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Are people really okay with Tower Gear?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Anduven, Jul 18, 2024.

  1. Anduven Lorekeeper

    Yes I know this horse has been beaten. Don't open the thread if you don't want to read it.

    But now that everyone is done with the level grind and has nothing to do but raid...have opinions changed about Tower Gear?

    Really struggling to see the point of raiding when nothing is an upgrade until PoP. And even then, Im assuming lvl 65 tower gear will be on par with top tier raid loot.

    WTF is the point? Seriously?

    And before someone says "herpderp Vex Thal gear is way better." Umm, show me what items you're talking about? The best items in the xpac are a 5hp and some AC upgrade, and some stats which are all maxed anyway. Compared to items you could get solo 2 weeks into Kunark. Utterly stupid.

    I've spent time getting 5 sets of tower gear for all my toons and I would still be thrilled if they deleted it all tomorrow.
    Cidran, Taladir, Doze and 1 other person like this.
  2. PotatoPowa Elder

    One of the dumbest most ill thought out intrusions into the game I have ever seen, tbh.
    Cidran, Ishbu, Nanner and 5 others like this.
  3. Zalphos Augur

    I'm not into raiding but... a single piece of tower gear seems to have better stats than all the solo/group items I've gotten in the past 2 months combined. It's souring the TLP experience, making everything feel like a waste of time. I don't know what they were thinking, and I support deleting it all.
    Cidran, Xxav, Jahtw and 1 other person like this.
  4. mark Augur

    well teek is the most popular server ever in eq and most people in my guild love the tower gear even the ones that dont are wearing the tower gear.
    to delete it now would lead to a major upseting of the teek population.
    Risiko likes this.
  5. ChompChimp New Member

    I agree that tower gear has ruined the experience. Makes raids pointless, because the gear is worse. But also there is pressure to be tower-geared to attend raids. It is just so far outside the appropriate gear range it makes no sense.

    Tower gear should be things like illusions or ornaments. Stuff that looks good, but doesnt un-balance the game. Not gear that trivializes the next 4 expansions.

    Still 5 more months of this garbage to come.
    Cidran, Doze and Anduven like this.
  6. Progress Augur

    Honestly the tower gear was made for Teek. If you dont raid it is great. If you do raid it doesnt really affect you at all. At the end of the day it is nice to get the out of combat regen and mana regen from anniversary gear, which makes groups run much smoother. Most of it will be nil come PoP and then it will be back to business as usual as far as selling gear for Krono.
  7. Jahtw Journeyman

    I finished my epic the same day the tower earrings came out, and the earrings were a MUCH bigger upgrade. It was a bummer.
    Also, tower gear feels great to wear right now but it has made it so that geared toons right now are basically exactly as powerful as they will be in six months. It's gonna get dull.
    Cidran, Taladir, Doze and 1 other person like this.
  8. Anduven Lorekeeper

    There are many logical fallacies in this comment.

    1. Correlation =/= causation. Teek would be popular without the existence of tower gear. There's a stronger argument that tower gear will hinder Teek's popularity in the long run considering it trivializes the main point of the ruleset once people reach end game. I would bet DPG is already seeing an inflection in the player retention curve. Of course, without data, we are both speculating.
    2. I doubt most people in your guild "love" tower gear. What does "love" mean? Have you done a survey?
    3. I am wearing tower gear and I created this thread. What does that prove?
    4. "Major upsetting of the Teek population" -- please go on. The existence of tower gear is already a "major upset" to a significant portion of the population. Removing it would make a large population happy.
    Doze likes this.
  9. Anduven Lorekeeper

    Please explain this comment because I raid and it affects me significantly, to the point I will likely not continue playing much longer.
  10. Progress Augur

    If you are in a guild that raids then the anniversary gear doesnt affect your ability to raid. Sure the extra mana regen and hp regen is nice but it is not game breaking and doesnt block you from being able to kill current content. In Velious the gear in ToV is better AC and better ratio for weapons so even if you have tower gear there is a reason to raid ToV.
  11. Anduven Lorekeeper

    Interesting. I take it that you don't raid, so with all due respect, you seem to be missing the point.
    Doze likes this.
  12. Doze Augur

    Like you then I got lvl55 Tower gear on all of my toons that can equip it. I would feel foolish not to wear BiS if at all possible (and the lvl55 Tower gear will remain so until at least Luclin), but doing so without having to raid have - so far - given me little to no incentive to raid or even join a guild.

