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Can't Log In w/o deleting eqclient

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ramstein_Povar, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    I recently built a new computer. I copied my old everquest from my old computer to a thumb drive and then back to my new computer. The only way I can get into the game is if delete my eqclient.

    After getting into the game, I have to fix my resolution, fix some boxes and then i can play normally. Once I log out of the game, the game locks up and a huge window is around the edge of my screen. The only way I can get the client to close is to reboot and or sign out and back in.

    Once all that is done and I try to log back in the game, It locks up after I try to log in the server.
  2. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Did a fresh install of the game and only copied over the character files this time and it still did it....guess I rebuild my UI without using any old stuff...grrrr
  3. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    After further testing, no matter if it is a fresh install and not one single setting or file from my old machine is transferred, It locks up after I hit the server select button and wont go any further...
  4. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Well, I solved my problem. As a fresh windows install my windows version was 1803. I used the windows update assistant and updated my windows the the latest version, 1903 and it fixed my issue. No idea why or how, but it did. If you have the same issue, update windows.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  5. Moege Augur

    1803 worked
    1903 break windowed gamma

    Glad the upgrade worked for you for some of us we wish we never did.
    AcemoneyFV likes this.
  6. Piznut Angry Gnome

    I hear ya. Ever since I updated Windows 10, all of my PC's that I upgraded on have been crashing EQ at the login screen 50% of the time
    AcemoneyFV likes this.
  7. AcemoneyFV Augur

    Try right clicking the EQ Button on your desktop, open up the properties, click the Compatibility tab, make sure it's set for Windows 7. This has solved all my problems with EQ.
    Piznut likes this.