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Can we talk about the Enchanter Epic?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ECrack, May 25, 2020.

  1. ECrack Augur

    So SK's got some love in this category. Looking for some hot sticky love as well. Thanks.
    MysteryShopper, Zurd, wum1 and 2 others like this.
  2. MaestroM Augur

    logged back in to say: "This."
    Skuz likes this.
  3. EQDude Elder

    What did SK's get? I remember just skipping enchanter epic because it was nearly impossible to get done and also kind of useless anyway.
  4. Protagonist Tank

    Marl now accepts several handins before despawning.
  5. EQDude Elder

    Ahh nice!
  6. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    It's 2020, Mangler has been out for over a year and is currently in the LDoN era. For the past 2 days someone has been socking the Verina Tomb spawn both times I ran past.

    Good luck future enchanters :)
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Crazzie Lorekeeper

    LOL everytime i log in with the low lvl toon, someone dies.
  8. CyryllisFenninRo Lorekeeper

    The enchanter epic is an absolutely terrible experience on TLP due to verina/drozlin long spawn timers. Unless you can no life it and convince guildies to stick around and be ready at any second to snipe them, you are going to have a bad time.

    The worst part is, once you get your epic, your melee friends will still insist on VoG 90% of the time or more. Enchanter epic simply isn't worth the hassle. Wait till epic 2.0.

    Unless they do something about those spawns, only an extremely small percentage of enchanters can complete the epic in any reasonable amount of time. Considering how fast TLP progress, save yourself the headache and frustration unless you have a ton of time on your hands and reliable friends.
    MysteryShopper and Skuz like this.
  9. KrayolaKrayons New Member

    The spawns could be tweaked for sure... Considering they shorten time between expansions from original release, it only makes sense to fix some old antiquated spawn timers. Don't really care for the comments like "well that's not classic" either, we all know this stuff isn't nowhere close to classic except in name.

    But on the brightside, Aradune and Rizlona opening means alot of the people who make your life miserable on mangler will be gone for a little while.
    MysteryShopper and Skuz like this.
  10. Botlhan New Member

    if they just Allowed picks in Citys all this could be avoided. long as you brought 50-70 people to pop a new pick
  11. LDEffectsMe Augur

    When I saw this thread, I thought it was going to request that Wraith of a Shissar be added to DZs.

    But yeah, I can tell you, I've been on Mangler since Kunark and only just finished my Enchanter epic last week. A buddy and I decided to 'no life' it and camp Wraith, Verona, and Vessel until they all spawned. Took 69.5, 56, and 52 hours respectively. During the camping process of everything but the Wraith, countless level 1 toons popped in to check for the spawn.

    Something is terribly broken when people are checking constantly for these spawns 9 months later.
    MysteryShopper and Skuz like this.
  12. Izzo New Member

    Yes, 100% agree with you OP. God I hope they address this.
  13. Sithil Elder

    Add Wraith to DZ and decrease Verona and Vessel respawn time.

    They helped other bottlenecks but refuse to fix the worse one after years of complaining.
  14. Machen New Member

    For the record, you want the devs to give you "hot sticky love."?
  15. muse New Member

    As an enchanter who ended up never finishing epic, and will be rolling enchanter again, I'm all for some love.
  16. ECrack Augur

    It could be slippery but definitely not cold.
  17. Muttonchops New Member

    So, anything every gonna be done about this absurd quest?
  18. ripndobys New Member

    Enchanter epic is so OP on cleric hammer pets in raids lel
  19. Kebbin New Member

    I did this quest on Agnarr during Velious. 0/10 will never do it again.
  20. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Never played a wiz, enc or sk, but really at this point they SHOULD be all complete able via DZ/AoC. Make the ones in the cities spawn every 6 hours or something and change the drop rate from 100% to 25% or something so the epic isnt a complete pushover but is actually viable sometime near "in-era".
    Zurd and hurikane like this.
  21. TheChosenOne Augur

    People asking for more enchanter love in this thread is hilarious.. the most broken, OP class in the entire game and people are clamoring for more "love" for this broken class
