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Aradune & Rizlona Launch Date! - May 27

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by dreamweaver, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. #NoCheating New Member

    Well if you see some toons following, you’d know they’re cheating.

    It’s doable to move 2 toons by hand if you use 2 computers.

    It would be less costly on DPG for GM’s presence.

    So many players left this game because of bots, hopefully, this server will be, and stay clean.

    If not, I´ll be gone again.
  2. Corpsewake New Member

    Can someone who's been around the block clarify if they consider manned/attended conventional key broadcasting as "Automated/Unintended Game-play" or if they're referencing literally botting and not boxing?

    I've boxed on ragefire and live without problems so I'm speculating this will follow those rules on multiboxing. Sounds like Aradune is how all the other truebox ones have been and Rizlona is like live/older non truebox TLPs, yea?
  3. Lurka New Member

    Any news on this @dreamweaver

  4. Talimat Elder

    How does this not make sense? You want to box multiple accounts, go to Rizlona. The entire point of Aradune is some of us do not want to play on a server where everyone is boxing a ton of accounts and do not want to group with the rest of the server. The entire point of Rizlona is for you to be able to go box there. It's a win win.
  5. #NoCheating New Member

    Yeah, why so many ppl complaining when there’s a server for boxing multiples toons ?

  6. Sithil Elder

    Yeah because liking the 2 toon limit but wanting to be able to play both on 1 machine is exactly the same as wanting to 6, 12, 18 box. #getoffyourhighhorse.
  7. Risiko Augur

    I don't see how this will be enforceable because everybody knows someone that plays Everquest with their family living in the same house.

    Husband/wife duos are very common in Everquest. If booth of them 2 box, it's not going to be uncommon to see four characters following each other around in a group. You know there are going to be people out there reporting every group of more than two characters following each other around, so pretty much every family that plays together is going to get petitioned for "cheating" over and over.
  8. CasuallyHardcore New Member

    Has a start time been posted anywhere? If so I've missed it. Trying to take time off of work and I don't now if I need to leave early or take Wednesday the 27th off.
  9. #NoCheating New Member

    The most fun I had in EQ is at launch when hardly anyone was boxing.

    We used to group with ppl.
    lockjaws and Ajjantis like this.
  10. MattThePhat New Member

    I don't believe it's been posted. Someone mentioned that Mangler/Selo launched at 2pm PST. As for taking the 27th off, I'm taking the 28th off. There was several hours of crashes and instability with the launch of Mangler.
  11. Jenarie Elder

    Please advise server open time even if approximate.
    People who may want to plan time off from work are running out of time to be able to do it.
  12. Zapford Elder

    This is something I'd love to know. It would be nice to make a few characters up, and not have to just hope my names are available when I get home from work on launch day.
    Barton likes this.
  13. Kulaking New Member

    Hi, the last time I played Everquest was in 2001 (I played on Karana and than Ayonae Ro).

    I'm coming back to the game very excited to play on the new servers.
    Zapford likes this.
  14. Tidwaller New Member

    I'm here suggesting they release this friday, 5/15/2020. lets make it happen.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Bit difficult when the servers they will be using don't merge until 20th
  16. Tidwaller New Member

    you may be right, but things could maybe be sped up a bit.
  17. Barton The Mischievous

    I find it highly unlikely that they would do so, as some people have already planned around the announced release date. I don't even want to imagine how many extremely unhappy people would be posting if they altered it now.
    Barthorn and Yinla like this.
  18. MattThePhat New Member

    I've recently realized that this was probably their plan for a while now. I finally noticed that Memorial Day weekend is the weekend prior to the server launching and that they will, in tradition, likely do an XP weekend. Then launch the new servers 2 days after.
    CrazyLarth likes this.
  19. Raisehell Lorekeeper

    Pretty simple what theyre doin here. You wanna box? Go to Riz. Family you play with? go to Riz. You want to complain about aradunes truebox? well congratulations, the same server setup is available without it, go to riz.
    Sokanist likes this.
  20. tigersnack Journeyman

    ALL about the revenue from POTIONS and everyone spending money on new servers...even though we all KNOW they wont last!!
    How about starting a new TLP at LDON and slowly progressing from there?
    FOR THE LOVE of the EQ GODS, please NO MORE MONTHS of CLASSIC EQ!!!!! Give me 2 weeks MAX of Classic-
    Fippy- months of CLassic
    Phini- months of CLassic
    RAGEFIRE, LOCKJAW. MANGLER-----months of CLASSIC !!! Pull your heads out.. Start at LUCLIN or at least start at KUNARK