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Burn rotation

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Nekuliz, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Nekuliz Journeyman

    I main a 117 mage and I'm looking for a burn rotation that can/will carry me through 125. mostly need it for named and for missions like griklor, zlandicar and others like that. I got a full box team that needs geared and though baz is a decent place to get gear I cannot afford to spend 5-10mil pp per toon gearing them. any help would be appreciated. thanks
  2. fransisco Augur

    check out the mage channel on discord.Lots of info on how to adjust things there.

    In general though, your basic rotation will be servant, of many, chaotic, spear.
    That order specifically because servant gives synergy which you want to use on your largest nuke (of many). Then chaotic because it can proc twincast, ending with spear.
  3. Cadira Augur

    I think he's looking for burns, not a weave but that might help too.

    I think it's just heart of skyfire, spire? Improved twin cast, any of your swarm pet aas like servant of ro, host of many, companions fury hotkey, optionally glyph of power.
  4. fransisco Augur

    Don't forget burnout, and theres also the old robe click from tss.
    Theres other details like when you click host of many. The game will only produce so many pets at a time, so don't click host just before casting servant, as you won't get as many pets.

    Then the proc part too. If its a proc, it decreases pet dps. Shaman buff proc = bad. Bard song proc = bad. Pet weapon proc = bad. proc = bad. All pet procs for all classes are broken as they actievely decrease pet dps. Known issue for years.
  5. Cadira Augur

    One note, procs really only hinder pet dps in raid zones where immense calculations are going on. He mentioned he's doing group boxing stuff so shouldnt apply to him.
  6. Randomized Augur

    So I was of this mindset too, but it's not true.

    I ran two 5 minute parses with my BST warder. One with no weapons, one with, and only buff was haste (to increase data points inside time limit).

    There was a 12% difference, favoring the non proccing weapon parse
    Tuco likes this.
  7. Cadira Augur

    5m parse does not provide enough data to make any claims, others have seen otherwise from long, real parses.
  8. Sancus Augur

    Okay, here are hour long parses: >> link <<

    While the issue is more acute in raids, it's definitely not solely relegated to raids.
    Tuco, fransisco and Cadira like this.
  9. Tuco Augur

    I'd dispute this. I'd wager that if you ran a 5 minute autoattack pet parse 12 times in succession you'd get very similar results each time.

    If you wanted something more statistically significant it'd be better to do parses (5 minutes would be fine) in different zones and at different times. I'd wager it'd scale with zone/server latency and you should get better results from a quiet zone off-primetime than a busy zone at primetime. How servers are distributed for different zones, I don't know.

    Because pet proc damage is so low, it's advised to never use proc weapons. It would only take a very minor amount of reduction in hit count to lose out.
    fransisco, Sancus and Cadira like this.
  10. Steakandeggs New Member

    So you're saying the shaman roar lion actually decreases pet dps? That's wild. Is it due to pets losing out on rounds of attacks when the proc occurs, and I should be blocking these buffs on all my pet classes? Equip no mage toys and block all proc buffs?
    Does this affect melee classes as well in a negative way?
  11. fransisco Augur

    Yes, roar of lion, bard proc songs - they all decrease pet dps. Note this is ONLY pets, not players.
  12. Randomized Augur

    Note also, this is strictly for optimizing DPS. If you're using pets to tank, specific procs are useful for holding/generating aggro. And while tanking we know DPS takes a back seat to aggro.
    fransisco likes this.
  13. Vumad Cape Wearer

    If we're just talking about burning down a named, is there any answer better than "click everything"? I am sure on raids there is some room to optimize AA use but named fights are usually short. Any overlap is much less common and requires attention to group makeup. Note that I don't play MAG as efficiently as ENC.

    Also, did something change with "Of Many"? I'm seeing my spear at 93k plus my robe focus but Of Many at only 86k with 7 pets. I thought Of Many used to have a higher number than Spear? Did something get nerfed or does Of Many push ahead due to AAs?
  14. fransisco Augur

    mixing enchanter and mage? I duo that pair, and when its burn time I just activate everything. While the chanter spire won't help the mage as much (it increases crit chance, but so does mage spire), it does help the chanter too.
    The only mage burn which doesn't see much use is thuamaturgy - the magic damage only boost. Thats like the kid who eats glue which we don't talk about.
  15. Cadira Augur

    Spear has higher base damage, but the cast time is unproportionally higher than of many. It's damage is higher, but dps is lower.

    I think this flourishes in mostly raid content, where your magic beam plus thaumaturgy is one of the highest dps potential spells with lots of stacked up adds. But I imagine it's useless to a lotta people in casual group circumstances, yeah.
    Metanis and fransisco like this.
  16. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I think what fransisco said is common, or is it backwards? I would assume such things have been parsed a lot so there is data to back it up.

    The thing that gets me is that...
    Chaotic has a 25% chance to increase by 60-150%
    Synergy has a 100% chance to increase by 105%

    If Chaotic has a 25% chance to average 105%, and Synergy has a 100% chance to increase by 105%, shouldn't the rotation be to have spear after synergy (RS pet)?

    RS > Spear > Chaotic > Of Many
    RS > Of Many > Chaotic > Spear

    What am I missing here?
  17. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Force of Elements is magic so it can help with that if you are using it? I use it.

    Yes on the ENC spire. In groups, I hit spire with IOG. On Raids however, we are over crit on the big burns, so I save spire for when we are at 30% or lower crit. The only thing I know it to do is add 9% crit and we are way over that when hitting the big stuff, so I wait for all that to taper off and then spire. But in groups, it's hard to get everyone over 30% without a BRD or RNG.
  18. Cadira Augur

    First, you're comparing two different spas. The one from synergy is much stronger than chaotics 25% flames of power.

    Second, laws of mathematics tell us that multiplying the smaller base, but higher dps of "of many" is greater increase in dps than using it for spears larger hit but lower dps.

    Although, I swear I've seen of many straight up do more damage per hit than spear, I think the focus is way bigger. If you're seeing smaller numbers there might be some weird issues with your mage or I'm misremembering.
    Vumad likes this.
  19. Brickhaus Augur

    At 125 max focus ranks, Many focus is 100% and Spear is 49%.
    Vumad and Cadira like this.
  20. Vumad Cape Wearer

    The problem I was having was that I was looking at this from writing a social hotkey for a box which is an inefficient way to cast. I realize when I am maining the mage and casting more efficiently that it's not the "net damage in a 4 cast cycle" but instead the recast timers result in a high total cast count when I am actually mashing the button.

    Plus what Brickhaus said. I was overlooking this focus AA being different. All of the other focus AA are 49%. I completely missed that Of Many is modified so much more.

    So I was misunderstanding this from 2 angles. Social vs main total cast count and the max damage potential due to the Focus AA being a larger modifier than the other Focus AA. In both instances, RS > Of Many > Chaotic > Spear.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    I presume this order is unchanged still when soloing? and fewer pets may be in the fight? Or do ya'll switch that up at all when alone?
    Cadira likes this.