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Can we make with a new progression server already?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by wade_watts, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. wade_watts Augur

    New TLP in December was not real TLP. Fake TLP that nobody plays on except for the 4 people that come to the forums and talk about how everyone plays on it.

    Real TLP's start in Classic. Imposters start with Classic + Kunark. Everything else is a lie.
  2. Hdizzle Augur

    Pfff... Go all the way!

    No more live expansions, lets just make new truebox TLPS every 3 months. Everytime an expansion opens on a TLP another fresh TLP starts up. You can always reroll and even pick which expansion to play. Bah I hate PoP.. i'm gonna go play on the Kunark server because 1-60 will kill more time than leveling 1-50.

    Real suggestion devs… why don't you truebox code your forums so the same 10 buttholes can stop asking for stupid things across 1581205 accounts all the time Lol.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just make a TLP server where levi doesn't function at all, problem solved.
  4. MMOer Augur

    Imposters start with Classic + Kunark

    I would LOVE this. The last TLP doesnt interest me and the one that opened last year is too progressed (everyone has leveled) for me to enjoy. Would really like a new open that starts with Kunark and has a longer combined unlock.

    As for people who keep saying "no more TLP" they only say that because they know it will pull some attention from current ones they are invested in.
  5. wade_watts Augur

    I'm ashamed to say that my desire got so bad... I lost control and created a new free to play toon... Next thing I know I came to and I was in the middle of a pile of dead rats in the mines of Gloomingdeep.

    Come on DBG.. look at what you are reducing me to. Make with the new classic TLP already!
  6. Karanthal Augur

    No more TLPs, mangler is going well atm, population is good with PoP on the way.
    Zorglub likes this.
  7. Zorglub Journeyman

    I agree, this server is amazing.
  8. Aelivaa New Member

    Unfortunatly truebox as well (not necessary a bad thing, but not for me)
  9. NoWay Augur

    Nothing wrong with the levitation.