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BoC vs Edge of Eternity

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Blastoff, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. Blastoff Augur

    I am just looking out for the other Bards
  2. Hamshire Augur

    So with PoTime weapons you cannot aug them until LDoN comes out which had me wondering pure aggro wise is Darkblade of the Warlord without an aug in it more aggro then Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled augged?

    Also whats Fleshbiter vs Brutish Blade of Balance aggro difference looking like now days?
  3. Blastoff Augur

    I'm waiting on my time/tactics/seru dz's to pick up those weapons and a blade of war for more parsing. I don't plan on parsing past PoP but just based on the stats brutish blade is going to win. The brutish blade proc is 1150 points of threat and the Fleshbiter proc is 525.
  4. Blastoff Augur

    Although that Fleshbiter proc apparently has a bonushate stat of 900 on lucy...so I'm not sure exactly how that factors in, if its just a flat +900 threat then its pretty amazing.
  5. Hamshire Augur

    What Blastoff said, Fleshbiter has a unique proc with hidden aggro built in, the only proc in the game I believe that works this way and due to that its always been more aggro then BBoB "this was back in the day before a lot of the aa changes" so who knows which is better now.

  6. Xhartor Augur

    GoD does have the interesting issue that the 3 weapons generally considered to be best at threat production (BBoB, Fleshbiter, and DBoWL) are all primary only. So how does Bloodfrenzy compare to Death's Head Mace or Chaotic Black Scimitar as an Offhand?

    Omens has a discussion the issue with determining the better threat combo BBoB/2.0 or 2.0/Notched Blade of Bloodletting.

    It's annoying how from PoP until you get to Demiplane, there never seems to right answer of in Era weapons to Duel wield (2.5 / Swiftcleave) for warriors.
  7. Bullsnooze Augur

    Haha, you're good and definitely some good info from your tests. I'm actually awaiting your other parses cause I'm indeed curious on the actual data.
  8. FranktheBank Augur

    Notched Blade is the EoE of OoW, a trap. TBH, you can either do BBoB/2.0 or Vish staff until TSS. Vish is sleeper pick imo.
    Xhartor likes this.
  9. coltongrundy Augur

    I am confused by this. You say the formula is spot on for melee threat but then you show a table where it is off by a lot. See Braided Strands: 12 + 1 +13 = 26. Assuming the formula is correct, where is this 18.55 coming from?
  10. Blastoff Augur

    There could be some testing error involved, I'm not sure I didn't run those tests. When 7/10 of them are pretty much dead on that's validation of the formula imo.
  11. Blastoff Augur

    Here are some more parses...I wasn't able to get a Blasphemous Blade of the Exile like I wanted to this week, but I did get a dbow, a warrior epic, and a blade of war to test out. Seeing the warrior epic 2H beat out the red sword with a yak was very unexpected. The Blade of War did really well also and seems like it may be bis until you pick up a dbow or a bloodfrenzy. Although a different Blasphemous Blade/Hategiver/BoC combo will probably give it better competition than the BoC/Obsidian Scimitar of War did.

    1H Parses
    Brutish Blade of Balance (No Aug) - 4 (10 terror) runs 1403.5 second average to pull threat = 132.4 threat/sec
    Darkblade of the Warlord (No Aug) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1464.5 second average to pull threat = 126.9 threat/sec
    Fleshbiter (No Aug) - 4 (10 terror) runs 1512 second average to pull threat = 122.9 threat/sec
    Bloodfrenzy (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1655 second average to pull threat = 112.3 threat/sec
    Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1723.67 second average to pull threat = 107.8 threat/sec
    Hategiver (Wulfenite Gem) - 5 (10 terror) runs 1773.2 second average to pull threat = 104.8 threat/sec
    Obsidian Scimitar of War (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1947.7 second average to pull threat = 95.4 threat/sec
    Bloodfrenzy (No Aug) - 1 (30 terror) run 5814 second average to pull threat = 95.9 threat/sec
    Death's Head Mace (No Aug) - 1 (15 terror) run 2926 second average to pull threat = 95.3 threat/sec
    BoC (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1964.333 second average to pull threat = 94.6 threat/sec
    Blade of Strategy (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 2120 second average to pull threat = 87.7 threat/sec
    Edge of Eternity (No Aug) - 3 (10 terror) runs 2242.7 second average to pull threat = 82.9 threat/sec
    BoC (No Aug) - 3 (10 terror) runs 2272.3 second average to pull threat = 81.8 threat/sec
    Stone Etched Mallet (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 2297 second average to pull threat = 80.9 threat/sec
    Short Sword of the Ykesha (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 2526 second average to pull threat = 73.6 threat/sec
    Blade of Tactics (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 2962 second average to pull threat = 62.8 threat/sec
    Gnoll Hide Lariat (Wulfenite Gem) = 2 (10 terror) runs 3060 second average to pull threat = 60.7 threat/sec
    Bard with a BoC (Wulfenite Gem) = 1 (10 terror) run 3621 second average to pull threat = 51.3 threat/sec

