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Bazaar QoL Improvements, and a squirrel

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhinx, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    Whist wandering about in the Bazaar I started musing upon the things that would make the game more fun to play.
    • I would love to be able to exclude ornamentations from my search.
    • It would be neato if Trader's Satchels could be at least doubled in size. I would prefer one giant bag that's alphabeticalized and has a search feature, but I'll settle for simply more space on one toon.
    • My eyebrows would waggle if there were commas (or similar) to distinguish between 10000000 and 10,000,000pp.
    • Obligatory request to raise the maximum price above 2 million.
    • Some way to search through Augs for sale without including any that you currently have, or perhaps some way of getting a message with the locations of any conflicts between Lore augs.
    Would be interested in others' suggestions as well.
    oh yeah, and...

  2. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I would like to be able to have an offline bazaar trader alt, while Im playing on my main.

    a non-boxer with a single account.
    cadres, Zunnoab, Leigo and 1 other person like this.
  3. Evye Augur

    There should be a filter for already collected collections too!
    Schadenfreude, Leigo, Jhinx and 2 others like this.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    now i want a squirrel pet
    Jhinx, Nennius and demi like this.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I like squirrels. I now want a squirrel illusion.
    Marton, Sissruukk and Jhinx like this.
  6. Lisard Silly

    while these would be good things to work on and probably wont ever be worked on.

    1. add a stat to your search (select AC or HP)
    2. there is a bazaar limit, increasing the amount of items that can be sold probably requires some reworking especially if the entire population has access (trader bag perk as example)
    3. yeah, nothing worse then browsing bazaar at 3am with weary eyes. a lot of people abuse this for personal gains, and many have fallen victim to this exploit of bazaar listing of items with extra 0's or fewer 0's in barter mode.
    4. Same as #2 but yes pls
    5. sounds complicated. especially after the spaghetti code i imagine they went thru for the Lore equipped stuff lol.

    my personal list would be:
    1. Fix Lag
    2. Fix Raid window
    2a. Fix Advance Loot and Raid window crash bugs
    3. more Guild Window features - more ranks - more search/hide options
    4. Fashion Quest
    4a.option to change appearance of Classic model armor type
    4b. remove ornamentation restrictions, let anyone wear any ornament. restricting this defeats the purpose

    Duder likes this.
  7. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Stymie and Duder like this.
  8. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    And I will go for the Squirrel Mount. Flying of course
    Svann2 and Nennius like this.
  9. Leigo You come here often?

    Elyssanda, demi, Stymie and 1 other person like this.
  10. Angahran Augur

    What would be great would be to combine 'Trader' and 'Barter'.
    You can only buy something if you have a PP and the bagspace.
    So, if you want to buy a lot of items that means you have less bagspace for items you want to sell.
  11. Sissruukk Rogue One

  12. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Would this be the wrong place to discuss squirrel stew?
    Stymie likes this.
  13. Zunnoab Augur

    It's an incredibly archaic system. It's good they added offline trading but sheesh
  14. Stymie Pendragon

    I wish they would roughly copy the WoW auction house system. It would solve the bag issue, take a bit of plat out of circulation, and be eco friendly with all the computers not being on for hours or days for no reason.

    I always liked squirrels until a couple of them made a home in my attic about 10 years ago...
    /em shakes fist at the ceiling at 4am!
    Zunnoab and Jumbur like this.
  15. demi Augur

    get yourself a couple of cats and put them up in the attic problem solved
  16. Moege Augur

    The you have a cat problem ...
  17. Gwendaline New Member

    Your suggestions sound like a great idea for a new set of 2-3 perks they could charge you for
  18. Schadenfreude Augur

    I would love if the /ignore function removed any items that person has for sale from my search results. That way I would be able to filter out those that for whatever reason price huge amounts of Grounds group loot and the like at 2m.

    A filter for slot 7/8 would be super but obviously fairly niche use.
  19. Zunnoab Augur

    They implemented a separate space with the Dragon's Hoard. I wonder if they could do something like that but integrate it with a virtual offline bazaar player somehow.

    They implemented offline trading years ago by the way. It just requires no other character be logged on. I wonder how difficult it would be to get rid of that restriction. Seems like the kind of thing to wrap into the largely reviled perks plan.
  20. demi Augur

    they will never do that cause that takes away from there subs .. cause it requires a sub to use trader. so most people (myself included) have a separate account just for a trader.. I use krono I earn from my trader to supply that sub but its all the same its money in DPG pocket where as if they made it to where we can have a toon logged in while still using the offline trader they loose money .. prolly why we dont have an offline auction house also ..