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Botting / warping groups making it difficult to complete Hunter

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ashigaru, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Tappin Augur

    That’s a high price to pay, especially for raiders. Going without Gina, is going to be painful.
    FubarEQ likes this.
  2. enclee Augur

    GINA isn’t really even necessary. People just need to pay attention. This isn’t a WoW mythic raid, where there’s a ton going on. Also, GINA wouldn’t count, and if it did you might as well ban Notepad or Notepad+ for reading log files.
    Jumbur and Yinla like this.
  3. Enchilada Journeyman

    Yes, ban all 3rd party programs - but ALL, including Gina, Gameparse, WinEQ, ISB, Innerspace and all the non_mentionable ones - all boxers btw too because most use a 3rd party helper even if they pretend not to and it is so easy to see - and then you ban all botters who are KSing which are the reason for the uproar and then you have a TLP server at Level 115 with nearly no players anymore... nice...
    Corona seems to eat brains....

    If people would be able to get their groups going without killstealing or harrassing other players then this would not be a problem.

    Bad that these players don't activate the PVP-flag. THAT is the thing which is meant for this kind of play style.

    Hey guys, activate PVP and go into the pit and kill yourself - then everybody will be happy... :p
    FubarEQ likes this.
  4. Wanuven Lorekeeper

    bumping this thread.

    Bot group in Eastern Wastes on Erollisi Marr is disrupting game play specifically by automatically killing quest mobs for "last of the storm boars." This breaks the quest.

    Also one currently in Great divide 24/7 on Loremaster Metihelb the Lost, not that you care.

    At this point, I might as well start training them and getting banned for it. It's not like I'm able to do progression anyway, because you all won't freaking enforce your own policies.
  5. Evurkvest Augur

    Is the bot in EW/GD on AB the same guy that spent years in the south of FM? Anyone got a link to the original thread about that guy, i cant seem to find it (or did that thread get deleted also?)
  6. PirateLordCarroll Journeyman

    Banning all the cheaters, botters, afkers, and multi boxers who cheat and use 3rd party programs would not make a server with no people. If your logic was sound, project 1999 would of died a long long long time ago, because they do just that. The only people who support cheaters are cheaters, end of story. So quit your cheating.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  7. Tappin Augur

    There will be players left, but not any new content from this CS disaster.
    FubarEQ likes this.
  8. enclee Augur

    Stop cheating using those 3rd party websites that give away all the quest details.
    FubarEQ and Yara_AB like this.
  9. Enchilada Journeyman

    And the same "I want to have a true TLP live server people" are repeating the same story as reflexive as a broken record like the politicians their lies...it's getting stale..

    Yeah, if you are calling everybody cheater who uses ANY 3rd party program like the above mentioned then I know why I don't like to group with people like you anymore.

    Because I don't like EQ-Extremists. Like any extremists who are only able to think in black and white.

    The thread goes about botting and warping, not about extremists view of deleting all boxers and people who use a minimum of 3rd party tools.
  10. PirateLordCarroll Journeyman

    hahahah eq extremists that is hilarious. I dont like cheaters, you cheat apparently it bothers you that i hate cheaters.

    5. You may not modify any part of the EverQuest Client, Server or any part of the EverQuest Web Page located at <https://www.everquest.com/home>.

    You may not defraud other players.

    Fraud is defined as falsely representing one's intentions to make a gain at another's expense.

    You fall under that 2, you falsely represent your self as more than one person in the game to gain at another expense.

    What is the policy on AFK or Unattended Gameplay in EverQuest?

    October 30, 2019 15:40

    It is not permitted for an account to be played unattended or AFK.
    If you need to be away from your PC for longer than a few seconds please move your character to an empty corner of the zone or log out completely.
    If a character, including any pets or mercs, is found performing actions while the user is away disciplinary action will be taken against the account.
    Disciplinary action for unattended or AFK gameplay can include, but is not limited to; account warning, account suspension, and account termination (ban).

    So I am a EQ extremist because you want to break rules and use illegal programs not made by day break to gain a advantage over every one who doesn't. Sounds to the t what a cheater would say.

  11. PirateLordCarroll Journeyman

    Haha right, some one who couldnt figure out the quest uses words some one wrote to help them, and you equal that to downloading a non dark paw program designed by some one to break the rules. Wow you guys cheat so bad it seems, you just grasp at anything to try and feel good about your cheating.

    You want to know what your doing, it is equal to when stores tell people one per customer, and guess what you do, dress up as different people so you get more than you should. You cheating using 3rd party programs, botting, ect is the same as that. It is clear there are alot of you cheaters on the fourms, but I doubt the majority of the servers cheat. More like 10 percent cheat, and you want to make nonsense up in hopes people defend you. Hopefully one day they ban all of you. They sure do like to ban people who are negative, but I would much rather have a forum full of people being nasty and negative, then a bunch of cheaters.
  12. Enchilada Journeyman

    And an extremist does exactly that. Twisting ones words so that he feels good in his extreme view. Gratz. But it is so obvious that everybody can read that. I would even think about you being user "Crybaby" to distract from his person but your simple-minded interpretation of cheating using simple tools shows clearly your level of competency and this seems lower. He knows the rules and is able to twist them like he wants. You don't even have a clue.

    There are differences and your copied bylaws (nearly not readable in that color) says all. If you would have any education (and nobody needs any studies in jura really) then you would read properly and would distinguish what is written here. Many tools do not do what is described herein.

    Black and white...

    and btw: non of the tools I have mention do what is written in the bylaws.
    Duder likes this.
  13. Tappin Augur

    If you at the history of other MMOs, a crack down on third party programs usually means an all or nothing approach. It would be in best to deal with the few people causing the problems first, before causing a CS nightmare.
    Enchilada likes this.
  14. Enchilada Journeyman

    Interesting how some interpret posts. I distinguish between programs which are modifiying the EQ client and programs which are simply tools. But calling somebody idiot for doing that earns a report. Next time I tag the sacarsm part... :confused:

    and again.. the thread is about rude behavior.... botting and warping...
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Lot of trolling in this thread.
  16. Herodotus Augur

    Yes. And it's doing a good job of obscuring a discussion on an important issue.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I suspect that is the intention.
  18. Kurage_of_Luclin Augur

    @ unhappy players on AB. Leave this guy on AB and look for other good servers. Then you have a much better time in EQ. I haven't seen that kind of cheating on Xegony, or even when I was on Luclin. Ask around find a better server. Enjoy playing EQ again elsewhere, because that guy isn't going away. Most importantly you wouldn't be spawning any more named for him to KS.
    You can get lots and lots of proof (video footage), then submit to customer service and hope they go back to work eventually. But posting on forums will only get you advice.
    Whulfgar and Duder like this.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The problem is there isn't another European server to move to. Many are on AB for the low long rate any others to play with at our playtime.
  20. Ashigaru Augur

    That's why I started a separate thread and a PM conversation
    cadres likes this.