    chat channels on Luclin / mail is down also
  19. Narye Augur

    All down on The Rathe too, least they all know my pain now :(
  20. Tegila Augur

    not true. i never logged out my accounts and they all lost them except 1 channel on 1 acct/computer