Bard Tribute question

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Golgoret, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Golgoret Lorekeeper

    Does the personal tribute effect Concerto (+.2 mod to all instruments) stack with worn instrument mods? Normally I would assume no since multiple worn instrument foci don't stack, but I don't know if Tribute is implemented differently than worn items.
  2. Babien New Member

    Don't waste your tribute slots on mod to instruments. Group gear or raid armor will get you high enough.
  3. Brohg Augur

    Tribute effects are worn modifiers.

    Use Fury of Combat, Eyes of the Hunter, Second Chance

    Your pick for the last two - I go with +hp Strength of Body and Strength of Body II. Others use +mana things or +ac things or +herostats things