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Charm Gating problem

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wowjustwow, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. code-zero Augur

    I think people are forgetting that "back in the day" play nice was enforced by the volunteer guides who were given huge leeway in arbitrarily enforcing rules and occasionally finally getting so fed up with the player antics that one at least summoned members of a guild under a dragon and bound them their to be put in a bind death loop.
    Wowjustwow likes this.
  2. Amoeba Augur

    People that charm gate are scum. But they exist. Safety in numbers. I have found most my success in groups with a line for the item and us all working together.

    I would prefer to see gate break any charm. Makes most sense to me.
  3. Illusory Augur

    Charming and gating while admittedly unethical, is not a form of inconvenience since,

    1.1 Play Nice Policies - Activity within EverQuest

    There will be no first in force or engage rules arbitrated or enforced by a Game Master or Guide on any server. We believe players can resolve disputes about camps and raid bosses between each other. Game Masters and Guides will not help negotiate these disputes between players and guilds.

    By the rules, you don't own an NPC or camp because you were sitting there for (n) hours. On these servers, you will have to fight to claim an NPC that you wish to kill. Therefore you are not being harassed.
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Wowjustwow Elder

    It is very true that you don't own an NPC but on these servers, the stance of GMs from day 1 is that DPS trumps all.
    So now that we have established that, I will say that the guy who cited the violation to the griefing rule is completely correct. Knowingly taking a tagged named PH to the other side of the zone (by means of charm gating in this circumstance) is 100 percent griefing. On a different note, it is an attitude "if I can't get it than noone can" which is pretty childish.
    Rouan likes this.
  5. Rouan Augur

    Taking the ball and going home is far more than just a camp dispute at that point. You're purposely making the camp worthless until you've forced them to leave.

    You're also daring them to dispell the charm and try and get them suspended in return for harassment.

    By your interpretation of the rules training is a perfectly fine way of settling a camp dispute.
  6. Illusory Augur

    Charming and NPC and moving it to another spot doesn't have an affect on your character. Thus, you aren't losing anything that you didn't already have. If someone intentionally trained you, then you would have a leg to stand on.

    Again, it's an unethical tactic and the rules allow it to happen.

    Please elaborate on how you managed to come to that conclusion from what I posted?

    (P.S. - In my above post, 'fight' is synonymous with 'damage race.')
  7. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I cannot imagine why Daybreak doesn't want to pay other human beings to settle these things. :rolleyes:
  8. Accipiter Old Timer

    Isn't all griefing childish at its core?
  9. Buddi Elder

    If I get first aggro via charming, then gate with mob so nobody can steal it from me, how is that griefing anyone?
  10. Wowjustwow Elder

    If it is a named and you are doing it to get the kill on it without interruptions than I do agree that it is in no way griefing. There is a fine line though. If someone is actively killing that obvious nmed PH and you charm gate the PH off with no intent to kill it, it crosses the line into the griefing realm.

    In the current state though, the charm gate is not being used in the way you described. Folks are coming up and charming pre-engaged mobs and sometimes using instant charm, instant gate potion combos. It's quite annoying.

    All of this is made possible by something the devs did a long time ago to fix pet pathing. If you get too far away from your pet, you can warp it to yourself. It makes sense for non-charmed pets but for charmed pets, it opens up the gates...
  11. Buddie New Member

  12. Rouan Augur

    I think this sums up the people who are fine with charm gating everything with instant charms and instant gates.
  13. Wayylon Augur

    Let melee bind in any zone so we can use the charm gating exploit too.

    I mean it's only fair right?
  14. Deadshade Augur

    I hope all of you posting here do realize that we are only a few weeks into Kunark , right ?
    In other words during a VERY transitory period where several hundreds players in large guilds look for VP and HS keys, right ?
    Come in a month and see how nobody is talking about this issue anymore because those who needed keys already have them and the rest didn't care about them first place anyway .
    I can't really imagine what happens in the head of somebody who would be ready to pay X Kronos for a HS key today .
    What is the point ? Why wanting it now for Kronos and not in a month for free ?

    This doesn't change the fact that I find the charm gating method bordeline inconsistent with the play nice Policy but on the other hand I understand that DB won't waste ressources for a transitory problem whose "importance" will go away by itself in a few weeks .
  15. trollivesmatter Journeyman

    Are the increased spawn rates of VP key mobs in effect on Agnarr? They were tweaked on RF and Phinigel at one point. Agnarr is not the first TLP, so it's doubtful the tears will change anything, you are not the first to deal with this bottleneck.If the spawn rate changes are in, well, you don't even know how good you have it.
    Gate isn't instant, if someone is there to charm 'your' mob, engage first, keep dispel loaded. It casts faster than gate does... Keep fraps up or w/e you use, I highly doubt a GM is going to penalize anyone for dispelling charm on a mob if they have video of engaging first and some dirty enc trying to steal it has their charm dispelled. The rules are open to some interpretation, video is your best bet.

    This issue isn't going to go away. Every expac will have some variation of the same thing. Best get used to dealing with it.
  16. Superdeath Lorekeeper

    fairly sure there are instant gate potions, as mentioned in this thread anyway.. if someone is wanting to, they can easily charm/gate before anyone can stop them. save a 6box sk crew harmtouching the mob ect.
  17. Sinisterx New Member

    Don't try to ks chanters and you wont have this problem