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Are we going to get any feedback on mounts?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. Volts Elder

    Selo is going off the rails.
  2. yerm Augur

    Just add one mount, just one, that has NO buff associated with it. Done. Fixed.

    Or, if it's easier, block mount buffs on tlps until x expansion. Just automatically block azia etc but leave in the sweet ride.

    This shouldn't be hard to program. Don't let them throw you under the bus here as the CSR. Just put something, anything, in that is a mount and people will simmer down.
    Yinla and Volts like this.
  3. Yorick New Member

    Okay so they were taken away due to balancing issues. That's what Roxxlyy said yesterday when it came to mounts and that they were working to figure out when they will be put back on the store. It makes sense to take them away on the new TLPs whether I agree with it or not, but do not punish Coirnav and the other TLPs for this.

    How can balancing issues on the new TLPs disrupt Coirnav?A server that had mounts for months and then were taken away for no reason.

    Why were mounts taken off the DB store on Coirnav and haven't been put back yet? I don't care about the new TLPs. I just want mounts back on Coirnav because they were there for months and never caused any issues.

    Sorry for the underlined and bold text. We just keep getting responses that are only relevant to the new TLPs regarding balancing when we would like some answers as to why they aren't available on Coirnav when there has never been a balancing issue.
    Volts likes this.
  4. Volts Elder

    I agree. If they were going to take away the mounts, they should have taken them away BEFORE they launched a new server at Luclin and BEFORE everyone spent money on DBG points. Also pretty lame to take them off of the other server that have had them forever. If they want to change the buff, go for it. Everything else was a really bad call, IMO.

  5. Beggly Augur

    I don't remember if I bought a mount on Coirnav. I don't care, I'm not going to be playing there again, but if I do, I would hope you would reimburse me for the cost of the mount. You should reimburse any mounts that you have rendered unusable.

    I think the issue of mounts is a strange one, I agree that you should disallow the ones that give stat bonuses. However, I also do not see a problem with having mounts in the servers that are at Luclin level. If you can buy it for plat, you should be able to buy it with station cash. Limit the mounts that are available to those with no stat changes until they would become available as expansions open.

    When you make changes, you really should let people know about it.
  6. Machentoo Augur

    They did. In DBC. The problem is that they won't reimburse $$ for purchasing the DBC.
  7. Montag Augur

    Then why don't they just put in mounts without the buff?
    Volts likes this.
  8. Volts Elder

    Let's assume you are correct. Makes sense, they want to make money off of micro transactions, loot boxes, etc. Def the 2019 tactic sadly. I'd love to see their numbers on sales of these loot boxes over time vs say Agnarr mount sales on Luclin launch. All of this is great for them if people buy the stuff in the short term, but I don't think it will be good for either side in the long term. They need to factor in people who say, "to heck with it, time to finally retire, it's just not worth it anymore". Have your friends given you any clue on how many boxes you gotta buy on average? If they are selling for good Krono, DBG gets it both ways. People buying db points for the loot boxes and people buying krono to get the rare loot (or krono going up the chain to the haves from the have nots, creating more krono sales).

    They should have made some kind of announcement about the mounts before these servers launched, for sure. My enthusiasm for this game has plummeted since launch with this and the EXP. Maybe they'll make everything right and it was just a bump in the road. Who knows? I'm not optimistic.

  9. Montag Augur

    Well the fact that mounts were in game initially would seem to imply they meant to have normal 250/250/24 buff mounts available, but since they were "bugged" and giving 10x the normal buff they removed them and started this whole issue.
  10. How Bazaar Lorekeeper

    It's seeing a company like DBG making reckless decisions like this that makes me glad that I haven't had to pay for playing EQ pretty much since the Krono was introduced. I took my fortune, and it was vast through hard work in trade skills back on LIVE, and converted every plat into the infernal things from nearly the get-go. Along the way I have seen decision after decision after decision from the game "controllers" cause no less than severe consternation and rebuke from those that play. There are far too many complaints to relist and rehash in this post...but to see a TLP feature offered as one that was becoming nearly a standard on TLP servers based on a timeline release, removed, to promote gambling on crates is very close to the last straw for even this player. My decision to play is not always based on what I can get, I know I might be somewhat of an exception to the "still paying to play this game", but when even I am thinking about hanging it up, and it's free for me to play, they have truly reached the bottom of the barrel. The only thing left is to pick up the barrel and see if DBG is under it, because I feel that the bottom of the barrel is not as low as DBG can go yet.
    Rile and Volts like this.
  11. ZeeK Elder

    Please put DBC mounts back in for all servers with Luclin unlocked. With or without the buff. Yeah 250hp + whatever stats is minorly OP for a Luclin fresh launch server but does it really matter now? Even a no buff mount at SoW speed I will buy.
  12. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    We will add some mounts to the marketplace in the April patch. They are new items and we cannot add items without a full patch.

    At this time we are not giving additional information on these mounts.
    Nareena likes this.
  13. ZeeK Elder

    Thank you for this decision! Can you at least tell us if they are going to be available for a server with Luclin? I assume yes.
  14. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    They will be set to be sold when Luclin unlocks until Gates of Discord unlocks when they will go away (But other mounts are available when Gates of Discord unlocks)
  15. Greymantle Augur

    Ya know i coulda sworn the title said " Are we going to get and feedbags on mounts?"
    Prathun likes this.
  16. Rotlust Augur

    When will the april patch be? Is there a certain day they patch like the first Wednesday of the month?
  17. a_librarian Augur

    Third wednesday I believe, it shows up on /calendar in game on the 17th
  18. a_librarian Augur

    Looking forward to the riot when the new horses are JBoots speed and they don't come out and say this ahead of time
  19. Volts Elder

    Probably go down something like this:
    They offer one from Luclin to GoD that moves at walk speed for 2500DB, but it won't go in until mid PoP and will come in bugged so they will have to remove it immediately, only bringing it up a few weeks before GoD when you have to buy some new horse.
  20. Olivine New Member

    Same here. I put some money into points for the sole purpose of buying mounts. I'm none too thrilled about this either.