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Being hopeful but, Agnarr could use some fresh blood.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Berkwin, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Berkwin Elder

    Anyone feel like starting a guild there for raids eventually, 47 people in general, I applaud them. my favorite Era, doesn't matter who leads but would be nice to have a dozen or so people to come join my low level toon and level there.... Anyone? Bueller??
  2. Berkwin Elder

    Meh guess ill transfer my character live, to bad they don't allow a server merge or something. but again being hopeful
  3. Bailen Augur

    Not looking good for Agnarr.

    I was there near the beginning, but had to leave for a while. When I came back, there wasn't anyone around to group with.

    I thought it'd be more successful. Old time players who loved that era would trickle back in to play there. People would play on the regular servers then come back to the old world for a while. There would be enough people around to put groups together even after the server had been around.

    Seems like I was wrong.
    Ghaleonagas likes this.
  4. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Agnarr really needs to be F2P. It will undoubtedly fall to Fippy levels. At this point the "rush" of playing old EQ is long gone. What is DBG risking?

    They need to refocus the server as a means to re-introduce new players to modern EverQuest. Right now, anyone in that mind frame will probably just go to P99.

    Think bigger than just the few Agnarr-only subs. F2P Agnarr/PoP lock is a huge niche other groups have been tapping into for years.
    Jimmy2times, Ghaleonagas and jeskola like this.
  5. sumnayin Augur

    I quit the day that Coirnav was announced and don't regret it. I had a lot of fun on Agnarr. I started half way into Velious and made it until that day. But Coirnav was just too fun. I don't wish I stayed but it was cool going back and seeing one of the 2 friends I made on that server in full Time gear on his Necro. I am holding out for a new TLP server and hope one comes. Until then I am on P99 Teal
  6. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Agnarr being F2P would be neat. I also think allowing transfers for players on TLP servers up until GoD unlocks would be a good thing as well. For example if you really want to start on Mangler or some new TLP due to the rush of new players and grouping opportunities, you can do that on a server but if you realize you don’t have much desire to play past PoP you can transfer your character provided you do it prior to GoD launching.
    cymru and HappyPanda like this.
  7. jeskola pheerie

    This post should be stickied. It is a perfect example of TLP attrition that a lot of people seem to have trouble understanding.
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Hate to be the one to say it, but if the man himself who had "The Vision" that is EverQuest didn't get his own sticky when he died, then post 3842772 just isn't going to make the cut.
  9. jeskola pheerie

    I was being facetious, but I hear ya :/
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  10. Machen New Member

    Bailen and Ghaleonagas like this.
  11. Cidran Augur

    I think it's very unfortunate. For me, it's probably the best Everquest era but it has too much against it. From shiny new servers constantly luring players away to very dedicated emulators that faithfully replicate the Macintosh's client, Agnarr has to compete against everybody.
  12. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    The problem with this line of thought is that, for you it might be the "best" Evequest era, but unfortunately there are not enough people who feel the same way to sustain a server locked in that era, as evidenced by the current state of Agnaar. This is what many many people were trying to warn against when Agnaar was announced, and it fell on the deaf ears of people that were CONVINCED that since they thought this was the "best" era of EQ, how could the server possibly die a horrible death 2 years later? Agnaar was doomed to begin with because, once again, the vocal minority got their way.

    My suggestion to the die-hard "Classic-PoP is the best era of EQ, even though I have never played past that" folks is to try out Miragul. Yes it is also a failed server, much like Agnaar has become, but at least give some newer content a shot before you decide that the only EQ you are willing to play is the nearly 20 year old trivialized content that only requires a 3rd grade education to play. Raids with mechanics are fun. Doing quests that actually reward you well are fun. If you would prefer to AFK-auto-attack on a mob like AOW or do any of the other mind-numbing raids in that era because "having more abilities than I have in classic EQ is hard and change scares me!" well then I think maybe P99 might be the place for you.

