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Are we going to get any feedback on mounts?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. Montag Augur

    So pulling the 250hp/mana 24 AC buff mounts from all TLPs isn't exactly a popular move, though understandable if they were bugged on Selo and giving 2500 hp/mana and 120 AC like some have said.

    But, like, can we get word on when they'll be put back in place? Apparently a GM responding to a ticket said they'd be tied to Gates of Discord.Do any players want that?

    And what are you gonna do take away mounts on Agnarr that people have had for two years? If you wanna kill Agnarr off that would probably do it. Or leave the current ones and not sell more? That's not good either.

    Just put the mounts back in Luclin and make sure the buff is actually working at only 250/250/24 like it's supposed to. Or remove the buff entirely. The fact that any energy at all is being spent on this when things like the multi-year delayed necro dot revamp, which has turned a once popular class into a unicorn class, is really worrisome.
    YourNameHere and Yorick like this.
  2. KPW99 Lorekeeper

    Don't worry, they left a handful of the marketplace mounts in
  3. RandomStrategy Augur

    I am still upset they nerfed paladins with that last AA damage rebalance. I still wasn't doing for damage, but they screwed me over anyway. I hear ya on the necro revamp though...I wouldn't mind them re-upping the paladin melee damage a bit...
  4. Yorick New Member

    In my post I made on here last night GM Woebot told me they were gone until Omens of War(Sept. 25th I think), but also said it is a tentative change and they could come back at any time. I was asking about Coirnav, but from a business standpoint DBG is once again shooting themselves in the foot.

    Their timing is nothing short of predominant. The same day that we celebrated the 20th anniversary and the stupid gnomish lootboxes came out all of the mounts are gone on servers that had them the day before. It's a really bad move. They screw up Selos ruleset, server launch day was a disaster, and guilds are cheating their way through content on Selos without repercussions, but I expected all of that. I didn't expect them to pull scumbag moves like this. All they are doing is forcing me to put together a Seru raid or something to get a free mount instead of giving them $25. There is no way I am gambling on stupid lootboxes.

    I've said a lot of this same stuff in my post here with the conversation I had with the gm where he told me they were gone until then copy pasted: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...-store-mounts-gone-until-omens-of-war.256476/
    Rile likes this.
  5. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    If they put mounts back in Marketplace during Luclin at the very least those mounts should cap at 10% runspeed like the 10k mounts from the bazaar are.

    Selos speed mounts shouldn't be available immediately in Luclin considering fast horses are considered raid loot in this expansion.
    Maedhros and Taladir like this.
  6. a_librarian Augur

    The raid horses are already faster than the marketplace mounts
  7. Rotlust Augur

    You know there drop rate (the ornate ones) was greatly reduced when they became soloable and still are reduced on TLP, right?

    This is about loot boxes. This is about loot boxes. This is about loot boxes.

    They took the buff off the mount in the loot box for TLPs, they could have just as easily done the same.

    This is a sleezy modern tactic that EQ is adopting. Do not apologize for them.
    Rile, Yorick and Hinastorm86 like this.
  8. Tornat Augur

    I agree with above it isnt about the buff it all , it's all about the Loot boxes and im guessing they will never return to just buying a mount flat out it will only be loot boxes. Way to many people bought into that garbage .
  9. Kahna Augur

    This is not about loot boxes. Not even remotely. It is not the first time DBG has made a choice that made them less money. Loot box mounts make them a fraction of the money that the other mounts did. Few people bother gambling hundreds of dollars on the loot box mount, it's just not worth it to most of the population, even with no other mounts in the store. So you have, on the high end, maybe 100 people willing to blow $100 on a loot box mount, and maybe a couple hundred more willing to throw $7-$21 dollars at the attempt. Compared to store bought mounts, where 90% of the server is dropping $25 for themselves and their 2-3 alts. It's not even close monetarily. Not to mention that for the amount of money someone would have to drop on the loot box mount, unless they were stupid lucky, they would be better off just buying a few Krono and getting the 100k plat mount (on every server but Selo).

    They took them out because they felt it was unbalancing on the brand new Luclin server, as to why they are keeping them out, rather than changing/removing the buff and putting them back, I'm stumped, but it has nothing to do with the loot box mounts.
  10. a_librarian Augur

    yeah they have to be making disgusting money off of people who can't control their spending when it comes to gambling.
    Volts, Rile and Yorick like this.
  11. a_librarian Augur

    Microtransaction models are disproportionately supported by huge spenders (aka whales)
  12. ThenaEQ Augur

    seems like some people on selo's were able to keep their mounts. very interesting
  13. Hinastorm86 Augur

    Yorick likes this.
  14. Yorick New Member

    Exactly this. Just like I said this is all about loot boxes. I mean just look at the timing.
  15. Yorick New Member

    Then why did they take them off the store for the other TLP servers as well? Coirnav had them for months and you think it's just coincidence the mounts were gone the same day the loot boxes got added into the store?

    Even if it wasn't because of loot boxes why does the release of new severs change the availability of items on older server's stores that already had mounts? It makes absolutely no sense.

    It really looks like it is about loot boxes and trying to force us to gamble on those instead of being able to buy them outright.
  16. Trox2010 Augur

  17. ThenaEQ Augur


  18. Nessirfiti Augur

    Come to Phinny, We still have mounts!
  19. Renshu Augur

    I got account warning for calling this a money grab on another thread. The fact that they would give me a warning for this says quite a bit IMO.
    Rile likes this.
  20. Montag Augur

    I hope you at least washed those numbers off after you pulled them out of there. 8-p