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Bonus EXP Stomples weekend?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Legbertoman, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. Legbertoman New Member

    Are we getting a bonus 50% xp/rares/faction weekend for Stomples this year?
  2. Moege Augur

    Historically yes
    EQ Anniversary / Stomples 50% bonus XP, rares, faction
    2024 4/7 - 4/10
  3. atchoom Lorekeeper

    . past 3 years it was :
    2021 = 4/2----4/5
    2022 = 4/15---4/18
    2023 = 4/7-----4/10
  4. Riou EQResource

    Doesn't seem like it since Easter was 2 weeks ago with nothing
    Rijacki likes this.
  5. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    I suspect we didn't get a Stomples XP bonus because of the proximity of Easter to the XP bonus we got at the start of the annual Anniversary events. Otherwise it would have been an XP bonus followed by an XP bonus.
  6. Sheila Elder

    I feel like I recall them saying it was a week after Easter since we were still going through Ann bonus exp but never saw it happen so I thought it was just me misreading!
  7. Brickhaus Augur

    They don't comment on bonus xp periods.

    I believe they think it would impact xp potion sales. I think they should look at their numbers again and realize that bonus xp periods are when their biggest sales of xp potions occur.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    When is the next rare bonus due if we are not getting Stomples?
  9. Riou EQResource

    memorial day, end of may
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon


    Exp bonus I'm not really that bothered about, but it seems an awefully long time since we had a rare bonus.
  11. Bilderov Augur

    Wouldn't it be good if there was something, say a celebration or an anniversary, we could point to and see where we, as the players, received something over the year. Something we could look back and say, what a great celebration or anniversary that was...

    We're supposed to be celebrating 25 years of this fantastic game and almost everything seems locked behind a paywall. Even the free items only last a month - after that, you gotta pay. Want bags - you get 10% off - nothing better than any other time.

    This year would have been a perfect chance for them to put bonuses on exp, rares, etc. and have them rolling throughout the year, especially as they just introduced personas. Make a year round celebration of it.

    I don't really see this year as being anything that different from the others, and that's a shame.
    drak12 and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  12. Flatchy Court Jester

    Orrrrrrr we could just go back to putting the TS loot on nameds? Its been weeks since I have had an upgrade. usually I have my 4 mains at least with visible armor by now. I only have one of 4 fully armored. 2 of the rest have nothing basically. Please dont say do HAs. This is not normal and I cannot believe its the RNG either. I have played long enough the same way every year to see a big change in patterns.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  13. Flatchy Court Jester

    All I had to do was start the tears flowing and start complaining even more. Last night I was at Valorforged again in HF and first kill was stupid mask again. Got named again and Lo and Behold there is the Gallant Focus of Finesse. Finally something I can loot that is needed. Now to go back to stupid Goliath Frog and see if he will give me any more armor liners (only about 20 peices to go). Oh btw if someone has a better named they frequent for armor liners (T3) please give me a hint. I miss the days of Arly camp last expansion for the armor pieces.
  14. Bobokin Augur

    There is no Easter in Everquest.

    I want that Stomples Day 20% bonus!