Bard song idea... Pub crawl

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by blimey, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. blimey New Member

    Bards need a song that transports the group to different pubs.

    But if you take the transport you get drunk when you arrive.
  2. Tucoh Augur

    Fun idea!

    I actually put off getting the drunken stein anniversary event by a year because I assumed when you used it you showed up drunk.
  3. Fohpo Augur

    Can they be Irish jigs?
  4. Thraine Augur

  5. IblisTheMage Augur

    Shouldn’t there be quite a high risk of ending up at the wrong bar?
    Sirene_Fippy and fransisco like this.
  6. Bigstomp Augur

    Drop a pub in skyfire near the vampires, and give bards a port to there. Solved.
    niente likes this.
  7. Jyve Augur

    heh, that could be an awesome quest line to get 'attuned' to each pub.
  8. Archery Lorekeeper

    Pub Crawl BROKEN??

    Always loved doing this quest and helping newbies with it. However it no longer responds with the same 6 lines. When did this happen ~ curious minds would like to know.
  9. GNOME_POWER Augur

    Worked for me.
  10. Diptera Augur

    ..with an increasing chance of losing a person from the group each time you go to a different pub...
    Ezbro likes this.