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Boxing Is The Plague Of EQ

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Efr3, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. filthytlpplayer Elder

    The great thing about paid services is that for people who see value in the services, they can opt in, while people who don't see that same value can opt out. Your opinion is valid, and I agree with a number of your criticisms, but there is no need to try to ruin it for everyone else. Be an adult and just walk away quietly.
    Genoane and ExecutionDbl9 like this.
  2. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    That honestly sounds like a you issue.
    Genoane likes this.
  3. Balegrim Journeyman

    Last time I checked, adults have conversations and debates. They engage in discourse and even, on occasion, question conventional/popular wisdom. Please tell me what it is about my comments you find juvenile, though. Because, to me, all I've been doing is expressing my parting thoughts/opinions which includes (GASP) my criticisms of the community, who I find to be equally responsible for how this and many other games have turned out over the years. I mean, to be very blunt about it, I find "communities" have ruined more games for me than I have for them.
  4. Balegrim Journeyman

    Yeah, and from where I'm sitting, I could say the same about you. One person who enjoys everything this game isn't about anymore is just as suspicious as one person who doesn't enjoy anything it currently is. Also, it's actually comical that you think I'm the only who feels this way, too.
  5. filthytlpplayer Elder

    Debate and criticism of the game are fine. Whether or not the debate leads anywhere is questionable, this isn't public policy, it's a privately held company offering an optional paid service for entertainment, but it can be fun as players to talk about what could/should be. I think your time would be better spent focusing on criticisms of the game itself. While you may feel strongly about Daybreak and the value proposition that they're offering, that's a subjective take, and others will naturally see it differently. Attacking those people isn't going to help your cause, they're the ones that you need on your side.

    If your agenda is to bring about change in EQ, I question the strategy of alienating the people that continue to play by basically calling them mindless drones. If you have a vision on how EQ can course correct, share it and get buy in for those ideas. What you're doing in attacking the remaining community on the way out feels like you're throwing a tantrum. Nobody here needs you to save them from their decisions, they're perfectly capable of deciding how to spend their $15 based on their level of enjoyment.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  6. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    I don't think you're the only one who thinks anything.

    But your feelings about my feelings of the game are your issue, not mine.
  7. Soriano Augur

    First Boxing was not the exception you want to believe in 1999. and by 2004 it was not the exception at all...More people boxed in 2004 than played single characters most every one I played with had a active box.

    The first Random loot server was Mischief and Thornblade, Prior to that EQ had ONE free trade server Firiona Vie (that did not include random loot) that had a single character per account for the first 8 years.

    You come here claiming Random Loot rule set was put in place to combat rampant boxing, yet earlier this week Teek launched and has a TON of boxers playing on it...

    IF that was truly the goal it was a complete failure....only boxing had ZERO to do with the creation of a random loot server.
    Appren likes this.
  8. Fell Augur

    Anecdotal, but I returned to Aradune back then specifically because it was the (supposedly) minimal boxing server[/quote]

    As did I. The gaslighting here is coming from the "crew" who deny what we all realize: most players don't like boxing. Reading forum messages distorts this reality because the populations are so different -- there are 100+ people in my current guild, only 2 of which ever post to this forum.
  9. Fell Augur

    Of course it was. Even by late 2000, if you exclude a few people with "pocket healers", there was one -- ONE -- six-boxer on my server ... a site so rare that he regularly drew onlookers.
  10. code-zero Augur

    I understand exactly what you are. You're one of those sorts who is deeply offended when people don't have fun the "right way" and believe that "Something must be done"
    Genoane and Appren like this.
  11. Balegrim Journeyman

    I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. This conversation didn't start or become what it is because the entrenched EQ population is, or ever has been, open to change. Every thread I've ever read on these forums is full of gaslighting, and oh, alienating behavior that all but ensures the cash shop purchases and monthly fees remain stagnant value propositions forever. This thread included.

    These are simply parting words challenging the logic behind this perceived value that literally no one can describe beyond the most basic function a product can serve: existence. However, you seem to think the only value prop or opinions that matter are those that undoubtedly, and unequivocally, support the current EQ model. All because we can "opt out" or because it's "subjective".

    In other words, we shouldn't expect more because Daybreak isn't the government and we can check out at any time.

    However, what I find most egregious is this implication that the decisions we make as opt-in consumers don't or can't negatively impact those who choose to opt-out. EQ doesn't need to be built on "public policy" to negatively affect the public at large. This is a naïve take at best. Disingenuous at worst. If this is what you really believe, though, I suggest you do some research on current gaming trends, including the rise of microtransactions, subscription-based models, and MVPs.
  12. Fell Augur

    Flatly untrue. I challenge you to name the server. I took my first EQ break after GoD was originally released in 2004, and on both servers I played on (Nameless and Tholuxe Paells), easily 2/3 of the players had never even boxed once, and 80% of those who did confined their 'boxing' to a heal-bot or port-bot.
  13. Balegrim Journeyman

    Yes, it was the reason. And yes, it was a complete failure. And also, yes, boxing was the exception in 1999. Especially full group boxing. Next I guess you'll tell me no one used to group back in OG vanilla/Kunark and that's why boxing has always been the rule?
  14. Relyn Lorekeeper

    Random loot helped with boxing only in that it stopped certain gear from being monopolized by boxing groups. It spread the wealth around so to speak.

    I don't think it was really created with intent to stopping that either. It was just a fun different idea that ending up taking off.
  15. Balegrim Journeyman

    No, I'm someone who believes I can have my own opinions about things, even if we don't agree. I also believe while my subscription is still active, I get to have and express said opinions.
  16. Balegrim Journeyman

    It wasn't intended to stop boxing outright, but it was definitely implemented as a workaround to multiboxer bottlnecks/gatekeeping.
  17. Soriano Augur

    People grouped in 1999 and people still group in 2024...

    The crazy part is most boxers group with other players...just not 5 different individuals...

    I had a regular group on Fippy which was three of us 2 boxing.

    People playing a single character has been the exception for a very long time...
  18. Balegrim Journeyman

    I know it has, but that doesn't make it better. Also, I'm not the one trying to convince anyone that multiboxing wasn't a thing in 2004. My comment was directed toward the game in 1999.
  19. Balegrim Journeyman

    I mean, that's absolutely true, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider things that may or may not affect you yet. I enjoyed this game plenty the same way you do. Until I didn't. That's the only point I was making.
  20. Soriano Augur

    I ran two characters from one machine in 1999..

    I had a monster gaming machine and ISDN in 1999. the reason boxing became more and more prevalent was technology allow it to.

    And as I stated...more people did play single character in 1999 but boxing was not the exception you want to think....a lot of people boxed from day one. As we stood in line in East Commonlands to kill an orc and return to the end of the line.