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Can't Buy Wax Candles

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Elvenphox, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Elvenphox Lorekeeper

    Working on post-300 baking skillups and trying to create Dinner Gift Basket. To my dismay, this recipe requires Wax Candles which are only available on one vendor who lives in Halas. As a dark elf necromancer, I cannot buy from this vendor. I tried purchasing the wax candles on another character but it turns out they are No Trade. I then used my shaman to create a Barbarian illusion potion, but the merchant still will not sell to me due to my class. Was this recipe intended to be uncraftable by dark elf necros, or is the No Trade tag a mistake, or are the candles supposed to be sold on another vendor (evil-friendly)?
  2. Thunderkiks Augur

    It's probably going to take a while but if you look up that vendor you see what factions he is on and do quests to raise that faction. The better ones are turning in wrist bands and polar bear skins. Link to Zam's quest here > http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=224
  3. Elvenphox Lorekeeper

    I wouldn't be opposed to that route if I knew it was going to work, but my experience with the barbarian illusion make me doubt its efficacy. Prior to the illusion, the vendor criticized me for being dark elf, but while under illusion he changed his message to being anti-necro. Faction adjustments, as I understand them, work to correct racial biases but do not overcome class biases. For example, you can have max ally with a faction, but in some instances they will still not sell to you based on class. I suspect that is the case here.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  4. Khoza Augur

    No, it's not that he'll NEVER sell to a dark elf, or a necro. Actually, all those messages are random. Try buying from him while illusioned, and he'll eventually tell you that you barbarians have ruined your own lands, you'll not ruin his! (Despite being a barbarian.)

    So faction, faction, faction, and go ahead with that illusion. It'll help still.
  5. DinkumThinku99 Elder

    It is quite doable: I've done it. :)

    I have a dark elf necromancer in his low 20's who's on good terms with everybody in Halas except the rogue faction. ( As far as I've been able to find out, there's no way for anyone to raise Halas rogue faction if they don't already have decent faction with them.) So as long as he doesn't want to use the bank or wander into the rogue guild area (behind the bank), he's just fine doing whatever in Halas.

    There are at least two merchants in Halas that even a dark elf necromancer can do quests for to improve the non-rogue factions in Halas.

    Note: I'm assuming you haven't done anything in the past that would lower you standing with any of the Halas factions. If you've done anything in the past to lower your standing with the Halas factions, I have no idea if you can fix it (are there potions of peace for Halas factions?).

    I used a double-faction potion from the market place to speed things up, but it still took a loooooong loooooong time. I didn't use any illusions.
  6. Thunderkiks Augur

    Yes it does work. My dark elf rogue is amiable to them and has no trouble purchasing.
  7. Moege Augur

    Gnome bertoxx following necro and I can buy from him. Possible indeed just a bit of faction work.
  8. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    Two simpler solutions than grinding faction for you.

    1. Have a druid cast wolf form on you. Might make you neutral enough.
    2. Shroud into something that's a rogue and sneak behind the merchant. Make sure you put some plat in your bank first.
  9. Stephen51 Augur

    What about rogue shroud? Get someone to invis you/cloudy potions. Get behind npc, SOS, and try buying? (please disregard if that is classed as an exploit ;))
  10. Elvenphox Lorekeeper

    Rogue shroud did the trick. Thanks!