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Can we get an option to move to Rizlona with bags?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tepin, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Tepin Journeyman

    Ok so I get that you guys have lots of technical challenges. I work in IT, lots of us do, I get it. Problem is we don’t have a timeline commitment and those of us with day jobs and raid guilds to run, our members cannot play with us.

    As an option for us can you offer us moves from Aradune to Rizlona so we can take our bags with us? I’m fine re leveling, but the bags are a bit too much to just up and abandon.

    Thoughts dev team?
  2. Healiez Augur

    Petition, they will move your bags one time from Aradune.

    They did it for me at least.
  3. Tepin Journeyman

    Sorry I meant to title WITH our bags...
  4. Grecco New Member

    But what if we had a guild of 100+ people all with bags /petition this at the same time. Would they do this for each one or tell us to take a hike?
  5. wharfrat New Member

    they will let you re-claim your bags on riz if you delete your toon on dune. they will not move your toon.
    Pumpernickel likes this.
  6. Healiez Augur

    They didnt make me delete my toon on aradune...
  7. wharfrat New Member

    lucky you. you must have gotten a different GM. I decided to stay on Aradune rather than delete just to get bags back.
  8. Kiaro Augur

    You probably asked the wrong question - you have to ask
    Can you move the special bags from X character to Y character (not the XP pots etc.. just the bags) not
  9. wharfrat New Member

    That's not what I said at all. You assume too much.
  10. asmodethenaughty Lorekeeper

    Screw that. I paid for those bags. Give me the option to move to Rizlona with my bags....
  11. Healiez Augur

    EXP pots, bags, resurection coins were all transfered.

    Didnt have to delete my toon or anything. The only request was that only the items that came in the bag originally were in the bag.
  12. Seris New Member

    Why can't Daybreak offer free character transfers to Rizlona? How hard is it really ???