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Can we un need enchanter charm pets in classic

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    Title typo. Un need= un nerf

    Enchanters don't get breeze until kunark, and they don't get clarity till high level.

    It's hard enough to find a group until you get clarity, with the charm nerf enchanters are useless besides a few mez when you over pull.

    Make enchanter charm pets good again. When kunark is released you can nerf again because new enchanters have breeze and leveled enchanters already have clarity.
    Zinth and Mirix like this.
  2. Zrender Augur

    Probably not going to happen. They were nerfed because they're crazy op. I think their pet damage was just dropped by 20% which is still better than just about anyone else's damage. That being said, I DO think they should unnerf the enchanter stun nerf where the stuns share cooldowns. That was supposedly to combat the PLing in deep. It did nothing. The PLers have been out in even bigger numbers. They need to revert enc stuns and just make PLing against the rules if that's their goal. Seems nutty to me anyway that it's against the rules to afk level with like a pet or something but ok to afk level using PLers who are 100% for sure RMTing.

    Anyway, I wouldn't worry about enc being needed, they are still the most desired class in pretty much every group in classic. It's not just for clarity it's because mez and even a 20% damage reduced pet are godlike in classic. Not sure why you had a hard time getting a group, maybe it's your play schedule or something..
    Overcast451 likes this.
  3. Lamberduim Elder

    I live in Australia and it's a struggle to find a group on my enchanter on mischief when it first came out after a week
  4. Trox2010 Augur

    Were you also in a car accident, and is the enchanter nerf discriminatory towards non-Americans?
  5. wade_watts Augur

    Your experience is totally different than mine! I've mained an enchanter on the past 4 TLPs because I love the utility of the class - but it's really not difficult to find groups. Even with the nerfs you are the most desired class for virtually all of Classic + Kunark and beyond. If you can't find a group - perhaps you can find a healer and make one pretty easily. You are basically the best DPS in the game, even with the nerf, lack of DPS is probably not whats causing the group issue.
    Appren likes this.
  6. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    I ran an enchanter on mischief up through kunark, you're crazy. Charm dps is still super good on top all the great utility you provide.
  7. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    I can only think of one Enchanter who struggled to find groups on Mischief because this player refused to charm a pet in the hole. Several of us suddenly had phantom real life dinners to eat, and thus we were replaced with reps who would later be like, "wtf...you never told me that this enchanter doesn't charm when you invited me to the group."
  8. Lamberduim Elder

    You guys sound dumb. We need pet to not be nerfed. Do you know how many groups invited me. I run to. They realize I don't have mana spell and my pet is weak and they kick me? I get kicked from so many groups because weak pet and no man's spell
  9. verbatim Elder

    Both were dumb nerfs, so was preventing you from charming in VP. Enchanters are an amazing class and wonderfully unique to the game- then they slowly have their soul stripped from them and they become pure buff boxes. Playing the class means you basically can't leave your chair while you XP- letting you perform OP damage as a trade off is 100% fair.
  10. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    I agree that we need to nerf Enchanter pets even more! I propose a 50% further reduction in damage and an automatic five level decrease automatically to the charmed pet.
  11. Truetotheblue Augur

    Charms cost XP instead of mana. Consume 8% of your current Xp per cast.
  12. Arclyte Augur

    are we expected to sympathize with the most powerful class in early EQ?
    Appren likes this.
  13. MBear Augur

    What levels are you at when this is happening?
    You get charm at 11 which can charm up to 25. Then clarity at 26 so it seems safe to say you are talking about between 11 and 26. Pets at those levels are monsters if you are charming a higher level and still good even if you are charming a pet of only blue con or above.
    You may want to look at all of the other possible issues, because getting kicked from a group as a chanter who can generally play the class is not a normal thing to happen.
    Have others in the group had any suggestions which may have seemed dumb to you?
    It isn't very common to kick someone from a group before expressing some kind of displeasure with that group member.
  14. Lineater Augur

    What an unfortunate typo.

    I played a bunch of enchanter before and after the nerf. The nerf was barely noticeable. Charm pets are still monstrously OP, and lvl 26 isn't a "high level." lol.

    Not sure if troll post.
    Polekn, Appren, Pizzanomicon and 2 others like this.
  15. Go Take A Nap Augur

    I charmed a Yellow frog and attacked a blue frog in upper guk around mid teens.. yellow charmed frog loses hp faster than the blue frog. Also, My frog was hasted with quickening or whatever the first haste spell is(its not a lot). The nerf is most noticeable at lower lvls, before this chanter was stupid OP and it was very easy to level fast.

    Bright side, charm mob is a beefy pet to tank, much better than the crappy summoned one and far better than any starting tank. No complaints here! Charm gets more fun at later levels when the risk is much higher to keep it, as it should be.
  16. Go Take A Nap Augur

    if you are worried about stuns just start using your single target ones. They are pretty useful for recharming and you can weave them with your ae one
  17. Talis New Member

    the stun nerf only really matters for aoe groups which, honestly should have happened 20 years ago...

    As far as charm itself... even with the current nerfs, a hasted, charmed pet often outdpses entire groups even when the entire group is raid geared... The real problems as an enchanter are that you either end up doing literally everything, charm, pull, mez, ae, whatever... or nothing but occasionally buffing. and for some expansions the places where the "good" charm pets are, are not the places most people really want to group... That being said pretty much every time those two things align, a good enchanter will carry their group, hard.
  18. Pizzanomicon Apparently from Grobb

    This has to be a troll post lmao.
  19. Appren Gnomercy

    Sadly, I don't think it is :(
    Pizzanomicon likes this.
  20. error Augur

    The degree to which charmed pets have been nerfed in classic is severely overrated.