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Aradune & Rizlona Launch Date! - May 27

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by dreamweaver, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Cabbie New Member

    I do not understand the Truebox restriction on Aradune.
    If they implement a 2-box restriction per PLAYER, and will supervise it through GM presence. Then why make us all juggle with shabby laptops on the side and two mice & keyboards on the tabe and not just allow the two accounts to be logged from the same pc.
    Big QoL thing you know.
    And yes, leave Rizlona to the people who wish to go all out on the boxing thing.

    PS: 3months for Classic and Kunark (again!) is WAY too long. Make it 2 months or a direct Kunark launch which opens up pretty cool low level dungeons nobody ever used outside of PLing.
    Vlahkmaak and Mashef like this.
  2. IcebergDX Lorekeeper

    So I have a couple of questions as a returning player that was a casual player, and never have had more than 1 account.

    Question 1 - with the new server, if you want to start out with a Kitty, you cant start playing until Luclin, so you have to wait for 9 - 12 months after the server launches? Or if I want an Lizard, I have to wait until August?

    Question 2 - How many toons will I be able to have on my 1 lonely account on that server? 2? 14? somewhere in between?

    Question 3 - What the hell is boxing? Is that playing multiple characters on multiple computers? Or multiple characters on multiple instances of the game on a single computer?

    Sorry for the dumb questions, but I fell away from the game for a long time, and I am getting back into it a little bit, and I am just curious. Might consider starting a toon or 2 on the new TLP, just as a trip down nostalgia lane.
  3. Sokanist Journeyman

    1: it looks that way yes,,, things could change before launch but very doubtfull.
    most likely yes meaning you have to wait or play another race until than.

    2: i think its 8 toon slots on an all access account. (only 1 playable at a time offcause)

    3: yes and yes... basicly its 1 person controlling more than 1 charecter at the same time,
    however some servers are "True Box" servers which means that you may only play 1 charecter per computer.
  4. nazgull2k1 Elder

    450+ Replies of "Ugh wtf this sucks."

    DPG - "We made the right decision!"

    ... I let all my accounts lapse a month ago. Mangler is currently drudging through PoP, and literally EVERYONE is fuggin bored of it at this point..

    So your answer.. to the MASSIVE Mangler population.. thats entirely sick of the bs of POP is...

    "Here.. have some more PoP!"

    I didnt think Trump ran DPG, but apparently, its someone with the same IQ Level.
    Elskidor likes this.
  5. Febb Augur

    Have you read the OP? Things have changed since the announcement.
  6. Dumpling25 New Member

    How about a server locked at Velious? Or SoL? I have found that as soon as PoP unlocks, I end up cancelling my subscription and wait until the next TLP server unlocks just so I can relive the old school content. To each their own, for sure, but I feel like a neglected customer. I can't think of any reason why DBG cannot allocate some of their resources to open a server or two like this. I'm so tired of PoP TLP servers. I can't get P99 to work properly on my PC, and I'd much rather just play through this client... Please open up an old school server of some sort. Kunark and Velious are really great and I'm simply not very interested in content after SoL.
  7. Ambee Elder

    Them not catering to your every whim doesn't make you "neglected".
    Chatoyan and Skuz like this.
  8. Basalisk New Member


    Are we able to buy these now to be used on the new tlp server RIZLONA ???

    EverQuest Celebration Bundle

    EverQuest Celebration Pack

  9. Clueless Journeyman

    Is boxing on Aradune like it was back in 1999 where you need a 2nd computer?

    And boxing on Rizlona like the live servers where you can do so comfortable on 1 computer?

    Look I like how easy boxing is on the live servers so if Rizlona is like that Id be leaning towards that one.

    I do expect to drop off after a certain point I do like how bad the initial gear is.
  10. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    FTP accounts = 2 characters
    Silver accounts = 4 characters (but I think any characters made before around april 2013 are playable no many how many you have made already)
    Gold accounts = 8 characters

    You can add 3 more slots from the loyalty vendor (can do this on any server, so if its an older account that has loyalty, can buy on a live server):

    FTP = 5 slots
    Silver = 7 slots
    Gold = 11 slots

    You can add 3 more slots from the marketplace (I believe you still can, not looked at that for years though). This is the limit most people face for playable character slots.