    After playing through Classic and Kunark on Ragefire, and then playing from Classic-Current on Phinny, I really don't understand why ANY highly skilled player would want to be stuck in that era of EQ, either on a locked server or by rerolling on every new TLP that launches. The skill level required to play early EQ is just not something that is able to hold my interest since I am not 16 years old anymore like I was in 1999. Some of the most fun I have had in EQ has been on Phinny post-TSS, because at least there is a little bit of skill required to advance and raid in that era. 54 warm bodies of any class/skill level combination doesn't get things done and I like that. I am sorry that you find what is objectively the most boring part of this massive game to be your "favorite".

    TL;DR: Since Agnaar is basically dying, give the newer eras of EQ a shot, you might find that you like it, as long as you have enough skill to actually play the game past PoP.
    Skuz likes this.
  13. Machen New Member

    I've been preaching this for many years, and hope that more and more players will give it a shot over time. I think we are already seeing something of a shift. A lot more guilds doing post TSS content now than ever before. If anything, DBG releasing a new TLP every six months has helped because players are more and more sick of playing through classic-->pop after doing it four or five times.
    Skuz and Aneuren like this.
  14. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    This is something I agree with you strongly on. TSS became my favorite expansion after experiencing it with Citizen. I used to think GoD was the shining example - the era I always tried to tell people that they should give a chance. This is also why I wish Daybreak would make mirror servers for these new different rulesets that you could transfer your characters to, rather than fresh start servers.

    In general, I think all efforts at showing people later-era content are to be strongly considered.
  15. Xeris Augur

    I mean : if you want this era lock, then just play on Agnarr? :p That's what it's here for. If all the people who talk about wanting to play on Agnarr just actually played on it, maybe there would be more people :D

    There are enough people to raid, and there's always groups to be found if you're persistent.
  16. Berkwin Elder

    Well the whole no mercs is kind of nice that way people do actually group ( if they were there ) secondly its mostly nostalgia but that only goes so far. I am actually enjoying HoT content on FV and I am seriously thinking of getting to 110 before the next expansion drops. loving mage class too so we shall see. but if anything I will probably transfer my beast to FV in the end.
  17. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    After the turd that is PoR (and the long 70 stretch) when you get to TSS it's like an oasis in the desert. The entire 70 stretch should be 2 total unlocks IMO: Omens+DoN and DoDH+PoR. Outside of a super fast server like Selo doing all the content multiple times in those expansions within a 3month timeframe is easily manageable for most guilds.
    Skuz likes this.
  18. sumnayin Augur

    Your logic is terrible. Plenty of people would start fresh on a new Agnarr server but people are not going to sit there and make 5 new toons a year and max them out in Time gear + Augments just to sustain a server. Also, people aren't going to jump into a 3 year old server that has been locked for over 2 years and the majority already had their fun of maxing out 1-3 characters in Time gear. I think Classic - PoP is amazing but I quit as soon as Coirnav was announced and don't regret it mainly because it gave me a chacne to start fresh on a new TLP with my brother and we had tons of fun.
    Aenvar likes this.
  19. Cidran Augur

    Thanks for the quote but I'm doing so and I fail to see what that has to do with Agnarr.

    I'm not attacking live servers at all and very much respect the work the devs are doing :)
    Oakenblade likes this.
  20. Fluid Augur

    Agnarr f2p wouldn't be a bad idea to me because it fits in with what I think another way to go model for making money. I've always thought the f2p model should be level limited by server. Something like f2p would be a period locked server like Agnarr and if you subscribed you could go to a live server either to start or transfer a character developed on a level restricted server.

    It isn't going to happen IMO. Nothing is going to happen IMO. The thing is you can start a new server for the cost of equipment which is probably lower then the cost of programming new features and perks into an existing server.

    Personally I kind of crashed with my highest level character on Agnarr a 50 sumtin Magician. w/o a focus item, leveling is painful. Getting a magician epic w/o a guild would be laughable. The amount of time I put into the server is so low any guild would kick me. It could be as simple as adding a vendor in PoK that sells focus jewelry, but it isn't going to happen.

    That was the way the game was designed more or less, force you to group/join a guild. Guilds typically force time played and required attendance of guild events. It is a dilemma that can't be solved w/o programming which is to say w/o cost which is to say, it won't happen. I wish it was otherwise.