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Banestrike rank II vs rank I comparison

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bumkus, Jul 29, 2024.

  1. Brickhaus Augur

    It's exactly the same system for higher than the first tier (actually easier since one achievement unlocks all mob types) with more bonus and you don't have to activate it. I don't think you understand the system before and the system now.

    In any event, as long as you don't have competition for old mobs, top raiders have shown that getting max banestrike is an inconvenience at best, not a trial. It is fine the way it is ... parse noticeable, but not required for play. Exactly as it should be.
    fransisco likes this.
  2. Bumkus Augur

    Adding comparison between Banestrike Rk III and Rk II, since i just got Rk III yesterday. Results are similar to what i saw between Rk II and Rk I and this pretty much follows what Sancus explained above.

    As with my previous parse, this was just Autoattack dps on a dummy in the guild hall. Only buffs were Jann's vail, Ouza mount buff, Striped badger familiar buff, BST Pact of the Wurine IX and Celeritous unity. No Tribute and no power source.

    (Side note: i accidentally had power source equipped when i first ran Banestrike Rk III parse and i noticed that Min hit was higher. i suspect this is because of the HStr that the power source added.)

    Banestrike Rk III % boost over Rk II

    Total DPS 154915 0.07%
    Min Crush 2039 0.00%
    Max Crush 62321 1.32%
    Min Kick 302 0.00%
    Max Kick 572451 1.35%
    Min Proc 140 0.00%
    Max Proc 110778 -0.03%
  3. Sam Hyde I'm a monster but not an NPC


    Nennius likes this.
  4. Bigstomp Augur

    The bonus is already pretty nice. You make things like that too good and you basically make them required which is a huge hill to climb for returning players to get up to speed. The hill is already large enough.
  5. Myysterio Lorekeeper

    wait till you get level 3 and find out you really just got level 4 too..... better keep going, but our parse a bit more than a year ago of having 0 vs 4 was a huge boost in EQ terms... like 7-9% dps overall. Was not inconsequential.
  6. Bumkus Augur

    I have not parsed differences under full burn. I have my BST with Rnk I parked over on Test, so if I'm ambitious I'll be able to do a full burn comparison once i get Rnk 4 on my BST on live
  7. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    There are way more important issues in EQ than fixing Banestrike or the description of it. It's current incarnation does way more than it used to do and the game just does the math for you, no button push needed.

    Let's put an emphasis on SPELLS. People are using level 115 spells because they run out of mana so quickly (Hybrids in particular). The spreadsheet needs massive updating for spell cost to damage ratio for blue mana bar classes in general.

    Rangers and Druids need mana recovery.

    If you're going to let mana cost for spells continue to just stagnate, Hybrids need some kind of Spell Specialization. You're developing spells at level ups players won't use again, because you are failing at balance on mana costs.

    Can we move on from Banestrike, please and move on to more important, pressing matters?
  8. Bumkus Augur

    Sure, we can talk about anything you want. but maybe not in a thread titled "Banestrike rank II vs rank I comparison"
    Atomos, Sancus, Bigstomp and 3 others like this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Wait for it...
  10. Randomized Augur

    Found the derailment!

    Shame! Shame! Shame!

    Nennius likes this.
  11. Bumkus Augur

    Ha. you caught me. I deviated from my own topic!
    Nennius and Randomized like this.
  12. Bumkus Augur

    I'm going to continue derailing this topic and let everyone know results of my Banestrike Rank 4 parse

    Bottom line, under non-burn conditions, max hits went up about 1.30% compared to Banestrike rank 3. As expected, min hits were not effected.

    My only buffs were Striped Badger
    Mount Ouza
    Greater Jann
    Pact of the Wurine IX
    Celeritous Unity

    Average hits and total DPS also went up, but exact amounts are subject to the whims of the RNG, so these numbers are pretty much irrelevant.
  13. Bumkus Augur

    To see if there was a multiplicative effect under burn, I parsed Banestrike rank 3 and 4 with these buffs running
    Shm Unity (from 125 ftp)
    Bard Aria, War March (from 125 ftp)
    Bard Aura,(but note that it dropped during both burn parses)
    Bst SV, Fero, Ecliptic Fury 6, Haste, Pact of Wurine
    Mount Ouza, Jann, striped badger
    Luclinite fortified drink
    Emberquartz protector source (not slayer)
    hDEX 4513
    Spirit Frenzy
    Bestial Alignment
    Frenzied Swipes

    Interestingly enough, not only was Banestrike NOT multiplied by burn, the % gain aftergoing to Banestrike rank 4 was actually less. Max hits only went up by about 0.56%, compared to 1.30% percent when not burning.
    Tuco likes this.
  14. Myysterio Lorekeeper

    problem with that eval is that if you get level 3, you get level 4 by default. Getting level 4 is the reward from getting level 1 2 and 3
  15. Bumkus Augur

    I think you get Banestrike I when you complete a single set of creature kills, then Rank 2 for Progressive slayer, Rank 3 for Highly Decorated and finally Rank 4 for Force of Nature. Megadeath achievement just gives you the title "Destroyer of Worlds"
    Sunawar likes this.
  16. Ekiph New Member

    I haven't got my exact parses from going from 0 to rk2 but I can tell you there was no noticeable DPS increase. And, I can also tell you that killing gray mobs for hours wasn't exactly fun.
  17. Bigstomp Augur

    Which says maybe it's not all that relevant and nobody should be worrying too much about it?