    FTP = 8 slots
    Silver = 10 slots
    Gold = 14 slots

    If you played on Stormhammer server for that brief period it was around, you also had 2 more slots, no FTP account will qualify since they didn't exist. So usable character slots on an account:

    Silver = 12 slots max
    Gold = 16 slots max
  11. Xanathol Augur

    Speaking of IQs, this is perfect. :D
  12. Kaneras Augur

    It's probably not as hard as you think. The box crews are all on auto-follow and stack on each other, it's easy to spot.

    I've been playing on Mangler and having a good time, but each passing just gets worse with box crews and power levelers. They are like leeches that just suck the life out of the game.
  13. KimchiGoddess Augur

    The stacking thing from my understanding is using a third party program and the sticky command, which works better than auto follow.

    I have 3 that I play sometimes and when I use auto follow they spread out, they're not all on top of each other. The stacking just makes it obvious they're using a program. I have very limited experience with that program from an I played around on for a month in like 2013 that allowed it. The sticky command did the stacking and everyone in complete sync.
  14. Nollo New Member

    Ah I love you DBG~ I cant decide if I want to go with a casual 2 box with a server full of more social and classic styled, I always capped my boxing at 3 so that I atleast grouped with 1 other 3 boxer or 3 other players.

    Tho the All boxing on 1 PC is nice as I enjoy that ease of playing the squad, I usually cap out at 3 boxing and with that server I would go to 4 or 5 or 6 haha and I remember so many times on countless servers we had the 6 boxer or 3 or 4 or 5 6 boxers in guild and it kinda changes certain dynamics in terms of grouping with guild members after raids. I never liked when a 6 boxers made up 90% of the guild's main tanks, Cause then whenever the rest of guild needed to get things done, no tanks available, because all guild raid geared tanks are off doing content to build up the 5 boxes! and then the rest of players who Main DPS/Healers/Utility, all box half geared tanks for off raid hour content, it turns into massive extra gear needs haha.... and with that...

    ill decide on the 2 boxing server and group with human beings in a MMORPG!!!!
  15. Basak Augur

    Why this post though? You answered your own indecision so there would be no need for this post. I'll probably be on the multiboxing server to group with human beings myself. Have fun fine sir!
  16. Smallhands Elder

    You can change the distance.
  17. IcebergDX Lorekeeper

    Maybe i should just give up and leave the game, I am too old and not rich enough to sit here and spend money on 2 computers and try to run 2 characters at a time. I have enough just trying to run 1 character at a time. And I dont have uber characters now.
  18. TimeBreak Elder

    Limiting people to 2 characters - Cool, ok
    Enforcing TrueBox so those 2 characters have to be on seperate machines - Stupid

    I've got a 3 screen gaming computer that could probably handle a 24 man army in EQ and not blink an eye, but I'm required to break out a dusty laptop just to have a 2nd instance running?
    lockjaws, Vlahkmaak and Sub_Optimal like this.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You don't have to play more than one character, I'm sure there will be lots of grouping opertunities on Aradune :)
    Vlahkmaak likes this.
  20. Sokanist Journeyman

    as I understand it "True Box" was intended to reduce the amount of boxing, however...

    it looks like boxers either know how to cheat that system or simple buy lost of laptops as there looks to be as many boxers as ever before.

    so True Box doesn't apear to have had the intended effect, but instead ruining it for not normally boxing players who might box 1 or 2 more charecters.

    some pleople would describe me as a "box hater" but even I see no point in sticking with True Box on the Aradune server..... the True Box system will not magically remove all the box armies, why would it when it didn't for the other servers that has it.

    if Aradune is to be successfull with the max 2 charecter limit than the GMs has to perform nothing short of a miracle ! caurse True Box is NOT gonna do it

    so IMO you might aswell remove True Box from Aradune and let everyone box 2 charecter from same PC so its not just the ones with money for laptops or those who knowhow/willing to cheat.

    P.S. again thanks for removing PoP Lock :O) thumbs up
    Sub_Optimal likes this.