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Baz price scripts are getting out of hand

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sindace, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Razorfall Augur

    Is it possible to add a challenge–response test?
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    There are lots of reasons to run a trader online. Some folks like to socialize and engage in guild and channel chat while in trader mode. Some like to check and update their trader inventory or parcel things to their trader from another toon. I doubt these folks would want to be forced to log in and out every time.
    Yinla, Nennius and Nniki like this.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Captcha for the win. If someone changes prices very often a captcha pops up since they must be at the keyboard when this happens they respond and all is good. They don't respond and they are camped. Happens severals GMs review and take appropriate action.

    This would not penalize folks leaving their trader online and doing nothing else.
    This would not penalize folks sitting at their computer and updating prices while playing on another toon or doing something else at their computer.
    This would not penalize those running a trader while socializing
    Vumad, Elyssanda, Duder and 1 other person like this.
  4. Duder Augur

  5. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Ugh. Yes it is punishing. You can't spin the annoyance logging into this site already is. I'll pass on seeing in-game.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Unless you are frequently changing prices on a trader you should never see it.
    adetia and Elyssanda like this.
  7. Duder Augur

    Sounds perfect to me =D
  8. Tappin Augur

    Requiring offline trading and potentially a lock out timer would provide a less intrusive solution then craptcha. The day they put that garbage in the game is the day I finally quit and many others will follow.
  9. Duder Augur

    Aye, is a conundrum. The offline and lockout are a viable idea too. Also, if it were just moved to offline only might work because I'm pretty sure they need to log the chars in to run these things. If the char is moved into offline mode, I don't think the script would run. They would have to script it in other means that the rampant and commonly available means being used now. I mean, I'm sure they will adapt to running something to log the char in and adjust on intervals as well, but that would be far easier to identify I'd imagine.
  10. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    I don't have one, have no idea how to have one, don't care to know how to have one, and I don't appreciate you insinuating otherwise despite your little disclaimer. I prefer to have my traders online, always have. I shouldn't have to be forced offline because some other people are behaving poorly. Surely there has to be a way to get ahead of automated interactions here if thats the basic problem, like ban their accounts.
    Spellfire likes this.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    How about they work on their software to detect the cheaters and not jack with the rest of the player base? Why screw with everyone else and not literally go after the cheaters? Are we saying its that difficulty or impossible? If so is that saying control of the product has been lost, or is this considered acceptable game play?

    If people are being identified and reported they could log in and play the Bazaar game of how low will you go, how often and watch the % they cut the price from. I understand it takes time but it would also earn some player base admiration.
  12. Duder Augur

    No need to be snippy. You just gave a reason, far more constructive than your previous statement. All I was trying to do was elicit a response of value.
  13. SaffronYellowLotus Journeyman

    I like the idea earlier where everyone is given the ability. If the problem is that people think it is an advantage to have some program adjust their prices based on some min and max then put it into the bazaar for all. Just like bidding on Fleabay. You can put a max bid and let it roll. Undercutting pricing is always going to happen but if you can put in your min price and start higher hoping it sells for a bit more great. Personally I put stuff at the minimum price I will accept and leave it. If someone wants to undercut me by a copper I don't loose any sleep as I already set my min price. I like giving everyone the same advantage over trying to make things harder for all as it never seems to work out. Remove the advantage and the botters take care of themselves.
  14. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    Make it so you can only update the price of each item every couple of hours? If you update it more often it won't be visible for people to buy until the lockout is up.
  15. SaffronYellowLotus Journeyman

    This is exactly what I hope doesn't happen. When someone invents a better bread slicer the reaction shouldn't be to make slicing bread more difficult for everyone rather to make sure everyone has access to the same quality bread slicer.
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Some players actively manage their traders and should not be penalized when going after those automating their trader experience.
  17. Rixardion New Member

    Make it so the only method to enter your sell price is by clicking on the numbers on a pop up num pad in-game that randomizes after each click, taking the keyboard or "keyboard" out of the equation.

    Assuming there's no deeper level of data manipulation happening, this should work.

    I feel like I could think through how to circumvent that, but it seems like the implementation of the solution would be problematic. Idk I honestly have no idea what the state of progs like that is these days.

    Ooo, actually, if you randomized the location of the window as well as the buttons each click I think that would make it really tough to get around.
  18. Solanli Journeyman

    #3 seems like it would work until you consider what any botter will do to beat this. Run multiple accounts and set up a rotation on searches. Along with #4 - none of these solutions will do anything to prevent a script. With accounts being F2P - and a 2014 computer being able to run 15 characters with 0 lag on it. They will just make multiple accounts and rotate searches. 4 accounts in trader mode - 11 searching.
  19. Solanli Journeyman

    So we are going to hurt a huge mass of the player base by making only Gold accounts able to sell something in the bazaar? All to stop automated pricing?

    Would you also perform surgery with a chainsaw?
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  20. mewkus Augur

    People's complaint is that it's not fair having to compete against people who are cheating by using automation to adjust their prices immediately. Most of the solutions I've seen all have some horrid impact on even legitimate buyer/sellers.

    I would think an easy solution is to adopt the strategy of 'if you can't beat them join them'. I don't mean start cheating, but have DB add a feature to the buyer/seller window where you can set your base price (the price for your item when no one else is selling them), and your max/min price and the bazaar will automatically adjust your price to beat out anyone who undercuts/overoffers your prices. I would guess that's what people with those scripts have. Is there really something that cheats the gameplay by having prices adjust automatically? This is the way much of the real world works.

    EQ isn't a game of setting bazaar prices. It's a game about going out and killing monsters and completing quests. If someone wants to play the game of price adjusting, you can play the game called the stock market.

    Daybreak should either implement whatever these scripts do, or just announce that they're okay to use so that people who want to play legitimately can compete against those who use their skulduggery to game the system.
    Nniki and Duder like this.