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Bring Back Live GM Events

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Allworth, Oct 28, 2021.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    They could maybe make a zone like Sunrise Hills or Sunrise Hills it self to allow players to build there own events. Placeable items, NPCs, text box/key words, particle box with negative/beneficial effects. I'm sure a lot of players could get creative.
    Allworth likes this.
  2. Keella Journeyman

    I have to say I disagree with this summary.

    Having watched Shawn Lord's stream with Jeff he definitely does not come across as some know-nothing.
    I think Jeff is both very knowledgeable and very forward-thinking.

    I also think most of his infamously heated arguments with Brad during Vanguard were likely exactly as Jeff described them, I'm paraphrasing here, "because I wanted to build a great game and Brad was more interested in recreating the MUD environments that got him into the industry to begin with".
    Maybe them butting heads, arguing things through and arriving at some begrudged consensus/agreement on things was a big part of why Vanguard was anywhere near as good as it was and so well loved despite its faults.
    And as I undertsand things Jeff made quite a stamp on EQ and the extensive CS/GM program was at least initially driven by his desire to look after the customers.
    Allworth and MasterMagnus like this.
  3. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I really appreciate that you address my (snarky, as is typical for me) comment, in such a conscientious way.

    And while I will stipulate he had much more influence than I have allowed, I still don't think it rose to the level previously mentioned.

    I didn't care much for Vanquard. I did make a character and try for a bit. Just an opinion thing, too brown, drab, and shooting for too much realism in the era where the tech couldn't support it.

    I did not watch the entire 2 hour video, but read a 'highlight transcript' on MOP. Just the short transcript has several out and out lies, or bare minimum incorrect information that points to a complete lack of knowledge.

    At any rate, thank you for gently correcting me on his contributions. I may play critic now, but he made contributions, you're quite right.
    Keella likes this.
  4. Kaylandra Some Dumb Druid

    Yes there is. First, Labor Laws. Second, DPG likely doesn't want employees flying solo at home.
    Your idea is not very well thought out.
  5. Allworth Augur

    Since the pandemic Daybreak, Blizzard and other employees in the video game business have been working from home. Many Fortune 500 companies in the tech/entertainment business have pivoted and allow tech employees to work from home now. Workers found out that they like working from home and don't want to commute to work when they don't have to. Many office buildings in major cities are vacant because of this.

    Times change, forward thinking companies need to change with them.
  6. code-zero Augur

    I'm fairly certain that requiring uncompensated overtime work isn't going to be in the cards
  7. Dropfast Augur

    If they are even going to do this then they need to bring back making cool, one of kind items like before. That is what made them so cool back in the day. Like one year they made a cool one of kind proc clicky, but have never done it again which really sucks. Even if it's a weak 50 damage proc, I would do anything for it! I'm sorry but wasting precious game time just so I can get some milk and cookies is not fun 8(
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am pretty sure they have rules in place to prevent them from doing these things on live servers (test included) without going through lots of review and approval.
    Karreck and Kaylandra like this.
  9. Kaylandra Some Dumb Druid

    You completely missed the point of what I said. Read the part I quoted, then read my reply again.
  10. Mossaa Augur

    You are free to apply for a non paid position at DB and if you get accepted because you have the skill they need. You can work for free in your spare time as much as you want. But i guess you do not have time for that as you spend all your free time work for free at your current job. I cannot even understand how you have time to play EQ when you are supposed to be at work, working for free
    Karreck likes this.
  11. Karreck Somebody

    Several of us have already suggested that to him. He doesn't want to do any actual work. He wants others to do the work and cater to him.