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Aradune a GM enforced no box server?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kenshin11, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. jeskola pheerie

    Let me spell it out plain for that guy.
    Cheat programs have their own version of follow that doesn't care about the /follow command. Removing the /follow command will not disable Follow for cheat program users.
    Skuz and code-zero like this.
  2. Arrk Augur

    Removing follow eliminates the majority .... and leaves the minority using illegal software... At which point it becomes more obvious who is left using illegal software...

    Didn't say removing /follow fixes everything... but it is a start as the OP was talking about a NO box server.
    HappyPanda likes this.
  3. Accipiter Old Timer

    To whom? To you 1 percenters who don't box? Botting is a blight. Boxing is just boxing.
    Bullsnooze and Skuz like this.
  4. Accipiter Old Timer

    If you want to truly kill EQ, disable /follow.
  5. Febb Augur

    Anywhere there is tradable loot, bots will be there. The devs know this and the company knows this. They would slowly need to redesign the early game like they did with later expansions. No Trade loot, and a new currency from certain quests to buy no trade gear. Keep tradeable items out of group camp spots where the majority of players are experiencing.
  6. Zansobar Augur

    They need to require installation of anti-cheat software that detects the different programs people are running - hopefully that would eliminate all these cheat programs.
  7. HoodenShuklak Augur

    We can be 100% sure they already have enough data about the players logging in, they just don't care to stop it. That's all we can logically conclude at this point.
  8. sauron69 Lorekeeper

    Any of you guys that want a no box server play past the first three expansions? I'd bet money the majority answer is no.
    Skuz likes this.
  9. Machen New Member

    I do.

    There's a significant population still on Ragefire/Lockjaw, higher than some of the more recent TLP's have.

    In fact I advocated for a boxing server that started in Luclin or Pop. The problems with boxers and content sharing largely go away once the content is instanced, so getting to that point asap makes more sense to me than slogging through the first three expansions an eighth time. Unrestricted boxing in classic will be a mess.
  10. Myrrdyn New Member

    If you want to kill botters and cheaters disable /follow
    Bullsnooze likes this.
  11. code-zero Augur

  12. Vicus Augur

    A gm enforced server will never happen not because it shouldn't be but because DPG's would never be able to meet that demand and in doing so it will just be another situation where "Truebox 2.0" was also ignored. There is zero benefit for them to go this extreme and make promises they might not be able to keep. It would just destroy any credibility they have and right now the credibility they have earned is that they do care but Truebox 1.0 failed them, they try hard, and they are overworked.

    Also at the end of the day releasing "new" tech and increasing GM "support" to block cheaters will ultimately fail. The cheaters will work 10x harder to bypass the system and profit off it then the devs are and have time to devote. The better plan is to work with the company that produces the afk programs and try to work together.
  13. Machen New Member

    Dunno how many times this needs to be repeated. People who are cheating have better options than /follow. Disabling /follow will only hurt legit players.
    Skuz and oldkracow like this.
  14. pvppipedreams New Member

    Sry Vicus but "the company" that produces afk programs is actually two separate entities. You, like most players, simply don't understand the problem.

    The original "company" has been working with them. The problem is there is a new rogue entity that has emerged which will not work with them. Which is why this problem has increased and proliferated.

    Imagine doing your research before posting on these forums...these forums are truly the height of irrelevancy in 2020. Imagine all the people in the world doing things that actually matter while the players in this dinosaur game post their "passionate pleas" into the wind of DPG's indifference and apathy. Imagine trying so hard to post about something that means so little in 2020, when it's obvious their own company shows a complete disinterest and lack of care about their own game.
  15. Machen New Member

    I'm quite sure Vicus knows this and is referring to the new company rather than the original company. He is not unfamiliar with these things.

    I can't imagine what incentive the new company might be given to work with DPG though. Their products are specifically designed to profit by doing what the original company agreed not to do. I guess DPG could offer up Mangler in return for restricting the software on new servers, much like was offered to eqmule with live. It's not a deal I would take if I were him though.
  16. pvppipedreams New Member

    • new bot program was created to bypass Mule's agreement to keep original bot program off TLP servers
    • that program's market is TLPs
    • creator of said program gives 0 F's about the integrity of the TLP experience
    How many years of non-enforcement of rules does it take for players to just accept that the game's integrity has been compromised?

    The sad reality is gm enforcement is the only thing that can save this game from the afk bots and warps, and they've already said they can't afford to staff the game with a competent CSR department. Everything else is just mindless speculation. I mean, why should we bother talking about this with any intelligence or effort when they have already thrown their hands up and told us they can't/won't spend any money on CSR. Either way, "can't" or "won't", the net effect is the same.

    Post all you want. Pray all you want. Hope all you want. When Aradune and Rizlona launch, you will see the same afk bots and warps you see on Mangler, because the only solution is gm enforcement.
  17. Manafasto Augur

    Why not bring back the Guide program to solve the lack of manpower? I truely want to start back full steam on Aradune but dunno if I am going to wait until June/July. You will never get rid of bots because someone will always out smart the EULA or means to prevent. I really do not want to see the CoS, Manastone, etc. being camped 24/7 preventing anyone to be able to obtain it themselves..
  18. Machen New Member

    Absolutely agree. The company has given no indication they will do what they would need to, to prevent this. At least on the non-truebox server there will be no illusions or false hopes about what we're getting.
  19. Bullsnooze Augur

    I totally disagree. GM intervention is only going to work a small percentage of the time.

    I was looking at the software folks use to cheat and it looks to be injection based. The reason why they go undetected is EverQuest's game engine (afaik) has zero memory injection detection. Integrating anti-cheat software (such as PunkBuster as an example) directly into the engine would render all 3rd party software designed to cheat useless. Not only would it render the cheats useless, it would be capable of banning HWIDs at the system level - eliminating VMs in the process. Of course this can be bypassed by clever folks, but at what cost? The cheating rabbits will be severely disadvantaged and killed off. :)

    In my opinion, Anti-Cheat integration is the only logical way forward for Dark Paw. If not, the cheaters will now roam free and TLPs will become ghost towns.
  20. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Disagree being locked out of content is much worst then bots effecting the in game economy negatively. You can lock people out of content by boxing you can't by botting. Boxing is more harmful to a server.