Bard chants single tick targeting self and Dead!

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by IRKodama, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. IRKodama New Member

    when you accidently target yourself with /melody (+ queued chants) running.

    Personally, at level 117, my logs show 500k to over a million damage on critical hits.

    I have 352k hp/885 spell resist. 1 tick of a non-critical hit can almost kill me!

    Can our chant DoT spells be modified to be more self resistant or immune?

    Yes, I accidently targeted myself. But should the penalty be death?
  2. Iribabh Augur

    Yes. That has been EQ since day 1. Accidentally hit auto attack while targeting guards? That's a corpsewalk. Accidentally snare yourself while trying to snare your quad-kite? You're dead. Cast that targeted AE mezz in hopes of saving everything by mezzing all those mobs and mezz yourself too? Whoopsie! Mis-click and cast one of your strongest damaging spells on yourself? Wow, that's an embarrassing walk back (that everyone who plays this game has had to take before, it isn't just you).
    Joules_Bianchi, Cazmac and code-zero like this.
  3. code-zero Augur

    PROTIP: stop using mouse click to target mobs, instead go to Options <alt O> and select Keys -> Target in the drop down -> and set a key to cycle through NPC's

    Of course F8 will target the nearest NPC so that may be quicker but never ever use the mouse to select targets
    Cazmac likes this.
  4. Trebla7th Augur

    As a workaround, I keep my DA idol handy so that if I accidentally bellow myself (TSS era on Aradune) I can DA and prevent the conclusion which can easily kill me if it crits. This has saved me multiple times in just the 2 weeks since Bellow became fatal on this server.

    The chant situation seems a little more dire, you have a much shorter window to activate the DA idol before a tick.
  5. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Unfortunately, DA will not save you from a DoT. It just seals your death since no one can heal you while the DoT continues to damage you.

    It's an issue all modern DoT casters have to be aware of now. Everyone's DoTs tick so hard that a self-cast is usually a guaranteed death.
    code-zero and Szilent like this.
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    You are very resistant. If you look at your resist messages you will almost certainly see several resists before one actually lands.
  7. IRKodama New Member

    I just wanted to share that I found a solution to this issue. Options > General > Click Through Self
    Stymie and code-zero like this.
  8. Szilent Augur

    doesn't protect you from targeting yourself via empty slots on the Extended Target Window.
    Svann2 likes this.
  9. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    I firmly believe you're not a true bard if, in the lifetime of your bard, you don't accidentally kill yourself at least once with your own songs in some way. It's a firm reminder that you need to pay attention better.
    code-zero likes this.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    The time this happened to me was after I intentionally targeted myself to use my shrink ring then forgot to untarget.
    code-zero likes this.
  11. Trebla7th Augur

    This seems like a bug, though I'm hesitant to post it in the bug forum without consensus. While I understand that some things can pierce DA (notably Death touches), DoT damage is usually prevented by DA (isn't it?????), and seems like an oversight if self-DoT damage is not prevented.

    Anyone know if this is intentional?
  12. Wulfhere Augur

    No, never.
  13. Brickhaus Augur

    DA will stop NEW DoTs from landing, but anything on you before the DA will still tick down.

    The best way to think about this is that DoTs are just negative regeneration buffs. DA will do nothing for any buffs (positive or negative) on you before the DA lands.
  14. Trebla7th Augur

    Well shucks, don't know how I missed that over the years.