Buyer interface does not pull up several items that it should

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Ravanta Suffer, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    I play on Mischief.

    Mischief as we all know, has free trade rules, identical to FV.

    So you can buy most items that on traditional servers in bazaar. And they can be found in the /buyer interface even if you do not have the item.

    I noticed that I could not find several items in the /buyer interface I would like to.

    I do not have an exhaustive list, but here are a few examples of items that I cannot get to pull up in the /buyer interface:

    bracelet of darkness
    crown of ambivalence
    sanguine robe

    I posted about this in the TLP thread to see if anyone else had noticed it.

    A summary of that thread is that it was suggested that the items have to have dropped on the server in order to show in the buyer interface. That may have been true in the past, but I know it is not true now. I know this because I attended a raid that a sanguine robe dropped on, and am wearing it now. And other items that *do not drop* but are quest rewards do show up in the buyer interface. (Talisman of Vah Kerrath for example) I also know that we have at least one bracelet of darkness on Mischief, as I know that it was looted by someone and sold to someone else.

    I'm assuming there are other examples of items that are not showing up in /buyer. I did pop over to FV and I confirmed that all of them quickly show up in the /buyer interface as one would expect.
  2. MustardonWatermelon Elder

    This now appears to no longer an issue after today's patch. All items listed as not showing up in buyer previously, now do. I searched for more items, and I could not find one that I expected to populate, that did not.

    This can be closed.