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Aradune Update 6/10/20

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by dreamweaver, Jun 10, 2020.

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  1. Neferakhen New Member

    Because moving up in the queue depends on people logging off/crashing. Average wait time does not equal you will get in exactly at this point. It is a system. A 20 year old queue system
  2. Queezy New Member

    why arent you doing something about the 3rd party programs keeping these jerks online while afk for hours. all this exp bonus is doing is rewarding those who get to play but still does nothing for those who sit for hours on end waiting.
    Umdebus likes this.
  3. Diffusion New Member

    This is absolutely insane. Normally pretty tolerant of this stuff as its expected the first few days but weeks? Come on! Spent two hours in a que only to be disconnected 20 mins later and end up in que for another 2+ hours is absolutely ridiculous.
    Exp gain compensation is a joke as well. You can't even compensate correctly. Way to drop the ball and then kick it out of the court.
    What a joke.
    Rebelicious likes this.
  4. Vudu New Member

    The queue is a pretty big "screw you" to people with kids or people on a tight schedule. Sadly, I cannot neckbeard the game anymore.

    I'd rather the zone times and disconnects. At least you can get back online and drop back into the game. Don't pander to the sweaties out there who can't manage a random D/C.

    And here I thought normal folk might have had a chance to relive the glory after a week of queues.

    Addendum: by adding a queue time to stabilize the server, you are preferring quite a few people not play the game as opposed to letting people deal with increased zone time and crashes where people can, quite likely, log directly back in to play.

    Applying simple maths should allow for some insight into how many people you are frustrating with their inability to get online. I'm guessing most people would rather be online and deal with server instability than not. Just a hunch based on the forum traffic after the queue reinstatement.
  5. Niwanif Journeyman

    It's 2020.

    This is unacceptable for the age of the service and the advanced technology we have these days, cheaper storage, better bandwidth, superior DB performance, etc.

    This shouldn't be happening at all.
    PanCakeMix likes this.
  6. Vudu New Member

    No, it shouldn't. But it is. This is about the developers making a choice, not about getting everything we want right now.

    I'm simply letting them know that I believe they are making the wrong choice. I shouldn't have to spell out that the choice to run a queue will likely make the most negative impact on their revenue over the long term.

    Sometimes when you play whack-a-mole, it's better to let that one go than miss them all trying to play catch up. By reinstating the queue, the company is choosing to chase that one they are behind on and missing more in the long run.
  7. Niwanif Journeyman

    I've been in the queue for 3 hours since noon.

    I pay money to have access to this service that their incompetence is preventing me from using. On top of this, the incompetent losers are quiet about it.

    They aren't saying they're working on it. They are doing nothing.
  8. Danx New Member

    So I had a 3 hour queue. I figured I'd spend that time doing a few other things. About 2 hours into it I went and clicked the play button again to see the current queue time but it logged me into a different server, so had to quit and start over again, now with a longer queue time.. Motherf&#$*&... It's not worth it just to enjoy the game when I'm not enjoying it. I'll just go back to a normal server and try to figure out how far behind I am since last time I played the max level was 70. So that was like 20 expansions ago.
  9. wharfrat New Member

    Do you think they're incompetent, or just don't care?
    It's been 2.5 weeks. Unacceptable is an understatement.
    Niwanif likes this.
  10. Danx New Member

    I think they just don't care. How difficult is it to setup servers to run a 20 year old game. With the current technology and processor speeds, with the huge amounts of ram that can be put into a server, there is no excuse for not having the power to host a few thousand people.

    Spend half of what you made from people resubbing for one month and add a few dozen modern processors and a couple TB of ram.

    And bandwidth is not an issue, this game uses next to none. Even someone who plays a good amount will use maybe 100m of data in a week, remember we used to play this on dial up? Even my home has a 1 gig connection and I live in the mountains, so they can't blame it on that either.
  11. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Normally, I don't care about TLP problems, but damn...y'all gettin' screwed.

    I like how they dropped this stink bomb of an "update" and then are never heard from again. That's just a slap in the face to people who came back and paid specifically for this server. I think it's just more proof that a) they don't learn from their mistakes, and b) don't really care.

    My only suggestion to DB/DP is this: perhaps you should stop launching new TLP servers because you seem to suck at it...at least this go around.
    Niwanif and Arog like this.
  12. Lolthe Journeyman

    the problem is, you have to have an active subscription to play on the TLP servers, having a queue time of 6-7+ hours kind of discourages the customers of paying. You can play the live servers for free. I cant speak for every person, but having a little longer zone times and still being able to play would easily trump having to spend 1/2 a day trying to get in (peak hours), especially for people who work a lot, and want to spend some downtime unwinding an interacting with their friends. Yes this game has been around for 21 years. I stopped playing when I went to college back in 2002. To come back to the game years later and have missed out on the content that people don't worry about on live servers, makes for a rough time. Joining a TLP server as it launches gives similar people that are returning as I have a chance to relive the old content, and experience the content they have missed out on instead of rushing to max level just to do the Current endgame content currently on the live servers. I was in Queue for 8 hours today (average wait time said 131 minutes). Not that big of a deal, just turn on Amazon Prime and watch a few episodes of a series im watching and boom time goes by fast. but after 8 hours and still not able to push through to character select, I just closed the client down. Now for me, I work night shift so im not able to play but during so called peak hours of the day as I sleep most of the morning into the afternoon. I am basically paying for a subscription to a Queue... Where is the fun in that?
  13. Arog Augur

    Agreed. I hope this is their last TLP because each one they launch has more problems than the previous one. I thought Mangler was really bad but it was not even the same category of disaster as this one is. I am sure the existing TLPs would appreciate it also if they didn't keep launching new TLP every year and stealing their population.

  14. Hyrax New Member

    What is an acceptable wait time? Wow classic had a similar issue for a few days before they rolled out fixes.

    My queue time currently says 283m. I understand that the team is working as hard as they can but this is an issue that ruins the experience for much of the player base and that will actively cost DB/DP money. Many of the players on Aradune probably don't play on any other live server. They are specifically paying to come back for this server to re-live a classic game and the queue times are ruining that.

    - People can't level with their friends
    - Guilds can't raid
    - This is actively encouraging people to cheat and setup autoclickers

    Please help us with a fix soon. This is painful for the community that love this game.

    Would it be so bad to split the server now and then re-merge them once a solution to scale is in place? Or please let us know what the plans to address this are.
    scaethach likes this.
  15. scaethach Scholar

    Resubbed my husband in hopes of being able to play a little bit. 2 days in a row he's gotten zero played time because of the queues taking the entirety of his available day. He skipped out of work early today to try to get ahead of the queue, 7 hours and 2 crashes where character select failed and he's done. Not sure what the errors are in the queue, but after each he tried logging into FV and mangler and had no problem, it's Aradune specific.
  16. DamastaShonuff Journeyman

    289 minute queue. You guys are out of your mind if you think that is acceptable at ANY time. A 5 hour wait???
  17. Arog Augur

    The queue would be shorter if people actually logged off. Just saying.
  18. Hits New Member

    how can you, in good conscience, charge people for this game, when there is a 5 fracking hour queue to even get in!? Are you even serious here?????
  19. Powersurge New Member

    Perhaps we need to file a lawsuit that forfeits their subscription fees for the duration of this debacle. This is absolute ridiculous. We need a third party mediator.
  20. Freetheweed New Member

    As it stands right now trying to log in.... 295 minute queue. How in any sense of a paid subscription is this acceptable or justified. Those that say well just play another server, that is like paying for options in a vehicle and not receiving those options. We pay a subscription to have certain options.
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