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Charm Gate: Fixed.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Protagonist, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Protagonist Tank

    snailish and Krezzy like this.
  2. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Big if true.
  3. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    As an enchanter I endorse those new settings. :D
    snailish likes this.
  4. Ragnoruk Augur

    A fantastic change. Thank you Daybreak!
    snailish likes this.
  5. a_librarian Augur

    has it been confirmed that COTH breaks charm as part of this change?
  6. Protagonist Tank

    Yes. As well as gate, translocate, or evac. I haven't confirmed res yet, though.
  7. Selo_slinky New Member

    Did you actually test coth? Because I did and it didn't break charm.
  8. Protagonist Tank

    A guildmate did and said it broke. They only did it once though - if you've tested to the contrary, they may have just gotten a fluke timing.
  9. Selo_slinky New Member

    It's not breaking charm, but devs are aware of this and will likely be fixing in a future patch. See below.

    snailish and Protagonist like this.
  10. snailish Augur

    I applaud this dev team and their attempts to evolve the game. I think that needs to be said.

    We know new shenanigans will rise to the top of the irate posting list, but the fact that time and effort continues to be invested in trying to improve gameplay is encouraging.

    This is not my endorsement of all individual changes (we won't all agree on what is a good change or not across the board) but I appreciate that the intent of most changes the past few years have been towards "greater good even if not good for you".
  11. MaxTheLion Augur

    People on TLP's just need to stop being pieces of so they stop modifying the game with wide brushstrokes. Too many changes have been implemented due to the unscrupulous actions of a few .
  12. Nuttmeg Augur

    You can blame that on the, "if the developers aren't changing it, it's intended and not an exploit" crowd.

    Bravo, DBG. Very well done. Thank you for listening.
    snailish likes this.
  13. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Solid advice.

    Spread the word in game.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You want to play classic EQ, then you should and stop demanding changes which effects live servers!

    These changes are not needed on live and players on liver servers should not have to change the way they have played for 15 - 20 years just because TLP servers cannot play nice with each other!

    GROW UP!
    code-zero likes this.
  15. Christopher84 Journeyman

    Players have personal responsibility to not act like cretins but DBG also have a responsibility to police players who act like cretins. DBG's official policy is that they wont police most issues and they expect the community to police themselves, except they leave us absolutely no tools with which to do so. Ironically the one tool people feel they can use to police the community (intentional training) is the only issue that DBG do enforce and will respond swiftly with a temp or perm ban if you're caught doing it.
  16. code-zero Augur

    Perma bans should always be the punishment for training. The rules are simple, DPS race rules and with the changes to mobs remembering damage caused and the charm/gate changes there's not even a poor justification for intentional training. No more excuses
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just bring back the trival loot code so those higher levels stop stealing from those the correct level killing the mobs!
    code-zero likes this.
  18. snailish Augur

    trivial loot code prevented quest completion. It was a disaster that FV was happy to lose.

    They could likely write new epic questlines for live servers with the amount of effort that would be needed to correctly level set all mobs/drops to not break questing in a trivial loot world.

    That the implementation side.

    Besides, big box team would just bring along one alt of the correct level to be able to loot the drop. You'd only be shutting out the people with less accounts to game the system.

    Philosophy side... if a person wants to do a level 10 quest on their level 65 and/or get a level 10 drop is that actually an issue?

    Much of the loot drama in pre-PoP content is greatly reduced if the drama loot is no drop, especially if you don't give non raid loot the long unlock/rot timer.
  19. yerm Augur

    Go back to your live server and take your awful sig and terrible suggestions with you. Trivial loot code was quite possibly the single worst idea eq ever made the mistake of trying.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This one is for you!