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Can't request VP Partisans

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Traxen, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. Traxen Lorekeeper

    I am trying to get Veeshan's Peak Partisan tasks to no avail. I get this:

    Perhaps you should speak with Praetor Maestra, Praetor Noctis Trayer, or Praetor Noctis Torg.
    Gelidalin Stormsinger says, 'Perhaps Praetor Trayer could use your help.'

    Thing is, I have all of the pre-requisits. I have full Merc and Partisan for the other zones and Merc for VP.

    Any ideas?
  2. Rondor Augur

    You also need to do the quest for the Veeshan's Peak key involving collecting the 9 fragments of a medallion and a tooth from Overking Bathezid. Look up the quest for "Scaled Key" starting in Skyfire-ROS for more details.

    Prior to the release of the COV expansion you neeeded to do that quest to be able to zone in to VP-ROS, and therefore implicitly you'd have gotten the flag needed to request the partisans.

    Now that VP-ROS is open-to-all to walk in, it's not evident that the key-quest is needed for requesting partisan, but it is indeed required.
    Fenthen, Niskin, Duder and 3 others like this.
  3. Traxen Lorekeeper

  4. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    You can zone into the static version of VP without a key now? :eek:

    I thought they stopped opening progression locked zones years ago! Are all TdS zones open too?
  5. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Nope, still have to do progression through those.
  6. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Do named mobs in VP still have double chance to drop RoS powersources?
  7. Cragzop Cranky Wizard


    Do you not have a toon or a friend that can make the ToV ones? Pretty darn easy to make these days if you've done the ToV ear to level 5.
    Bigstomp likes this.
  8. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    My earring is at level 3, so far my ToV powersources has been donated by guildies, but im saving those for raids(and special occasions), until I can make them myself. However, I have friends who does not yet have ToV nor the VP-key, and was merely considering my options. :)

    I have a bunch of TDS powersources in the bank, if I become really desperate.
  9. Namde Augur

    I just ran into this same message and situation. I guess I have to make the VP key for fun, and to do partisan.... Boooo
  10. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    The key is pretty easy nowadays. Just go do it.
  11. Namde Augur

    Boo, cant get this quest yet as I need Hero done for RoS first lol