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Botting / warping groups making it difficult to complete Hunter

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ashigaru, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. cadres Augur

    There is a completely different grp in the currently-deserted EW. I thought I might get peace to play at 4am, but no,they're still there. Just them. Not sure why it makes business sense to let these folk hound paying customers out of the game
  2. bardlives New Member

    i dont know where you play play whulfgar, but when so many players on AB make ticket about those bot groups (and even can name them) for harassment, warping and AFK playing, it should make DBG investigate.

    maybe just log a GM for an hour or 15 min - as it is clear from just watching them what they are doing and as igniz said .. they can also confirm from server log what they see
    cadres likes this.
  3. PirateLordCarroll Journeyman

    I 100 percent don't agree with that, cheaters should be the focus not some one calling some one names, when there is a ignore feature. Sounds to me like something a cheater would say. Every time cheaters are called out, they all say stop making fun of me.

    I would much rather have a bunch of people talking garbage, which I can easily just ignore, vs a bunch of people using cheats and 3rd party programs.
    cadres likes this.
  4. cadres Augur

    much as I usually prefer not to feed the trolls.....
    Of the people I, personally, know who are not playing outside raids or who play a lot less or who have taken a break altogether in frustration over this, most of them have 3/4 paid accounts (I have 4), one guildy has 10 (all paid for). This is endgame raiders, the hardcore, die-hard fans who are being upset by this as well as casuals and everyone in between -
    We've clearly failed to appeal to anyone on humanitarian grounds, so: in cold hard cash terms permitting this to carry on doesn't make sense
    (perhaps Mr Crybaby is an insider lobbying for the closure of the server? Get the previously-healthy population down and - voila!)
  5. Tappin Augur

    So you would rather devs waste money on going after players who are not disruptive, then making new content? Your request is a customer service nightmare.
  6. Tappin Augur

    Also, the harassment has nothing to do with chat. It’s KSing and trains that are the majority of the problems.
  7. Shanarias Augur

    I still play this game, but I refuse to subscribe as long as there is not a level playing field. Sadly, I also believe someone at DPG HAS to be enabling this. I don't even "have a dog in this hunt", but the easiest way to believe a lie is to wish it was true. DPG will never curb this abuse, because it is obviously more cost effective in their view to allow it to continue. The post about the illogical aspect of the "ban policy" makes it all too clear.

    Good luck to all who continue to throw money away on such a "not user friendly" paradigm. :(
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    I am on the rathe.
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    Trains will get people in huge trouble. The fact that yall goal post moving this makes me question the validity of the accusations..

    First it was warping and kill stealing nameds.. then it was perma camping a camp.. now its training..

    Im not the smartest person on the boards.. but.. how dkes an automated grp (whcih yall claimed it was) train anyone ?
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    The mere fact that rather then actually grt video recording of them warping.. yall rather stop playing..

    Bruh.. thats suspect af.. right there..
    FubarEQ and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  11. Tappin Augur

    I am not claiming anyone did anything recently, however, I can speak from past experiences and point out that killing a spawn that someone else has already engaged (especially true when they do it on multiple occasions), is a violation of EULA.

    Trains do occur from time as a result of the KSing player having agro on other mobs and that agro being transferred.

    I don’t care if people use third party programs, but if they cannot be mindful of others, then something needs to be done.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  12. Ashigaru Augur

    Because there is more than one group. Maybe the same kid behind it all, but several different groups with differing MO
  13. PirateLordCarroll Journeyman

    Yes I would rather them focus on banning all cheaters then just make more content that people are going to cheat on. Cheaters are 10000 percent disruptive, they ruin all the economies of mmo, just look a playstation mmo server, like star trek online ps4 vs pc you can see the cheaters. Then every single cheater I see, always tries and sells their illegal garbage on the internet undercutting the cash shop.

    Your statement is equal to saying well let's play cards, where 10 percent cheat and get away with it, and don't get punished. Then the runner of the casino says bah don't worry about the cheaters they aren't disruptive here we came up with a new card game. Cheaters are scum and should be treated as as such.
  14. Whulfgar Augur

    I am 100% with you. If that is happening and people ACTUALLY want something done about it ..

    Catch it on video..

    Literally have of AB has been on these boards complaining about some player .. / players ..

    Yet not a single one of literally half of a server .. has ever caught the individual on video doing what yall claim they are doing ?

    Come on fella. . you GOTTA admit .. thats suspect .. come on fella. .
    FubarEQ likes this.
  15. cadres Augur

    Well I have no idea how to do that, so indulge an old guy and tell us?
  16. Whulfgar Augur

    Here's the rub my friend ..

    Your not the only one accusing some one of something ..

    Your literally one of at LEAST multiple Dozens of people who are all saying the same thing.. yet not 1 of yall know how to video record some one in game ?

    Again that is suspect as well..
  17. Tappin Augur

    I don’t think someone who uses third party box software to help his crew box a ToV mission is disruptive by any means. The tradable items are junk at this point and crafting gear is already inflated on baz.
  18. cadres Augur

    I have no idea about anyone else. I know some guilds routinely record/stream their raids. Mine doesn't. I'm not seeing how it's suspect - videoing a video game certainly wasn't a 'thing' when I started playing pong back in the 70s.... (and it's a pretty sad indictment of EQ if that's what's necessary now to be able to just go and kill a few mobs in a quiet corner in peace)
    But rather than casting aspersions, why not share your expertise with us?
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Botting has got out of hand, and it isn't just the AFK botters, there are many out there that do not know how to control their bots and jump on other peoples quest named, just because they happen to be close.

    Something needs to be done about bots, AFKers, warpers and other bots are runining the game for lots of players, maybe it is time to just ban all 3rd party programs.
    PirateLordCarroll and cadres like this.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    You do know you just select that on your forum account right? Its not like automatic.
    Yara_AB likes this.