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Call of the Forsaken - Void raid: The Journey Home - broken beginning script

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Fenthen, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    For reference: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=7637

    I have started this raid up twice, and both times it gets stuck on this line:
    Zebuxoruk shouts 'I can see it, feel it... the rifts widen, the worlds begin to merge. A single point amid all points... all points are one... one is in all, and all is nothing... go now to the rifts and push back the tides!'

    The raid will not process to the following lines.

    I can request the raid, zone in, move about, if I fall off the path/islands I immediately die. Those parts are working. Clicking on the relics produces a message
    "A relic's power was recently unleashed. You must wait for the energy to become stable.
    The powers of the relics are safe to use again!"

    Zeb will not respond to hails or other messages, after I go through his initial dialogue. He will not respond to "begin" a second time. He is not attackable. Lanys stays put, no rifts go active, no mobs spawn on islands.

    Am I missing something? Maybe this is a bug, or maybe there's something I am not doing during the dialogue/lore script in the beginning?
  2. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    We've run this raid at least 10 times since early summer on Xegony without any issues for Shield coin, including last Saturday.

    Say begin to start the long starting script...move folks to islands waiting for add spawns...eventually the islands start spawning mobs. We've gotten some weirdness when we don't have enough people to populate all islands at the start and Zeb and then Lanys goes active and starts the island booms.

    But always managed to get a chest and coin.

    Not sure that helps, but I can confirm the raid works on Xegony.