    DW/2H Parses
    Darkblade of the Warlord (No Aug) + Bloodfrenzy (Wulfenite Gem) - 4 (10 terror) runs 986.75 second average to pull threat = 188.4 threat/sec
    Bloodfrenzy (Wulfenite Gem) + BoC (Wulfenite Segment) - 2 (20 terror) runs 2200.5 second average to pull threat = 168.9 threat/sec
    Blade of War (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1226.5 second average to pull threat = 151.5 threat/sec
    Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled (Wulfenite Gem) and Hategiver (Wulfenite Segment) - 1 (30 terror) run 3828s second average to pull threat = 145.67 threat/sec
    Blade of Carnage (Wulfenite Gem) + Obsidian Scimitar of War (Wulfenite Segment) - 4 (10 terror) runs 1297.75 second average to pull threat = 143.2 threat/sec
    Vanazir, Dreamer's Despair (No Aug) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1422 second average to pull threat = 130.7 threat/sec
    Stone Etched War Sword (Wulfenite Gem) - 1 (20 terror) run 2893 second average to pull threat = 128.5 threat/sec
    Jagged Blade of War (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1508 second average to pull threat = 123.3 threat/sec
    Blade of Strategy (Wulfenite Gem) and Short Sword of the Ykesha (Wulfenite Segment) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1619 second average to pull threat = 114.8 threat/sec

    Does a max hasted 17 delay weapon swing more often than a 19 delay max hasted weapon? Yes.
    Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled (17 dly) : Average swings per second: 13446 / 5171 = 2.600
    Obsidian Scimitar of War (19 dly) : Average swings / second = 13428 / 5843 = 2.298
    2.298 / 2.6 = .8838 --- Expected: 17 / 19 = .8947
  12. Pikallo Augur

    just use a knight to tank everything. nerds!
  13. Blastoff Augur

    So I got myself a Hategiver and when it way under-performed vs the BoC I noticed a flaw in my parsing. Initially I was doing 3 terror runs vs level 80 mobs but this was a pita because of how much time I spent rezzing so I moved up to level 90-93 mobs expecting threat to be the same either way since its threat/swing + procs. But this is proving to not be the case so I will be rerunning the 3 terror parses as 10 terror parses vs the same 90-93 mobs as the rest of the parsing. I expect all of the 3 terror runs above to drop by about 10 threat/sec based on what I've seen the Hategiver and re-parsed BoC do. It obviously isn't ideal to be doing PoP parsing vs level 90-93 mobs now that I know the threat/sec numbers are lower against the higher level mobs, but it's just too much parsing to redo. The relative rankings of the weapons will still be accurate, but the threat/sec numbers for all weapons will be deflated compared to what they would be against era appropriate mobs.
  14. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    Warrior aggro isn't much of an issue after PoP, so I personally can't imagine still using BF over the much better ratio/stat GoD aggro weapon options unless it's the best thing you have access to.
  15. FranktheBank Augur

    Warrior threat is a problem for like 10 more expacs, until they get actual buttons to press. Also, GoD has awful offhand threat options. It's DHM and maybe Chaotic Black Scimitar. I don't remember if Runic functions the same as Rune, I remember there being a long debate about it, but I don't really remember the conclusion.
  16. Blastoff Augur

    After some really bad rng I finally got my hands on a BBoB, Fleshbiter, and BBoE. I also was able to get an answer to the question of can weapons below 19 delay gain the same benefit from being max hasted as weapons 19 delay and above. BBoE (17 dly) and Obsidian Scimitar of War (19 dly) came out exactly how their delays should if effected equally by haste. This should also go against the idea that slower weapons gain more from haste.

