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Better Expansions plz

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Avory, Apr 30, 2019.

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  1. Avory Augur

    Oh look, another failed superstar Triton app~

  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Maybe the answer is to have hard versions of group missions that are there just to evolve raid items. It would provide challenging missions and give raiders a purpose for doing them. Just and idea.

    In the end all we want to do is keep as many people happy as possible so we can continue our addiction to EQ errh.. I mean enjoy playing it.
    Jhenna_BB and Avory like this.
  3. lagkills Slain by Fippy while guards stood and watched.

    You wish.

    OP is just another lowborn dirt casual. Nothing more.
  4. Zolav Augur

    In b4 Nudia!

    Wait.. oh hell.

    This expansion is a hell hole time sink I will give it that. I am enjoying the raids though despite so much of them being so damn broke. I mean 11 raids a week is pretty cool I think.

    Is this the end of days? Could be so I am just trying to go out with a bang... but what to reroll on some progression server when it ends! Thats the real question.
    Avory likes this.
  5. Ibudin Augur

    Can't say I disagree with you on anything, but none of it is enough for me to quit playing. I came back from a long break (like 7 years) when EOK was released. I really liked that expansion and then ROS, that too was very fun over all and the missions, VP key, earing quest, the VP quest items...all blew me away. That was top shelf.

    Then came beta for TBL and I was like wtf is this crap. I hated stratos right from the start and couldn't imagine how it could hold a bunch of people all working on the same tasks, but that seem to work itself out. I had to talk most of my fellow in game friends that this expansion will turn out and be fun to play, and for the most part it has been ok. Wasn't thrilled with the lack of AA thought process, and with in the first week most people had maxed out there AA's.

    The good:
    The group gear which can be attained in T2 is solid gear to get a new player up to speed so they can join a raid. The augs are nice, the chase loot theory is really cool, you want the best, well its going to take some work. I just decided I wasn't going to worry to much about it and stuck with two items to level up and fill the other slots with raid gear. GMM has been a blast, who doesn't like killing orcs?
    Raids over all have interesting and have yet to see T3, but that is soon enough.

    You win some and you loose some, they have nailed the last two expansions, and adding in GMM has helped my overall impression of this one.
    Avory likes this.
  6. Avory Augur

    I agree and I'm not saying this is end of times for me playing EQ as much as I was giving Devs my feedback on where the game sits. They can't know unless we talk about it and I think I was pretty nice in my OP.
    Zolav likes this.
  7. Zolav Augur

    Agreed you were nice, just direct. People take being direct as personal attacks if it goes against what they think. So the was strong from a few haha.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    This thread is awesome!

    Hilarious.. But awesome LMAO
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    In my opinion..

    The OP is wrong about every aspect they posted about.

    So because I said "In my opinion" sall good right ?

    Deez da rulz you play by ?

  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    True. I wonder how many pages it can run. What is the record?
    Whulfgar likes this.
  11. Whulfgar Augur

    Great question.
  12. Avory Augur

    More lolz I see... couldn't think up more nonsense I guess but you still found a way to add more of nothing.
  13. Avory Augur

    BWHAhahahahah... we all know you don't think =D
  14. Whulfgar Augur

    for tat ?

    Kettle.. an all that ?
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Think the thread is interesting as opposed to hilarious. Just people sharing their views. Or is that what you mean? ;)
    Whulfgar likes this.
  16. Avory Augur

    /blinks... and I guess because you typed the words on the internet that makes it true.

    Where do you people come from? Do you live online because no one in the real world likes you or do you just save up all your internalized hate to poop on the internet?

    Here... You're just another lowborn dirt casual. Nothing more.

    Prove me wrong =D
  17. Avory Augur

    He's not here to talk about views, he's here to grow his own epeen.
  18. Whulfgar Augur

    OP attacking people with different pov's ?

    Never seen that coming .. Game of throne's script flips aint got NOTHING .. on this thread !
  19. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Drogba and Whulfgar like this.
  20. Avory Augur

    Who are you again, I don't remember you from Triton, seriously... I'd like to know who this bad is.
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