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BST + Bard - Do I really need a 3rd?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hein, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    I like playing a necromancer with my beastlord and bard if you decide on pet tanking.

    Necromancer FD combined with beastlord FD and bard Fade is indispensable in most group content.
  2. Flatchy Court Jester

    Might as well toss in the SK for the Trifecta of Fade.
  3. hein Augur

    I'm actually super interested in how this ENC/CLR combo worked? I have a 67 Ench and an 80ish CLR with both 1.0 and 1.5 that I've always wanted to make something of, just never seems reasonable when you can use a cleric merc. I also have a 108 Druid that I've considered boxing with the ENC
  4. Iribabh Augur

    That duo is great. You don't need a 3rd but there are benefits as long as you actually use the toon as more than something to stand around and buff you once an hour.

    If you're wanting to add a 3rd then I'd recommend shaman, druid, or mage most likely. If you want a tank to try and box missions later on, take a warrior. SK's are a super busy class when played well just like BST is and you'll end up dropping the ball more quickly than a warrior.

    Edit: You said you have a 108 druid. If it's on its own account you got your 3man right there. That's my exact box group and I've cleared all progression with it.
  5. dwish Augur

    Beast/Bard is very effective, and that's what I run. Throw in a melee merc or two (depending on content) that synergize greatly with a beast/bard setup, and you have some pretty good DPS with just a 2 class box.

    I do all the expansions with just this 2 box and that includes all hunters. The only thing I will generally get more people for is the harder mission or two in each expansion. Outside of that, you can do everything. That said, I do raid and have full raid gear on the beast, but my bard is mainly in group gear at any given time.
  6. Orienn TreeHugger

    I just added a bard to my SK/ranger/bst crew, and I can't believe it took me this long to do. They're a great addition.
  7. Volas Lorekeeper

    You'll be just fine till you hit 110 and hit the brick wall that Absor called "Velious Progression" where you need ToL geared level 120's 6 boxing to do even the first available quest in the expansion, if you're not outright wiped by the first trash mob that aggros.

    Think Im kidding? Ask around.
  8. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    112 or 113 is not out of reach with steady grinding if you have the time / will available. The paragon/merc tasks are doable for the most part with those two classes which should get them close to 115. I have no clue about getting past that.