    The jump in stats from the lvl45 to lvl55 Tower gear is massive, but oddly enough then the increase in stats from the lvl55 to lvl65 Tower gear is quite small by comparrison.

    As I argued before Teek/Tormax even went live then they don't need to delete the lvl55 Tower gear and make it unavailable on Teek/Tormax - they just need to reduce the stats on it by like half (or at least 1/3).
    I highly doubt DPG will change anything about it though.
  13. Morningwood New Member

    I didnt even know about tower gear until I had all my tradeskills above 150 or so in preparation for doing the prayer shawl in velious. A prayer shawl was like a second epic to me. Now its a dish rag.
    I thought focus gear might be more desirable, like a wizard might opt for improved damage 3 cloak over a tower cloak but not so sure.
    Taladir likes this.
  14. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    If you are upset about tower gear, that is all on your own shoulders.. We knew the gear would be on the server prior to release. I my self am only playing on Teek because tower gear was going to be there, and we knew it prior to the release of the server.

    You still need to raid for haste, you still need to raid for focus effects, you still need to raid for weapons.

    If you want to play on p99 or quarm those experiences are available to you.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  15. Weathervane Journeyman

    You're either someone who showed up with the intent of selling a lot of raid loot or someone who gets salty when plebians have the same cloak as you.

    How does tower gear actually harm you? If your opinion is that it trivializes content then you probably don't want to hear that Kunark (and for that matter Velious) encounters aren't actually difficult. Hide the clerics behind a corner, joust the aoe, adjust if a tank dies. This never was challenging content and the loot was never character defining outside of some niche items like the SoW sword, cleric epic, or AoN for skeleton illusion.

    You're making wild assertions that the anniversary tower (which was clearly stated by the devs would be available at server launch) somehow devalues raiding in an era where raiding and gearing, especially with focii disabled, amounts to a moderate time sink for poorly itemized trash.
  16. AethDW Elder

    The “problem” is less with the tower gear and more with the rest of the gear in early EQ (especially this early but even until item effects become standardized in like … SOF?) having such dreadful itemization.

    So yes it’s a step in the right direction. They should also at the least bring back item effects working pre-Luclin and think about having low level defiant (crude, rough, maybe ornate) drop from the classic trilogy MOTM bosses to better differentiate raid and group gear like in more modern EQ.
  17. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    This is a great thought really, you can even start to include all the hotzone items that have never been included on past TLPs, or other items that were deemed out of era like VP 1.0. Its been a breath of fresh air to have a new itemization path on teek.
  18. Weathervane Journeyman

    Focus Effects will absolutely change the perception of certain tower slots come Luclin. Until then you have dumb things like monk BiS arms in Kunark being Nathsar Vambraces.

    The issue is not that tower gear excessively strong. Yes, it's very powerful for the era. The OP's issue remains that they're either salty missing out on Krono sales or don't derive any enjoyment from the game without feeling superior to other players.
    Flexin likes this.
  19. Doezit Lorekeeper

    The OP's goal seems to be to take away others' enjoyment of the game. DPG added a fun rewarding quest series in the Tower but a few just can't allow others to have fun.
    Once again, "This is why we can't have nice things."
    Flexin likes this.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Nothing is an upgrade? What about the slots that you can't get from the tower? What about the focus effects that you can't get from the tower? What about the various clicks that you can get that you can't get from the tower? There is more to deciding what item is best or needed besides raw stats.
    Magician9001 likes this.