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Boxing Is The Plague Of EQ

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Efr3, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Trevor Augur

    no one would come back to the game if they banned it, it'd just make a ton of people quit

    the reason people multibox is because the game is designed in a way that rewards you for doing it and, due a bunch of factors, punishes you for not doing it

    and beyond game design, the game is just effectively dead, so even if they solved some core problems with the game there'd be the ghost town factor making people wish they could group with themselves
  2. Balegrim Journeyman

    The current state of EQ makes me realize there are worse things than death. It's time to put this game, and the community that "plays" it, out of its misery. No one actually enjoys EQ. No one actually plays it. It's just Kronos, P2W bundles, multi-boxing, and disposable TLPs. It's time to let go.

    EQ is a soulless, lifeless cash binge barely held together by Stockholm syndrome, sunk cost ideology, and a metric ton of self-delusion/gaslighting. The game is dead. I repeat, the game is dead. Weekend at Bernie's dead. DBG/DPG just pull the game's strings and shake its lifeless corpse once or twice a year, and everyone falls for it. Remember when you watched that movie and couldn't understand how people didn't know Bernie was dead? That's how I feel when I look at this community and the game.

    These last 3 months have been interesting, but after 25 years, I can safely say I'm done with EQ. Forever. The closure is real. Also, INB4 DBG DELETES THIS. Bye, guys.
  3. nanoh New Member

    yea but can i have your stuff?
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  4. Balegrim Journeyman

    Yeah, it’s in the Balegrim’s Stuff Bundle in the cash shop. Only $249.99. You’ll love it. It’s a terrible deal.
  5. Fell Augur

    This just isn't true at all, for two reasons.

    A. While some box as a full-time money-making job, others do so because it's more convenient than grouping. If all the latter group can't box, many of those will choose instead to join groups -- making grouping easier for everyone. Also, when the best camps are no longer consumed 24x7 by autoboxers , grouping itself becomes more desirable ... especially when there's no longer a box army to buy that camp loot from.

    B. Deny it all you wish, but boxing is one of the primary reasons many casual players leave the game. And this isn't the year 1890 .... the instant a non-boxing server became available, thousands of people who've long since quit over this reason would hear the news, and at least some fraction of them would return.[/quote]
    Zalphos likes this.
  6. code-zero Augur

    So you're done with it and you can't imagine that anyone else still enjoys it so just shut it down?

    Give me a list of your other hobbies so I can briefly examine them and tell you which ones I don't think are worthwhile and should be abandoned
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  7. Balegrim Journeyman

    “Briefly examine them.” As I said, you people are in too deep. I’ve played this game since 1999, but I haven’t obsessed over it the last 25 years, slowly letting myself boil to death like a frog in a pot because I’m afraid to lose my “investment”. Anyone who “briefly examines” this game can clearly see the writing on the wall.

    But if you wanna compare hobbies, I assure you none of my other outlets for entertainment reinforce some of the absolute worst practices in their respective categories. This Isn’t just a “you” only scenario. This game has lost and will continue to lose players because people like you keep defending/supporting shoddy game management. It certainly doesn’t do the industry as a whole any favors and is a big part of the reason why gaming has gone down the toilet.
  8. Soriano Augur


    Boxing was around in 1999 people are not quiting over boxers....

    IF people who box stop boxing it does not add more real people to the game which was the statement. It only removes characters from the game...

    If Daybreak somehow successfully removed the ability to box EQ would be gone in under a year.
  9. Balegrim Journeyman

    Boxing was the exception in 1999 and far less impactful than it is today. It’s become the rule and ruin of EQ. Random loot rulesets were created as a symptom of rampant, pervasive boxing. Comparing 1999 EQ to 2024 EQ is like comparing apple sauce to motor oil.
    Fell, ExecutionDbl9 and Zalphos like this.
  10. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid


    Anecdotal, but I returned to Aradune back then specifically because it was the (supposedly) minimal boxing server
  11. code-zero Augur

    I don't actually care what your other hobbies are at all much less want to shut them down.

    I think that you proved my point while completely missing it
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  12. Balegrim Journeyman

    Nor do I care to list them. Clearly. However, if you think I proved your point in any way, it's you who's missed the plot. Modern EQ is disrespectful toward not only the memory of actual EQ and its current player base, but also everyone and anyone who plays any video game ever. Shutting EQ down, along with every other MTX, RMT, P2W, buy now-play never game is a win for everybody. Even you.
  13. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid


    Not overdramatic at all
  14. Balegrim Journeyman

    And more gaslighting. This is exactly why you all get what you deserve. The real drama is how you all complain for 25 years but still pay a premium to be miserable.
  15. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    I'm not complaining tho. I love EverQuest. Nothing miserable about my experience.
  16. Balegrim Journeyman

    Good for you. Now tell me how many Kronos you've bought, how many mercenaries you run with, or how many characters you mult-box. Also, how many exp pots have you bought from the cash shop? Bags, account perks, persona slots, etc.? In other words, how many times have you spent money to skip parts of the game you "love" so much?

    FYI, this is mostly a rhetorical question since I don't expect a genuine answer either way.
  17. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    Zero times

    I don't like boxing, I'd rather sub than farm krono, never bought a cash shop item, and I run with 1 free merch when I'm on live servers, and obviously none on TLP when they aren't unlocked yet.
  18. Balegrim Journeyman

    Congratulations, then. You're just like me. That makes you the exception, and not the rule. You're also definitely not the person who should be defending the current state of the game.
  19. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    But... I like the current state of the game?
  20. Balegrim Journeyman

    I didn't say you don't. Clearly you do. That's the point. I said you shouldn't be defending it. There's a difference.

    That said, this game has no shortage of people defending it; even against their own self-interest. Enjoy living in denial/ignorant bliss.