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Botting / warping groups making it difficult to complete Hunter

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ashigaru, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Whulfgar Augur

    Guild war's .. would be fun at first .. but the loser guild would start to resent it rather quickly.
  2. Igniz Augur

    Oh i don't know. I am pretty sure, on AB at least, /guildwar would have a very selected and exlusive use. When the GMs don't want to do anything against one single idiot ... ?
  3. Whulfgar Augur

    Cant just do anything .. to some one with zero proof of them doing wrong doing. Again I have always an will continue to always say .. Catch them with video.. then submit the video. If they are truly doing something wrong. They will be delt with.

    When it comes down to your word vs theirs .. that is not sufficient in any way shape or form. Even if its an entire servers words against theirs .. Catch them in the act, video them.. they can absolutely not fight a video capture of them doing what they claim they are not.
  4. Igniz Augur

    I would agree with you if it was one word vs another. There is, though, plenty of players who are harassed and being disturbed in their gameplay by a rather small group of characters, being almost certainly of a single person (and I use this word very freely here), who obviously takes joy and pride in intoxicating an online community. Despite much evidence (by account, by log and by video) presendet to "the authorities" (GMs), they fail to enforce their own ruleset ("Play nice Policy", ban of certain 3rd party software, etc.). To be honest: at least MY patience is wearing thin very fast at this time and I dare say, I am not alone in this.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  5. Whulfgar Augur

    And so the question becomes .. how do you know they are using 3rd party soft ware that is bannable ? As I s b ox er is also 3rd party software that is not bannable..

    Perhaps that is what they are using ? Have you gone into their puter an seen a bannable 3rd party program installed or something ?

    Or is this just your suggesting they are using it ?
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Igniz like this.
  6. Igniz Augur

    Strictly speaking it is only me suggesting it. I am not aware that "unmentioned but sancioned 3rd party software" offers a warping mechanism (which I have witnessed first hand). Even if it did, I am pretty sure that this particular function would still be a bannable offense.

    Apart from that, there is still that bit about "Playing nice", though.
  7. Whulfgar Augur

    I have no idea personally what is all in that program I do not use it. And if they are warping and you video that I am 99.9999998% sure if you captured them warping on video they would be outta game inside 30 minutes.

    The bit about playing nice.. Is the part that gets sticky. As darkpaw does not recognize "camps" that we the player base do. Common courtesy is one of the player bases corner stone of which the social game is predicated upon.

    So if some one is at a camp for 50 hrs straight and just because (per say) You want that camp and have been waiting for it yet its never open on your schedule does not mean they are cheating. This is all I am saying.

    And again .. if they are warping and you have seen it personally when a named spawns then you automatically know if a named spawns for you they will warp to it .. how have you an others on your server not video captured this individual doing exactly what you claim they are doing in warping ?

    Thats .. the part that does not make sense .. especially since bout half your server posted about this individual for a while now .. not a single 1 of yall can capture him / them doing what yall claim they do.. Thats highly suspect in an of itself.
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    Allegations are not evidence in an of themselves .. One NEEDs to provide actual documented evidence when attempting to use the rules of the game.
  9. Igniz Augur

    Unfortunately, i don't video my gameplay by default. But after sending in a report, if I am not sorely mistaken, it *should* be no problem for a GM to look up /loc of a player character 10 seconds apart and check whether they are too far away from each other ...
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    I have no knowledge of what GM capabilities are.

    But I again say simply.. with half your server population saying this individual is ruining their game play yet not a single person is able to get them on video doing anything wrong..

    Thats very suspect bro. Thats all I'm saying.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. cadres Augur

    Logs are not evidence? When they clearly show a named at approx 85% and *then* a group warps in and takes it? and warps out?
    But your suggestion is sound, am sure more folk will be videoing (not me, I can't even take a photo that includes someone's head....)
  12. Ashigaru Augur

    There's actually two kiddies in question here - the one posting and another one.

    Now this may come as a surprise but the one posting (admittedly via google translate, so it's difficult to make out sometimes) doesn't seem to warp. He runs. He's using automation software, or he has one heck of an insomnia problem or he's account sharing, as I've logged him playing for 6 days straight

    The one who hasn't posted in this thread - yeah he warps, but I haven't crossed swords with him in ToV
  13. Whulfgar Augur

    Logs can be 100% faked. Anyone who has ever copied / pasted via logs knows that much.

    Video's can not be faked showing some one else .. warping round.
  14. Repthor Augur

    Whulfgar warps on the eq forum i seen it
    Duder and Tucoh like this.
  15. Igniz Augur

    Faking Logs would be useless, as every log exists serverside also :)
  16. Whulfgar Augur

    Never said they dident. But as I stated logs are pretty much useless.. I merely point to the fact that nothing happens when yall submit logs ..

    Hence.. submit actual videos .. of the wrong doings. There is zero anything the accused can do against video evidence bud.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  17. PirateLordCarroll Journeyman

    Since it is pretty much up to us to report the cheaters, wish they would add a feature to record game footage. Maybe something that is always saving the last 15 mins than deletes it unless you hit a button.

    Though the easiest way would be require government ID to make a account, and then ban IDs. Though I suppose a dedicated cheater could even get around that, so yep the record the last 15 mins than delete it unless the button is hit would be the easiest.

    Real shame they don't make a xbox or playstation server for eq1 and 2, since both can use a keyboard and mouse now. People tend to cheat less when their entire console gets banned. Especially with the next gen coming out where it will cost 500 600 dollars, cheating will be non existent on ps5 compared to PC.

    Console really is the only way, if you take any console mmo and compare its economy to the pc version you can see how many cheaters are on PC.

    Cheaters are the reason I stopped hosting my own star bound and epoch most of the time I ended up just babysitting.

    The other way is make a tlp that is no box, if you log in with more than one character from the same iP both accounts are banned. If you log in from a VPN your account is banned. If it looks like you are playing more than one character and the video shows it ban. Perm ban not negotiable. If you have more than one person that plays eq in your house hold, ids need to be sent, and the payment method needs to be linked to the address of the I'd.
  18. svann Augur

    AFAIK logs dont show hp percent, nor do they show warping. Anyway, the % is irrelevant to the claimed charges. There is no EQ rule against killstealing. Really the only good the log would do is if they admitted using warp software.
    Whulfgar and Crybaby like this.
  19. Tappin Augur

    Harassment is a violation of the EULA. I don’t care what people do while they play, but harassment should not be tolerated regardless of any programs being used.

    I don’t care if DP wants to allow the use of third party programs, but they have dropped the ball when comes harassment and abuse of other players.
    Zamiam and cadres like this.
  20. Tappin Augur

    You know what they say about karma... don’t you?