    1H Parses
    Brutish Blade of Balance (No Aug) - 4 (10 terror) runs 1403.5 second average to pull threat = 132.4 threat/sec
    Darkblade of the Warlord (No Aug) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1464.5 second average to pull threat = 126.9 threat/sec
    Fleshbiter (No Aug) - 4 (10 terror) runs 1512 second average to pull threat = 122.9 threat/sec
    Bloodfrenzy (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1655 second average to pull threat = 112.3 threat/sec
    Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1723.67 second average to pull threat = 107.8 threat/sec
    Hategiver (Wulfenite Gem) - 5 (10 terror) runs 1773.2 second average to pull threat = 104.8 threat/sec
    Obsidian Scimitar of War (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1947.7 second average to pull threat = 95.4 threat/sec
    Bloodfrenzy (No Aug) - 1 (30 terror) run 5814 second average to pull threat = 95.9 threat/sec
    Death's Head Mace (No Aug) - 1 (15 terror) run 2926 second average to pull threat = 95.3 threat/sec
    BoC (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 1964.333 second average to pull threat = 94.6 threat/sec
    Blade of Strategy (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 2120 second average to pull threat = 87.7 threat/sec
    Edge of Eternity (No Aug) - 3 (10 terror) runs 2242.7 second average to pull threat = 82.9 threat/sec
    BoC (No Aug) - 3 (10 terror) runs 2272.3 second average to pull threat = 81.8 threat/sec
    Stone Etched Mallet (Wulfenite Gem) - 3 (10 terror) runs 2297 second average to pull threat = 80.9 threat/sec
    Short Sword of the Ykesha (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 2526 second average to pull threat = 73.6 threat/sec
    Blade of Tactics (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 2962 second average to pull threat = 62.8 threat/sec
    Gnoll Hide Lariat (Wulfenite Gem) = 2 (10 terror) runs 3060 second average to pull threat = 60.7 threat/sec
    Bard with a BoC (Wulfenite Gem) = 1 (10 terror) run 3621 second average to pull threat = 51.3 threat/sec

    DW/2H Parses
    Darkblade of the Warlord (No Aug) + Bloodfrenzy (Wulfenite Gem) - 4 (10 terror) runs 986.75 second average to pull threat = 188.4 threat/sec
    Bloodfrenzy (Wulfenite Gem) + BoC (Wulfenite Segment) - 2 (20 terror) runs 2200.5 second average to pull threat = 168.9 threat/sec
    Blade of War (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1226.5 second average to pull threat = 151.5 threat/sec
    Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled (Wulfenite Gem) and Hategiver (Wulfenite Segment) - 1 (30 terror) run 3828s second average to pull threat = 145.67 threat/sec
    Blade of Carnage (Wulfenite Gem) + Obsidian Scimitar of War (Wulfenite Segment) - 4 (10 terror) runs 1297.75 second average to pull threat = 143.2 threat/sec
    Vanazir, Dreamer's Despair (No Aug) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1422 second average to pull threat = 130.7 threat/sec
    Stone Etched War Sword (Wulfenite Gem) - 1 (20 terror) run 2893 second average to pull threat = 128.5 threat/sec
    Jagged Blade of War (Wulfenite Gem) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1508 second average to pull threat = 123.3 threat/sec
    Blade of Strategy (Wulfenite Gem) and Short Sword of the Ykesha (Wulfenite Segment) - 2 (10 terror) runs 1619 second average to pull threat = 114.8 threat/sec

    Does a max hasted 17 delay weapon swing more often than a 19 delay max hasted weapon? Yes.
    Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled (17 dly) : Average swings per second: 13446 / 5171 = 2.600
    Obsidian Scimitar of War (19 dly) : Average swings / second = 13428 / 5843 = 2.298
    2.298 / 2.6 = .8838 --- Expected: 17 / 19 = .8947
    Xhartor likes this.
  17. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    If you have access pop in a bloodied berzerker blade and a vanazir, I'm curious where they stand with your parse formula.

    Unless something changed Vanazir's AC debuff should aggro like a stun.
  18. Bullsnooze Augur

    Great info up there and not surprised by the numbers at all!

    It's questionable, but having the right gear, clickies, and abilities can make the difference.

    In Omens (On Aradune), it isn't uncommon for Monks and Berserkers of equal gear to pull aggro off my just about BiS Warrior during a burn if I'm not careful.
  19. Blastoff Augur

    I put the Vanazir numbers up since I had one in my bags and meant to parse it. The Bloodied Berzerker's Blade I'm not going to farm up for parse since the Stone Etched War Sword parse shows rune agro to be pretty bad. Blade of War stays the top 2h for threat in PoP and also the best threat pre-Bloodfrenzy/DBoW. Versus level 91-93 mobs the Blade of War is averaging 231 dps and the Vanazir is at 248 dps. DBoW/Bloodfrenzy also parsed at 231 dps.

    Edit: Actually a BBoE/Hategiver would probably pull more threat than the Blade of War...I'll parse that combo real quick while I'm all set up.

    Edit: Blade of War beats BBoE/Hategiver
  20. Xhartor Augur

    I am still interested to see how some of the GoD offhands compare against BF/BBoE/Hategiver for threat generation.