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Are we going to get any feedback on mounts?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. yerm Augur

    Mounts, much like bags, were basically them printing money. It doesn't make financial sense to cut them even for a loot box scheme. Sure, it might make make a buck now, but at the expense of a pretty stable market that people were paying into every few years, tlp after tlp.

    It really does blow my mind that the daybucks purchased prelaunch money machine would get sabotaged. Everyone knows this model makes the company bank. If mounts (even no stat pleb mounts) do not get put in ASAP that faucet turns off for future tlps.
  2. Trox2010 Augur

    Lol, nice. Wonder how DBG going to respond to that; probably delete your post and pretend it didn't exist is where my money is.
  3. ThenaEQ Augur

    yeah probably
  4. Kahna Augur

    While the exact numbers are obviously manufactured they serve to demonstrate the point. There are far more people willing to drop $25 on a guaranteed mount, often for multiple characters, then are willing to gamble on one. You only need to look at any raid on any of the other TLPs to see every caster sitting on a store bought mount to understand that. If this was just about cash they would have left them in.

    This is one of there attempts are balancing the game even if it loses them money, which is something they have done in the past. Like the time they removed clarity, haste, and run speed potions from the game, and only put them back in when we complained about it.
    Taladir likes this.
  5. Rotlust Augur

    Sorry but you are dead wrong. There is a reason this is an industry standard. Most people I know bought at least three or four boxes. You only need that many to reach the same amount as the mount.

    I also know people who are buying them by the dozens to make krono from the mount. These are the people they do this for.

    Metrics don't lie. You are wrong on this one, apologist or not.

    If this wasn't about the loot box mount and really about the buff, they would have taken the buff off of the store mounts just like they did the box mount. They would have disabled the box mount on selo. This is about trying to apply 2019 tactics to a 1999 game. Work or not, that is obvious.
    Reht likes this.
  6. HoodenShuklak Augur

    All this DBG cash and nothing to buy...
  7. Renshu Augur

    It is about the cash. They got my cash and I don’t have a mount. If they wanted to “balance the game”, they would have made a special mount for Selo without the buff (you know like the one in the loot boxes). They messed up here big time. They knew everyone was expecting mounts. Everyone was posting about it here.
    Rile likes this.
  8. BarfJello New Member

    I just got an account warning for asking this in the EXP thread. The only thread that has shown life of customer service for the past week and a half.

    Sorry for "derailing" that thread. I will ask here.

    I spent $100 for daybreak cash to buy station mounts that I had every right to believe would be available only for them to be removed without any notice or reason why.

    Can you please tell me when I can spend the $100 I gave you?
  9. Yorick New Member

    GM Woebot told me in a ticket that I submitted that they wouldn't return until Omens of War on Coirnav...

    Yeah I am not happy either. Strange that they take away mounts on the same day they add loot boxes where you can gamble to get mounts, right?
    Montag likes this.
  10. Roxxlyy Augur

    We are working to determine when marketplace mounts will come into play on the new progression servers, and will let players know when we have more to share.
  11. BarfJello New Member

    When was it decided that marketplace mounts caused an imbalance? I've had one for a really long time on Agnarr. Was it before or after the servers released? If was before I hope you can understand how frustrating that is for someone that piled on cash to buy mounts on a Luclin era starting TLP.
  12. Yorick New Member

    I agree 100%. It was all based around the new TLPs when they dropped there was a bunch of problems on Daybreak's end that allowed a select amount of people to buy mounts that had a buff that gave them like 2500hp instead of 250 or something along those lines. Somehow their logic is because we screwed up the mounts on one server all servers should be punished. It makes no sense from a business standpoint unless they are really banking on being able to force people to buy loot boxes and gamble their way to a mount. On top of that apparently they took away most of the mounts people bought without refunds, but allowed some to keep them. I can't confirm this, though. It was just something I saw on here and reddit, but they had screenshots.
  13. Tornat Augur

    please just take the buff off them , my wife really wants a Horse with wings it was a selling point to get her to play lol
  14. Yorick New Member

    First of all, thank you very much for a reply on this.

    That makes sense for the new servers. Why are the older servers being punished as well? Mounts have been on Coirnav for months and they were working fine so why take them away?
  15. HoodenShuklak Augur

    It is crazy that they figured out it was an imbalance at launch.

    Now, it probably was an imbalance when we were all naked level 1s... but that is over. It will never be reality again on Selo.

    The reasonable thing to do at this point is put the mounts back in and simply disable mount buffs for the first 1-2 weeks of TLP servers in the future if the early balance was the concern.
    Rile, Volts and Barton like this.
  16. NiNiK New Member

    Tanks you fer reply, Lady Roxxlyy! Pease dun fergets gnot-gnew progression servers! Alla growned up gnomes on Agnarr gots puppies, but baby gnomes can't has 'ems! Dis terr'bly tragic!

    *gets out her box of crayons and goes back to drawing pictures of puppies wolves and worgs in the margins of all the previous posts*
  17. Volts Elder

    The way this mount business was handled left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. I hope you all can make it right.
    Rile likes this.
  18. HoodenShuklak Augur

    lol, they never do!
    Rile and Volts like this.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Shouldn't this of been worked out before the release of the 2 new servers? Especially with Selo being released at Luclin and advertised as mounts being enabled.

    Why is Selo being treated differently to other TLP servers who all had mounts enabled in the marketplace on reaching Luclin?

    A solution to this issues at your earliest convience would be very much appreciated. We have already had a lack of mounts for 11 dayas.
    Barton and Volts like this.
  20. Numiko Augur

    Don't forget Selo was supposed to be the super casual server, and everyone knows super casuals love to walk everywhere! :p
    Rile and Yorick like this.