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Bazaar scammers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dadbod, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. Dadbod Journeyman

    Can something not be done about the people who are actively trying to scam/ deceive people out of Krono by setting barter at prices like 4199p 4g 5s 7c when krono prices are like 41000. These folks actively keep the price so it looks highest if your not paying attention. Its a very shady thing to do and it goes against the play nice policies, which is
    4. You may not defraud other players.

    Fraud is defined as falsely representing one's intentions to make a gain at another's expense. Examples of this activity include, but are not limited to, using deception to deprive another player of items,
    Jhinx and Duder like this.
  2. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    It's not unique to TLP's. People do this on live, and it's even more likely to happen because more items are commonly in the price range of the bazaar maximum, which is 2,000,000.

    But that's the problem. Currency in the game does not output in a manner that makes it easy to tell unless you pull out the magnifying glass, or run at an extremely low resolution by today's standards.

    (it's worth mentioning that not all countries use that system)

    If you're worried about it, the safest way to buy is to transact is to dump all of your platinum in the bank first, and then withdraw, just doing something like..."Ok, I want 100k out, so you type 100 and then you type 000.

    I have always wondered in what enormous ways implementing any change to how currency is displayed would be broken when they try to do it.
    Jhinx likes this.
  3. odesian New Member

    Also when in the barter window, sort by price in the catagory. will put your highest buy first and lowest buy last.
    Meridian likes this.
  4. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Lot of things like this could be fixed with a better UI system in this old game.

    For instance a default setting for lowest price on top for /baz showings
    and highest price for /barter

    Or just a complete UI update for this old game, that's the worst thing about EQ now if I wasn't use to it from the old days I'd never play a game with this bad of a UI.
  5. disclose Buffz, slowz, & healz.

    Look, before I say this, I get where you're coming from. And I don't mean to come off brash or anything... But it's practically impossible to scam from bazaar. That's a set price. You hit the nail on the head, "...so it looks highest if your not paying attention" Someone not paying attention is not equivalent to being scammed. Pay more attention if you believe it's an active thing going on. Even by your definition fraud is not going on. If anything the people are defrauding themselves by not paying attention. Perhaps if it was like a trade screen and this was actively done, then I'd be all with you.
  6. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    Because people don't pay attention, I've made it a point multiple times since the bazaar went live on Mischief to tell my guild members not to fall for that trick. Whether on Discord or in /gu I've said it several times.

    Everybody else needs to consider that most people also don't come to the forums. Take it upon yourself to alert friends and guildmates, so they aren't taken advantage of.
  7. Dadbod Journeyman

    the rules clearly state :
    Fraud is defined as falsely representing one's intentions to make a gain at another's expense. Examples of this activity include, but are not limited to, using deception to deprive another player of items,
    yes the barter window is a set price, however the folks that are doing this, are preying on people who who dont notice the difference. this is clearly using deception to deprive another player of items (krono)
    i dont want to see new people come in, buy krono from the Market to sell to get plat then get ripped off and quit because of it.. It is detrimental to the health of the server and should be remedied. whether by punishing those who are actively doing this or implementing something else, like comma's in the plat.
    Dono27 and Duder like this.
  8. Biltene Kingslayer

    Can you please explain how it is "clearly using deception" when the price stated is the price paid?

    Shady? Yes. Improper? Kind of a grey area, people have been selling water flasks for hundreds of thousands of plat for a long time. Deception or fraud? Not hardly.
    disclose likes this.
  9. Dadbod Journeyman

    Using the flaws in how the bazaar windows show plat, actively changing the buy price to appear to be highest buy price.
    Why do you think it is shady? Because they are trying to trick people into thinking they are selling it to the highest buyer. That is by definition theft by deception.
    Duder likes this.
  10. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    People who are allowed to set Barter prices for items below what a npc vendor would pay a character are a bigger issue than this.

    Barter columns sort by price. If you are dealing in something valuable, you can take the time to sort.

    There's just no way to police this behavior. I'd much rather have CS deal with bot farmers than things like this.

    Evidently people have difficulty reading numbers so some type of comma/decimal/whatever system is probably necessary since none of us are getting younger.
    Vumad likes this.
  11. Dadbod Journeyman

    Bot farmers are an issue, but no reason that both issues can't be worked on simultaneously. It can be policed, quite easily, you can see who is trying to scam just by opening the bazaar windows
    Duder likes this.
  12. disclose Buffz, slowz, & healz.

    Like I said if this were a trade screen issue. Like you put up an item for a said number of plat and they gave less on that and you didn't realize, then I could see a valid point here. But setting a price in a bazaar and you not paying attention, that's scamming your own self. Someone just placed something in trader, you clicked "buy" and a second screen in delivering to your parcels or to you. So 2 times not paying attention and you want someone else punished for it? Come on now...
  13. Achillez Elder

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like they care about anything like this anymore, despite being in the rules.

    There was a trader a few days ago auctioning "Mark of Shadows" for 4 krono and linking the Vex Thall item with +atk that is worth boatloads. There is another item in the game named "Mark of Shadows" but it does not have any stats, and shares the exact some icon. This person was called out and identified by many people trying to trade the statless Mark of Shadows for 4 krono. He then put the statless Mark of Shadows up for 99,999pp (to put in reference this item normall goes for 300,000pp) for a day in the bazaar. This person still has the same trader up, no longer has Mark of Shadows for sale but remains untouched. This was a highly known incident, and I can only imagine many petitions went out (there was even a Greed is Good member banned who was suspected of being the person, but later found to be false) and the person originally doing it remains in game auctioning.
  14. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Just block the use of change for any item > 1 full Platinum. anything over 1 full PP should be forced to the nearest whole Platinum. The decimals and menial change screw more people than having4999 p 9g 9 s 9 c help.
  15. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    If players are actively working to take advantage of other people, to use whatever means are at their disposal to unfairly gain an advantage, then this should be stopped and beaten with a flaming llama.

    Please use commas (or whatever) to distinguish between amounts in the Bazaar. 2000000 vs. 2,000,000
    Warpeace, Dono27 and Duder like this.
  16. Fell Augur

    A friend (no, not me) got caught with the following trick: Someone advertised to buy krono at a certain price -- 40,000, I believe. When he walked up to the trader, this person -- who was obviously watching him approach -- quickly changed the price to 4000 just as he started the trade.

    If you don't believe this meets the legal definition of fraud by deception, you don't know the law.
  17. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Adding separating commas to bazaar/barter would be a good addition (display as 1,000,000 instead of 1000000) but I'm not sure what direct action on individual players you are suggesting. Placing bazaar/barter listings at any price doesn't break any rules. If I set up a barter to buy kronos for 3 plat each, that's up to the seller to determine if they want to sell to me or not. Listing bazaar/barter for any item at any price is not fraud.
    Dono27 likes this.
  18. Fell Augur

    No. An item sale -- virtual or otherwise -- is a contract, which must meet the standard "meeting of minds" test. Intentionally setting an oddly-formated price far below market in the hopes of snaring an unwary buyer is indeed fraud by deception.
    Duder likes this.
  19. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    So what's your suggestion? Players that list items to buy/sell at unusually low or high prices should get what kind of punishment, and determined by what metric?
  20. Fell Augur

    The OP's example was not simply an "unusually low" price, but one formatted in a way intended to deceive. The example I gave of a seller changing prices immediately before the trade is also more than simply setting an "unusually low price".

    You ask what metric we should use? Why not the one our legal system has used for a few hundred years now? If you're intentionally attempting to deceive someone, you're engaging in fraud.