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Bard - Which 5 Tribute stats do you guys use?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Gr8fuldave, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Gr8fuldave Augur

    120 Bard. Which 5 tribute stats do you all use for a group game bard?

    I group with an SK, Druid and Mage.

  2. ClosedSource Lorekeeper

  3. Strumph Augur

    Hdex is my main focus. I do have the dropped and player made ToL STA and Harmony augs, but main stat for me is Hdex. And I see on Magelo that most of the top Bards use Hdex also, but some Hsta.
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Dropfast Augur

    Depends on what you want of course. But for DPS I recommend the Flurry one, accuracy one, and the 2 Dex ones ( Dex cap and Heroic Dex ) The Attack one does nothing at this point. Then Str cap or Heroic.

    If you want some survivability then do Bulwark for AC and/or second chance. However be careful with second chance as it can actually backfire and lead to your death. Many times I've had it fire when my HP got low from a DoT, it procs making you unable to be healed, then the dot ticks again and your dead. It can save you but also kill you. Also if you use second chance you need to make an AT so you know it fired otherwise none of your buttons / discs will work and you'll be freaking out wandering what the heck is going on.
    Orienn likes this.
  5. Strumph Augur

    /sigh... I misread and was thinking type 5 augs!

    Currently I'm using:
    Arm of the Hero - hSTR +26
    Body of the Hero - hSTA +26
    Dance of the Hero - hAGI+26
    Eyes of the Hunter - Accuracy +120
    Hero's Deftness- hDEX +26
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    body of the hero 26 Hsta
    bulwark of honor 85 ac
    eyes of the hunter 45 accuracy
    fury of combat 6% flurry
    heros deftness 26 Hdex
    Gr8fuldave likes this.
  7. Strumph Augur

    Was wondering if Fury of Combat does anything especially with our song/aura having it. And I'm only seeing .1% overall melee DPS increase (.5% just for primary weapon) and 575 more hits between two 5 hour parses (no dots and ignoring proc dmg).

    Think tomorrow I'll do one to see how much the hSTR one actually gives and for my own curiosity the accuracy and hDEX.
    Gr8fuldave likes this.
  8. Sprezzatura New Member

    no jugglers grace ? for increase in Dex cap ?
    no vengeful aura for + 60 to ATK ?
  9. Szilent Augur

    ATK is subject to the cap on worn +ATK, that tribute adds nothing for equipped adventurers since Broken Mirror added atk to type7 augments.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    My understanding is that increase to dex cap is not the same as heroic dex and adds much less. It may be that flurry adds very little as well. idk
  11. Szilent Augur

    Dex cap and hDex tributes are equally functional in raising the chance to critical melee.

    The plainer dex cap one does nothing to boost parry rate, or contribute to the other minor mods. It doesn't add less, it simply doesn't do that.
    Svann2 likes this.
  12. Strumph Augur

    I didn't plan parsing as well as I should as I was only planning on checking the increase for Flurry, but ended up checking hDEX and hSTR also. Granted none of the tributes will make or break you or your DPS, but I'll be sticking with what I'm using. Though may think about swapping out hSTA or hAGI for AC. I do raid on the bard most raid nights, but she's also my group's puller and offtank so I like the hSTA and hAGI. I do mez on her, but generally the mobs die so fast it's more efficient to not interrupt her /melody and dot up the off tanked mob :)

    My reasoning for not using Flurry is it only added .1% DPS while if I took away hSTR it dropped .3% (same as hDEX). Yeah not very much and yes I should of planned parse better and could have done 2 more 5 hour parses, but being lazy and sticking with:

    Arm of the Hero - hSTR +26
    Body of the Hero - hSTA +26
    Dance of the Hero - hAGI+26
    Eyes of the Hunter - Accuracy +120
    Hero's Deftness- hDEX +26