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Bifold Focus of the Evil Eye

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Mortenson, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Mortenson King

    Hey Folks,

    So was really hoping that this would do something for bards but appears no dice I get it though that it's likely designed for casters in mind but would be really cool if we could have it at least work for bellow / shout , or a round of our dots or maybe just a proc or two.
  2. Cadira Augur

    They're not going to change anything, but with that said I imagine it works on your insults?
  3. Szilent Augur

    it does not
    Cadira likes this.
  4. Cadira Augur

    Damn, looked like it fit all of the criteria.
  5. fransisco Augur

    twincast is for spells, not abilities
    Andarriel likes this.
  6. Cadira Augur

    Seems like it. But how do you define ability? Cause insults are "songs" which i figured worked mostly like spells but guess not cause bardweirdness.