Can I get away with a free account...?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Braxton, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Braxton Lorekeeper


    I really want to give EQ another shot with all the wonderful updates I've read about.

    I am not ready to subscribe just yet, and I really wanted to give it a nice amount of time before deciding if I am going to subscribe.

    I have read the website, but I feel that the players may be able to answer this better than the website does, being that many have probably gone through this...

    Are many of you "fine" with a free account, or do you feel it is too limited?

    I'm a college student, and the semester is ending soon. I would happily play with a free account and then upgrade in the event I spend a great deal of my summer on EQ, which is a real possibility... but with the free to play stuff I'm reading about, I am just curious if I'll be missing out on a lot by NOT paying a monthly fee, or is this just another way to lure people in and then get them hooked and once they are hooked they pay?

    Thanks again.
  2. Elsewhere Elder

    IMO you don't need to pay for membership if you are going to stay under level 70-75, so it largely depends if you are going to be happy doing that or not. If you want to play EQ like your own kind of Sky rim type experience, then F2P is absolutely fine.

    The biggest part of the F2P restriction is arguably the AA cap. Even if you bought everything usefull, at Level 70 that would come to about ~500AA depending on class. A silver account has a AA cap of 1000. A comletely fresh F2P account has 250(?verify anyone please?).

    A note on Autogrant. While tempting, if you go gold for 1 month, auto grant and lapse back to F2P, you gain all (important word - see below) AAs available to your current level and you will retain all those AAs granted after your membership expires.

    However, a word of warning, I once auto-granted a 66 Ranger, who ended up at 1089/1000. Not only did this mean once I fell back to silver, I could not earn ANY more AA's at all, ever, unless I continued paying a monthly sub, it also meant my 1000 AA cap was filled with crap like First Aid, Bandolier slots, Potion belt slots, Packrat, Hybrid Research, and useless Inate stat increases while already miles over cap.

    It basically meant I never touched that character again and rolled a new one. Be warned.

    TLDR - Play to 70 on Free, it will be more than enough. By then you should know if you like it enough to start playing a monthly sub.
  3. Braxton Lorekeeper

    Thanks again!
    I am positive I have a silver account... as I had paid that one time fee a while back, and later had subscribed... I had canceled my subscription and I would /like/ to think that my account would be bounced back to silver, being that I did pay that one time fee.
  4. Borek-VS Augur

    I generally agree, apart from the above excerpt. You do get junk AAs on auto-grant. But, all you need do is pay for a month every few levels - say, once at 75-80, and once at 90, then whenever you feel like an AA burn for the next month.
  5. Braxton Lorekeeper

    Thanks again. I'll get on very soon.