Aradune Guilds consolidated

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Vetis, May 10, 2020.

  1. Vetis Augur

    Your will. My hand.
    Goburs likes this.
  2. Thunder073 New Member

    10 of these 12 are 8pm EST... Terrible for anyone with a family =(
  3. Attila Augur

    Yeah, that's why we added an extra raid day. I mean if you're already going to get a divorce, you may as well have something to do.
    Goburs likes this.
  4. Protagonist Tank

    Join the PST mafia. We have good coffee and uncontested spawns.
  5. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    I have a family, so do most of my members. I let them vote on the times, they chose 8...

    Not everyone shares your view :)
  6. Silver-Crow Augur

  7. Vetis Augur

  8. Thez69 Elder

    good luck w that
  9. Myseri New Member

    The "TBD" one is disbanded and joined Toxic Few. Failures of Life is Fail's Guild.
    Vetis likes this.
  10. Protagonist Tank

    You could have just clicked the link next to the name to answer those questions.
  11. Vetis Augur

  12. Elvenwench20 New Member

    Spirits of Eventide start raiding at 11:30 pm EST not 11:30 am. Not enough coffee for that long of a raid!