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Are you guys for real???

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by KimchiGoddess, May 27, 2020.

  1. code-zero Augur

    I sort of miss the old, "this is a slap in the face" comments
  2. ethyre Augur

    so.....they screw up a launch......bungle the queue system.....harm their paying customers........refuse to respond, reassure or apologize......and then censor the criticism.

    Doesn't sound corrupt at all......../rolleyes
    Herf likes this.
  3. Febb Augur

    harm their paying customers? Tell me how a company is harming people from across the internet.
  4. ethyre Augur

    You are only thinking of "physical harm".

    In a business transaction, the definition of harm is when you've breached the agreement: you take money from your customers and don't deliver good or services or you mis-advertise and deceive your customers into paying you. In such case you've profited and benefited by taking money. Customers have lost money and time without reciprocation or recompense - that is "harm" in a transaction.

    In simple terms (which might be needed here): they took money and didn't live up to their end of the bargain.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  5. Febb Augur

    That wouldn't be classified as harm though. That would classified as the company failing to deliver services that have been paid for. Harm in this sense is an over exaggeration to make the situation seem worse.
  6. KimchiGoddess Augur

    Love it, finally able to play and then disconnected and sent to a 61 minute queue when you zone.
    Fightmilk likes this.
  7. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    You're right "harm" isn't the right word here. The word you're fishing for is "damage".
  8. That0neguy Augur

    They would have to see an issue first to apologize for it. Even after all this servers are still swamped. They probably had a dashboard setup to see the amount of bag sales happening while the servers were down.
  9. Ninndar New Member

    You guys are dramatic to the point of it being legitimately hilarious.

    tHiS iS tHe WoRsT lAuNcH eVeR
    iM cAnCeLiNg AlL mY AcCoUnTs
    I dEmAnD bOnUs XP!

    Why are you all even here? We all know what this is. Get over it and enjoy the game when its working.

    Personally I just like being able to relive some version of the game I enjoyed so much as a teenager. Servers are down for a few hours? Fine ill play tomorrow.
  10. versair Journeyman

    100% correct that they could give 2 literal shites about us. after all this time, and for every single launch...it is quite apparent that they do not use ANY of the money anyone pays them to reinforce or upgrade their servers. their servers can barely hold 500 people until they crash for 5hours at a time. I would be embarrassed if I was them. But they obviously do not care at all. always about money.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  11. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    Most of the appeal to a significant portion of the people who play these servers is the "fresh start"/"day 1" feeling. When homeboy who got Lucky and is boxing unrest MR by the time you're even allowed to get in to the game..... Yeah that's kinda understandably upsetting man.
    Sjd76 and KimchiGoddess like this.
  12. KimchiGoddess Augur

    An hour and 15 mins after I had a 61m queue I now have an 85m queue. I've already been waiting 75 minutes and I highly doubt I'll get on in 10 more mins ... why even have a timer lmao. Just give me a spot in line that I can actually see moving.
    Dragon Jockey likes this.
  13. ethyre Augur

    And in another post, closed down a thread and directed people to go discuss in an existing thread (but that thread was deleted)

    A repeated behavior has the APPEARANCE of suppressing any criticism much like a corrupt draconian government does.
  14. KimchiGoddess Augur

    I honestly feel like it was a mistake on their part, but yeah there's no thread open to discuss this and starting another would likely end up in it being closed as well, lol.
  15. ethyre Augur

    The popularity of the Aradune server was foreseeable by everyone. They have a massive wave of customer interest. This is probably the best thing, financially, that's happened to EQ in a decade.

    The overwhelming login attempts and server crashes prove this.

    Their total failure in interfacing with customers, doing damage control, communicating is the really troubling part. They could have said to everyone "wow....great news for our gaming community! The response has wildly exceeded our expectations and so many people crashed the systems. Thank you all! We never dreamt of this! To support everyone, we are very sorry but we want to be fair so are taking all servers down for 48 hours to upgrade them so we all get to log in and play equally. Thank you for your understanding."

    That is how you "spin" a public relations issue.

    They could have turned this into a positive.

    But, instead they failed with the incorrectly written queue system, then failed to communicate anything, then restricted peoples' complaints then started stifling conversation. Their community relations and business leadership is completely inadequate. They are panicking and flailing around creating a public relations (and financial) disaster.

    In the words of Voltaire:

    Do not ascribe to malice, that which can be explained away by incompetence
    Datura likes this.
  16. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    At least KimchiGoddess emphasized it was the worst he/she saw it... You obviously never played the game back in the glory days of EQ if you think this was the "worst ever". Luclin Launch. Far worse... but the game goes on. This entire month has been an annoying month for the game with crashes and unexpected downtime. As was March... but it's still just a video game.
  17. Sikkun Augur

    You mean due to bot accounts spewing racist messages half the night? Pretty sure that’s what caused that change.
  18. Herf Augur

    LOL, that is awesome :D Makes me even happier that they locked a bunch of us out who didn't feel the need to share our personal phone numbers with DPaw.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  19. Sikkun Augur

    You mean the best thing to happen since last year when this same exact thing happened? Or the year before that.

    Come on how many posts have people made saying don’t expect to play the first day, servers are going to crash, etc. You guys can be angry, but feigning to be surprised is just amusing.
  20. ethyre Augur

    By "best thing" I mean the overwhelming customer interest is very good for a business that needs customers.