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Can focus effects be added back into the game?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lizardo, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. Lizardo New Member

    Pretty sure these were removed due to not being classic. With recent changes, that doesn't seem to be an issue anymore so let's just add them back in.
  2. Cuzon Augur

    I have to agree with this request. The TLP servers are not "Classic EQ" servers so using the excuse that this wasnt a thing in classic shouldnt hold any weight.
  3. Fizon Augur

    No. Here's some more pop era gear down ur throats
  4. Cuzon Augur

    Double post. Stupid server lag
  5. Moardots Elder

    +1 bring back focus. If tower gear is ok then why isn't focus? How come only melee gets gear that actually significantly increases their power?
  6. Zinkeh Augur

    I agree. Focus effects were ONLY supposed to be disabled for Mangler server due to it's ruleset. They were simply never turned back on.
  7. Zinkeh Augur

    Except that they were on for TLP previous to mangler and just left off after.
  8. Briano Lorekeeper

    Yeah, we had the focus effects on items for Phinigel server. It was fun for sure.
  9. Doze Augur

    With the move to unlock OOC regen on all servers regardless of expansion then there are no more any valid excuses to keep Focus Effects deactivated for the first 3 eras on TLPs.
  10. FGgn479n nf933 Journeyman

    If tower gear is ok; focus effects on classic-velious should be too. It gives casters some meaningful upgrades to chase.

    ME? Matters not as you stubbornly refuse to make the only class I play available any sooner then Luclin. So for me every TLP starts at luclin unlock. I really miss raiding NTOV too :| Oh well for another thread.

    Focus effects on old gear, yes please.
  11. Gheed Augur

    Please bring the focus effects back! I didn't understand removing them in the first place. It makes a lot more gear impactful and interesting.

    As others said, we have tower gear and out of combat regen. Lets get these back
    Allworth likes this.
  12. Tierdal Augur

    Elemental level non-vis gear and FT7 not enough for you?
  13. Herf Augur

    You will eat your focusless items and LIKE IT! :D
  14. Cuzon Augur

    I could understand if content was challenging with the focus effects turned off, so they were kept off to keep the challenge. That being said, nothing is challenging at this point in time so turning them back on wouldnt ruin anything.
  15. Cuzon Augur

    Dang double post again. I get a message saying the post timed out, but jokes on me because it didnt.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Something that is only going to be an issue on this round of TLP servers and it shouldn't be an issue in later ones. Besides those focus effects give a lot more to casters then the gear in tower does.
  17. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    There was absolutely no reason to remove focus effects till Luclin, in the first place. It is just the continued disconnect devs have with TLPs. What was experimental for one expac was just left in, with absolutely no rationale behind it.

    If they didn't, they should look at charm ez mode and broken monk DPS. These two are far, far more impactful for a TLPs for half a dozen expansions than 20% more heal or spell damage value in the first 3 expacs.

    OOC regen from day 1 is far far more impactful also.

    Those who play TLPs know these obvious facts and issues for a while now. Those who don't, continue to be uninformed, to put it very mildly.
    Gheed and Doze like this.
  18. CdeezNotes Augur

    Muh FT!!!!

    Any item with a focus effect would basicwlly replace the tower items anyways. Focus >>>> raw stats
  19. Elabone Augur

    First time I'm ever agreeing with Waring...but he's correct.
    Tower gear is not going to be present on all TLPs, so using it as a comparison/reason to reintroduce focus effects doesn't make sense.

    The out of combat regen is a much better argument for why focus effects should be put back in. But even then I'm not sure its something that is warranted.
  20. Gheed Augur

    Once you agreed with Waring everything else you said became irrelevant. I wish you luck finding your way out of that dark place.
    YouAreProbablyWrong likes this.